val 57 error
hello why i have so long this bug still not working i try to many time to reinstall the vanguar and still not working

10 Replies
have you tried restarting your pc?
this happens to me pretty often but if i close the game and re-open it work fine most of the time
sometimes i go in task manager and end all sessions involving val and riot client
or try opening file explorer and find something like this

open it
then find the Riot games folder > open it

Find valorant and open it then open a file named live and open it then you should see straight up valorant

right clcik on valorant and open properties
when opened go to compatibility and disable full screen optimization and make it run as an administrator

then go back to file explorer and open file ShooterGame > Binaries > Win64 and scroll down to find VALORANT-Win64-Shipping and do the same thing with the compatibilty in properties as we did valorant

i try so many time reinstall the vanguard reinstall all the game restart pc still not working