i wanna stream but i need help
Hey guys any tips for reducing lag/ lag spikes ingame?, primarily when i start streaming it goes wonky (and yes i considered it to be my wifi) but i still wanna try ways to reduce it
51 Replies
Specs ?
Intel i5 10th gen, GTX 1650, the game runs fine, stream runs fine, only lag spikes occur in game
averaging 140-200 fps
Cap FPS to prevent frame drops and freezes would be my suggestion
minimum specs for streaming would be i7 / r7
ive seen some streamers with same specs as him some even worse
The generation of the cpu matters. A 12th gen i3 is better than an older gen i7 so it doesn't matter if it's i9 or i7 or i5 requirements
i don't get frame drops this is about lag spikes
and this is fairly untrue
I've streamed other games prior at my old place with a different wifi connection fine
Oh my bad then
thats me
i use ryzen 3 3100 with gtx 1650 super
I use core i5 6300u with integrated graphics
i stream at 60 fps 1080p
I dont stream
i average 210 fps on val
I average 421
it's pretty bad I'm used to 800 on my pc
i use ethernet
what ur setting
max graphics
but I use the Intel graphics card software for a bit of a boost
you over clock it?
my pc is under clocked
anyone wanna duo at HK server?
yeah 7.0 ghz
what does g means in ghz
im on singapure solo que
so wanna duo? I can send you my career
bronze III btw
oh nice
you can change to hk
im in a que
im silver 1 im so bad
then unq
yeah I'm unranked on my main
but my alt is asc1 if that helps
its ok but its up to you cuz I just wanna duo despite losing rank and I'm mostly mvp but I can't guarantee it
so wanna do it?
i said im in a game?

swiftplay or unrated or comp?
default knife is kinda bad bro
I think if you're really looking for that rank up you need rgx blade
I also see you're losing
you know
I'm a coach
I'll coach you for free this once
but next time it'll be a small fee of 360 dollars
ima swiftplay you can focus
per round
that's our starting plan
im now silver 1 0rr
that's nice
now i need real help
@SEAN could js say you gotta go or sum 💀 no needa block