21 Replies
i get 10% and im b1
~13 prob
mine is around 24%
and im iron 2
Is 31 good for b2
if you have 31 you're either sheriff only or first death every round
how are you iron 2
im bronze 3 with 20 percent
click head
how does that work
trowers team mates and smurfs
It’s not I’m actually left to clutch a lot I mean I buy sheriff for eco and pistol but when I can I buy vandal I buy vandal 2nd round not on reyna or Jett either on sage
honestly, hs% doesn't really matter
it's not impressive to have a 50% hs rate if you lose most of your duels
as long as you're getting kills, it's fine
why would lose most duels if you have 50% hs rate
all you aimimg for is the head
you can 1 tap 2 guys everygame and thats all the dmg u get
thats a 100% hr and a most definetly negative kdr lol
exaggerated but u get my point^
yeah but its not consistent
shoot more often and you wont have an actual 100% hr
i guess im more referring to consistency and shooting often
yeah if u can hit headshots close to as consistently as you would hit bodyshots (and kill) then its good
especially for higher rank amd gold
cuz gold just like that
I have a stuck download the new update
Don't working

Don't focus on stats if you're in bronze
Just work on crosshair placement and movement
Watch a bunch of videos
Practice it
Pretty much all you need to get to diamond
100% win %