fps dropping
My game normally runs at 300 fps but recently has been dropping down to 80. Anyone know why?
16 Replies
i asked this a few months ago but no response yet...
check if it’s a client issue
go to settings>apps and see how much val is using your storage
if it’s a crazy number then you have to delete the game and reinstall
if it’s not that then try optimizing your pc for val
and if you want the best fps then close EVERYTHING except riot client and val
i had the same issue a bit ago but i optimized my pc and it has made my fps better
if you need help with that i can as well
@kimjisoo. No the big number is just visual bug
what if its 524 mb

no, valorant in the app settings never has accurate storage size. mine literally says 1,2tb even though my pc only holds 1tb. my sibling has 3tb and so on. its a visual glitch tho so dont worry

it’s not
it’s a corruption
then it’s fine
so try optimizing
mine always says mb
and my other friend as well
@kimjisoo. Okay then why when you check files they say there is no problem, 75% of valorant player have it ?
I play on 1280x720, went into the config file and lowered the scalability groups values to 0 and 3d resolution to 80
went from 70-80 FPS to 120-150 FPS 👍
that’s good
i’m just trying to help, no need to come at me, i just know that that’s what happened to me and it fixed my problem
also go to “choose a power plan” like type it in your search bar and make sure that it is on high performance
and go to graphic settings there should be a button that says “browse” click on it, i’m guessing that your valorant file is in your local disc but it could be different, click on riot game>valorant>live>shootergames>binaries>Win64>VALORANT-Win64-shipping, click on it and press add
then it’ll say two options, press “options” and press “high performance”
do the same steps again but this time go to “live” and press VALORANT and then add
then press options and high performance
this is probably a lot but there is another thing that you can do, i’ve seen tenz do it, basically right click on the valorant app thingy on your desktop(idk what that’s called im sorry) at the bottom it should say “properties” click on it then go to “compatibility, look for “disable full screen optimizations” click on it, then there is a button that says “change high DPI settings” click on it and there is a thing that says “override high DPI scaling behavior” click on that and apply
also when you start the game, open your task manager and go to “details” when valorant is opened or on the loading screen, find the TWO valorant things and right click on them and press “set priority” choose high for the both of them
the task manager thing you have to do every time you open valorant, you don’t have to if you think it’s too much work but it’s working very well for me, the other things i’ve talked about will be there forever so you don’t need to worry about them unless you delete valorant and reinstall
you don’t have to lower your resolution or anything, i play on 1920x1080 and it’s very smooth
oh and if you really want the best experience then put all your graphic settings for valorant to lowest
sorry you have to read all that😭
pretty much sums up what I have done in general, except I went into the config file as an extra to squeeze a few more frames out in exchange for less pixels
that’s good
I dont come at you i just explain this is not a corrupted files 👍
yes but it still proves my point on how its not accurate ;-;
i kinda noticed that as well😭