My valorant is taking up space after i uninstalled it with the recycle bin
how do i fully uninstall valorant?? i got rid of vanguard but i couldnt uninstall valorant so i went to riot client and valorants folder and dragged it all in he recycle bin, they are still taking up 60 gb of space help
12 Replies
you have to clear the recycle bin
its not deleted until the bin is cleared
I did
Valorant still wont uninstall
type in valorant in the search bar
there should be an uninstall button
It brings me to the uninstall programs thing
And it doesn't show up
Riot client uninstalled
But i cant get rid of valorant
i have no clue then tbh
google might help
It's not there, i already deleted vanguard
i just did this and it worked for me

Riot client, vanguard, and valorant are completely undetected
Like the file is there but not the app
Go to yt and search I forgot what you need to type but its something on the windows button + R
You can access the remaining files there
Just be careful and donโt delete other files
are you on win10 or win11
Use cmd