VALORANT16mo ago

account locked

this is so dumb, my account has been locked for absolutely no reason (that i know of) i've told them every detail that i know, yet they still wont give me my account back? ive spent over 200 dollars on that account and i want my money back at the least. can anyone help? (ive made like 100000 tickets)
12 Replies
redcat16mo ago
ur not getting that acc back
cookieOP16mo ago
i dont care about the account what abt the money spent way too much
Stefan16mo ago
@coop2154 are you the creator of the account ?
ricekristies16mo ago
more tickets isn’t gonna make the probability more
cookieOP16mo ago
yes ik its a joke i made like 3 over the past months
ricekristies16mo ago
HunterXsun16mo ago
its so ezy to prove an account is yours
warrgy16mo ago
just dont hack nexr time
Seong Gi-hun
Seong Gi-hun16mo ago
hes locked out you can get locked out for many reasons GETTING hacked, suspicious activity, etc sometimes hacking but not 100%
Schmick16mo ago
7 💬 7 🔁 75 ❤️ 15,810 👁️
FixTweet / FixupX
Anti-Cheat Police Department 🕵️ (@AntiCheatPD)
Please do not waste money on buying ranked ready accounts as they are all BOTTED afked accounts and you will be banned eventually. ↘️ Quoting GamerDoc (@ItsGamerDoc) We have launched a bot ban wave on VALORANT. If you haven't manually leveled your accounts, the ban is correctly placed, and you will be met with the screenshot in the tweet. Re...
James15mo ago
VANGUARD15mo ago
VALQuestion If you require assistance, want to discuss a ban or an in-game restriction, if you were hacked or lost access to your account, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new. Alternatively, - If you need to recover your account because it was hacked for example, you can follow these steps. - If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them here. - If you were banned or received an in-game penalty, please read this article.

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