30 Replies
hope some1 help me as fast as possible

i tried doing that but still it didnt work
i restarted it
and restarted my laptop to
Maybe try to relog
how do i do that?
Log out
log in
oh i alrdy did that to
Everywhere I look it is telling me a simple restart should do the trick. Also can't find anything of the login queue being down.
Maybe try to restart (Not shut down) your laptop/pc 1 more time
so basiclly i just restart ?
(i alrdy did tho)
Maybe this video can help solve the error
How To FIX Valorant Error Code 59 || SOLVE Error Code Val 59
Having Valorant error code 59, 'There Was An Error Connecting To The Platform. Please Restart Your Game client'? We know how to fix it. The solution is as simple as watching this video all the way through.
If you have any sort of query, let us know in the comment section given below, we will be helping you with your queries.
If you like the vi...
still dont work :('
@tmessa listen ,if u tried everything ,restarted reinstalled etc etc ,then the problem is ur region ,u need to contact riot for that ,send a ticket and they will fix it because in that case ,u cant do anything abt it .
a9ight ty
❤️ i had the same problem when i made my acc
I had shit I needed to change in my bios when I first downloaded Valorant.
Valorant can be a pain in the ass sometimes
do any1 from here know what an isp is ?
bc when i contacted riot
they told me
call isp or sum like that
Internet service provider
how do i exactly contac them ? lol
Its the company that u use for internet
Go to their site or smth
i think i cant because the wifi isnt mine iits my parents
I dont know how it works honestpy
Heyy, You are not the only one who has encountered this problem. Try to wait for a little while and hope it get fixed by it self.
u can still call them u dont need ur parents to caall them
i want to check my night market lol
idk thier number plus i thinjk i need to go to a location of thier company to talk to them
Pretty sure some apps can show u
Not sure if its safe or not tho
im prtty sure u can just call them ,u can ask ur parents for their number
idk i hope u can fix it this sounds annoying
preety sure they will say no so i will just wait for it to fix it self
hope so
ty everyone for the help
ask ur parents or smth
or friends
well too bad
it also happened to me yesterday