How do you play, meaningfully in bronze-gold?

Whenever i try to play duelist - i do horrible. When i play omen, breach, etc, i do pretty well. Now i don't wanna play duelists, but often my teammates lack gamesense and i also cant perform beyond 1 kill because i have too many whiffs? whats the solution
11 Replies
Starry582217mo ago
i just used to be doing something right, and now im not
Infinity17mo ago
Just focus on yourself, identifying why you are dying, weaknesses and strengths of positioning, effectiveness of utility usage Recording a game and doing a self vod review (especially since you were “doing something right”) should be helpful in finding what changed
Starry582217mo ago
i have barely any frames while recording i dont really know whats a good position or not and youtube barely helps feel like most of the time i cant get my brain active and fast its feels stale if that works
Infinity17mo ago
Then maybe warm it up
Starry582217mo ago
but how
Infinity17mo ago
Play deathmatches and aim train
Starry582217mo ago
i already do
Infinity17mo ago
Or watch a few rounds of pro and try to understand each movement
Starry582217mo ago
when i tryhard i know it i can feel my urge to want to win but now i just barely think or focus its hard
Infinity17mo ago
It seems like you know the issue, just try some different habits to prime your brain
17mo ago
No disrespect but ur probably not practicing effectively cuz with consistent good aim routine you should never be hardstuck