Hello, my game is set to a different region in order to play with my friends. I have a constant 160 ping and no roll-back on my agent, but kills have a little delay. I was wondering if it is still possible for me to progress with a ping like that, because I've been playing for more than a year and I am still bronze.
5 Replies
Think you’ll have rely on util kills and util blind/stuns. Also, if you have better aim and crosshair placement, you can challenge the other team just fine
Regardless of ping. The only thing that might be wrong is if you have rubber banding or packet loss
I think these are fine with me, they're not affected by the region right?
Packet loss is affect by a lot of things, one can be the ping, networking infrastructure, IPS limitations, but if you’re not experiencing any of that… then just focus on the utility, comms, and crosshair placement
You’ll be able to rise easily to diamond without having to worry about 150ms ping
Hope this helps!

Alright, thank you so much!
Honestly not really
but if ur playing for fun then sure