Could not install a required dependency.
Anyone know how to solve this problem? I did a clean reinstall (this is my 3rd attempt) and it still is showing up when I try to update the game
22 Replies
i gotchu bro
hold up let me get the vid rq
i cant send it
dm me when you see these msg if you want to know how to fix because i cant send link here
Disable your antivirus for the time being and update it
Got it
lemmke try it
If you still got the problem while antiviruses off then reinstall riot vanguard
i dont think that works
For some it does for some it doesn't
It work for people that the problem is their antivirus preventing the update from happening and riot vanguard is alright
for most people it didnt work but i found a vid that worked out for me
For the people that it doesn't work it because the riot vanguard is broken so it need a reinstall
wait but i didnt do that
Then wha did you do
stop reinstalling val
Val is not the problem
It riot vanguard
Val and riot vanguard is 2 different thing
But in riot client they put them together
So if riot vanguard is the problem deleting val will only delete val not riot vanguard too

So even if u delete val 100 time it would still be the same
itt worked without antivirus pogf
Because riot vanguard is not val
Yea try tha first before reinstalling riot vanguard because shi might get worst

Have fun playing
oh wait i mightve reinstalled riot vanguard
but heres what i did
i did run as admin in command prompt, then restart pc, then deleted riot vanguard folder run valorant as admin and restart and boom done
Running 2 commands I'm guessing
Yea tha reinstalling riot vanguard 

Can ya help me too ;c