high ping after the login issue
i used to constantly get 20-30ms every time on val. but ever since the login issue where u cant sign in to every riot platform, my ping always go up to 50-80ms now. anybody encounters this? not sure if its my internet or the server. (now, most people playing on NA east/central are all around 50ms from what I've seen so far.)
14 Replies
are u experiencing this on other games?
It may be the valorant servers that are experienced issues
you should check the status of the servers
nothin pops up
now it should work
i mean it says no recent issue
@#1 delta where did you get the title not actually radiant with rank rôle ?
oh yeah
then it's the wifi directly
in the server shop
ok imma give them a call
ty guys
i havent been playing ranked due to that issue for 3 days cuz at some point it might spike
Oh where is it ?
on top of this server you click server shop
there's server subscriptions and permanent products
@#1 delta oh okay you need to buy a grade on the discord to have acces to it <:Gekko_Wingman_Pat:1154719023758577684>
yes but if you play the game in ranked you can have your rank role for free #verify-rank
@#1 delta oh okay