i just randomly got banned, i was in a comp game i joined a 5 stack and we were winning 12-6 and then i got kicked out of the match and banned. i tried to reopen the client and it said "Banned due to third part software use". ive never downloaded anything or touch a third party software and im really confused. i was playing sage on split crouch spraying missing my shots, ive been playing since episode 5 act 1 and have spent lots of money on the game so i would risk it to begin with
11 Replies
make a ticket on riot games' website
i did
do u have any software running that will scan or modify the game's memory
like antivirus
Bro uses raw axel
lol i see
I think u get banned for using it
currently not, but they may make changes after
Its a 3rd party software tho, maybe he used a cheat engine to use raw axel?
and yeah hes prob using something raw accel
Bro used 3rd party valorant tracker and got 

he missed his first shot at 00:04 but flicked to his head after he was killed by the other
that flick was smooth
not really smooth but it doesnt shake hardly
i played it by frame
he shaked but that shake was smooth
he took really long to respond too, the video was recorded at 60fps, its about like 17 or 18 frames before he react, its near to 300ms reaction time bro
and still shooting after astra was dead, and was flicking weirdly