So basically I took a break from val and I came back on december 23rd, when I returned that day I saw my VPoints store thingy wasn't working it was loading for hours so I thought oh maybe it'll go away right?
It's been months, it's almost april and it still isn't working. Can someone please help me?
6 Replies
can you show me a picture? I'm pretty sure this also happened to me, and i just want to see if it's the same thing
because i might help
Valorant Points store not loading QUICK FIX (2023)
In this video you will find a solution for Valorant Points store loading forever..
1) You will need to hop in your antivirus settings
2) Find "Exceptions" or "Add exception" or something like that.
3) Find a path to "Riot Games" folder
4) Restart the game and buy a skin
That would be it, I hope that this video helped you
try this one
it really helped me out
I'll show you in a sec
Ty <3

Did it work?