is it ok if i switched around diff agents depends on the map and not maining just 1

I made this plan lotus- raze/jett sunset- jett/reyna ( i played unrated recently with reyna and it was quite good ) haven- chamber breeze- yoru/reyna ( i’ve had nightmares with cypher trips so no jett ) ascent- jett split- raze bind- raze/yoru this one not sure icebox- prolly jett ( i think ) fracture- eh raze prolly
14 Replies
raiden7mo ago
Yeah you could but I think it's better to main 1-3 agents So that your not switching around all the time
cuz those agents are what im best at at each map
raiden7mo ago
Also the breeze one, the cypher trips one applies to any map... I hope you know that How many times did u play those agents on those maps?
prolly like 5 and above
raiden7mo ago
Cypher trips one applies to all maps btw, not just breeze
but cypher is meta on breeze
raiden7mo ago
He's literally meta on every map pretty much.. He's the best sentinel
and like other maps like ascent i can updraft on gen true.. but i wont pick jett so much cuz her dash killed me many times💀
raiden7mo ago
idk it depends on how u entry Entry correctly and with ur team and u shouldnt be dying Idk I don't like this idea but I don't really think there's a problem with it
hmm well my gamesense is really ass my aim is just good not to say good but better than the others in my rank im gold 1 was gold 2 but dropped to gold 1 cuz uhm i was tilted and kept queuing peak gold 3 70 rr tho
OsWaynZz7mo ago
@jayy_aint_fucking_around. Let make it simple what do you like to play, how do you play ?
i dont like initiater n controller cuz im not used on helping to flash dog and smoke i use duelist cuz i just gotta entry thats all but chamber is just guns and a trip so i just trip and thats all i even have extra guns to use
OsWaynZz7mo ago
@jayy_aint_fucking_around. So you like to entry ? Then go for raze and jett they are the 2 best entry actually if you want take à third agent a one you like and you want to main
oh ok