Does anyone know what to do when a server crashes and it wont let you out of the lobby?
Ranked lobby crashed and I cant get out of the lobby despite force closing the game multiple times. Its been about 20 min
28 Replies
same thing happened here. waiting for about 35 min now
wait what elo are you, would be funny if it was the same lobby
i was on breeze
ahhhh even if it was same map, im asc so we couldnt
at least its not just me
im at a loss for what to do. ive un installed/re installed the game, restarted PC nothing works
damn those were my next 2 guesses
did it just DC you like a normal connection error?
yessir, lobby crashed. heard teammates complaining about lagging out and we could talk for like 5 seconds
they lagged out too?
Yeah, like the server itself crashed
alr alr

maybe a riot server just crashed
no matter how many times i just come back to this

well were both central server
i think the Illinps server might be down
still dont know why that would trap us in a lobby but hey
hey at least we arent losing RR right 😂
oh wait i just got out
9-3 CT side and we havent won attack
it was a good tac timeout tbh
im still in
did it just kick you to the lobby?
i just got sent to queue page
itll probably kick u out in a few minutes
fingers crossed
gl in your games man
that was frustrating tho. i was fuckin team mvp, down 1
and thanks, you too