banned unknown
Can someone help not sure what happened me and a couple friends have gotten this today never cheated or done anything

38 Replies
Probably banned for 3rd party software or scripts such as:
- Valorant Statistics Apps (Blitz, Overwolf, Rank Yoinker)
- Mouse Macros or Anti-Recoil Scripts
- Raw Accel
Those are only a few of many examples
Now if I qd with someone that was cheating/using any of those could I be banned
If you qd with them on purpose/knowing they are cheating, yeah
I made a lfg for a 5 stack
And his aim was sus
Me and my friends had no idea he told us he was immortal
So we 5 stacked with him and now we have all been banned idk what to do
u would be punished for being boosted in that situation. In ur case u were suspended for using a third party software on ur pc
We lost every game? We weren’t being boosted I don’t get it I was also immortal on that account
we werent being boosted we were losing
Explain that to support in your ban appeal. If they don't find anything sus on your PC and they don't see you constantly queuing with cheaters then they might unban your, I guess?
Yeah i just submitted a ticket
Hoping it works out very confused
Anyone know if you can get banned for using buff and/or outplayed 1 of the people said they had that
some people say thats an issue for them but i think 9 times out of 10 they have smt else on their pc they arent sharing
so i mean you maybe can but i think its unlikely
like same chance as getting banned for having discord unlikely
Yeah we had 2 randoms so I’m trying to find out what they had that they aren’t saying hoping riot gets back and says who’s it is because I have no idea
Who said you can get banned for blitz yoinker and raw accel tho
yoinker is kinda understandable but i doubt they would ban for that
ive heard a lot of people saying they got banned for tracking apps and/or raw accel (tho i dont know whether thats 100% true or not)
they also do ban for yoinker cuz thast what i got banned for a year ago <a:spinning_skull:1052970756830679081>
idk i see people use yoinker on yt and never got banned
i've been using Blitz and valorant tracker for all my time playing val
its not an instant ban i think
Maybe its just if people report you for it
if enough reports u get banned 

but yoinker is op thoi
you can lock before you get on the screen

So I got a message back accounts gone it said I was cheating and my friend his says he was playing with someone using cheats
its not a hardware ban tho
I have played this game almost everyday since beta
cuz li,ke they said u can play again
thats weird
i thought they only hardware ban when it comes to cheats
He got a hardware ban
Idk what they are doing
We are both so lost if I was the one cheating why are they telling me to go make a new acc
oh wait
you got banned bcuz of somone else?
im so conufsed lool
I have no idea
In the email it says I was the one cheating
But I have never cheated never queued with one
I feel like someone is just taking something personal
Idk guess my accounts gone full of skins
how many skins did you have?
like was it worth a lot
i still dont understand how you are able to just create a new account if they say you were cheating brh
Almost a grand
oh dang
Since beta
you could try to become valorant tfue
never buy skins again yk
Why this is annoying
Yeah ig
They are just ai working there idk
i mean maybe they thouht the 3rd praty app was like bad but not bad enough to be considered cheats so it was just one suspension?
idk they just make up new rules every day at this point lol
Friend got hardware banned and it said he was tied with cheaters
But we’re Qing together
They just decided I was cheating out of nowhere
i got permanently suspended for third party software, i think it was valorant tracker, sm youtubers suggested to use it tho