i have a problem with ADS
with operator and marshal its the worst,
i use hold to aim, had this for a year comes and goes idk what triggers it
18 Replies
either hold your right click or change the option to toggle
-_- it keeps doin that even if i hold, im not stupid, something is wrong.
change it to toggle
thats not how it works
they should fix 

its nots riot problem lmao
you might need to turn off some of those graphs
might be destroying ur ping or something idk
well u got any suggestions other than changing my gameplay style?
nah thats not a problem
the graphs dont destroy ping
thats like saying an fps counter lowers frames
it just shows more specific info
Well if nothing works then nope, either change or deal with it

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yeah it does that for me too
silly little valorante but
any fixes?
usually you can switch to mellee qnd back to gun
or shoot gun a couple times
sometimes doesnt work tho
it doesnt work, like i had this bug for a while now, it comes like once every 15 matches, and sometimes the whole match is buggy with every weapon if i ADS, which i only do with snipers.
Just dont use ads or snipers
Problem solved