can anyone help my with the right cpu/gpu usage for valorant?
in the range i have no issue with fps but ingame it can drop from 500fps to only 150fps and i play on 240hz so i can really feel the lagg i have a ryzen 5950x and rtx 3080 12gb version, ingame my cpu and gpu usage sits around 20% for my entire pc in range its wayy higher but if i check per cpu core u can tell that it does infact show a higher usage than average all cores combined. pls help me 🙂

154 Replies
also its my gpu getting only 10-25% usage while in a match but in range it can go up to 70% usage and graphic settings dont change mutch
val is cpu intensive
well it doesnt use more than 20% ingame
Limit your fps at like 300
and i mean yes its a powerfull cpu mostlikely for multi thread rendering and a bit less for gaming but still i dont understand it
ive done that and it still drops to 200 or below ingame
kinda weird
games usually use like the first 8 cores, or 16 threads
and also u don't need 1000fps
What quality are you running at?
in any game my pc works really good
but in valorant fps gets destroyed by not having enough cpu/gpu usage in my feeling
in lots of games u can enable future frame render
for ur gpu to be more usefull
in csgo my gpu is leading and i have stable 400 fps without drops
valorant isnt optimized well i think
imma try to set my cpu clock to 4.5 ghz cuz im running it at 4 only
and ill try to enable resize bar in bios
I think you mean CPU
A 3080 cannot run at four nor literally any other GPU
yes cpu clock
my gpu is around 2000mhz
For some reason, your GPU is running at a really low clock speed
ye i see
maybe because it doesnt use as much?
in another game it does
literally every gpu
valorant doesn't rely much on gpu
i know ive played valorant without gpu and still had 200fps
but the delay is higher
it doesn't need that much clock speed, so it will turn down to somewhat lower, that's called power savings
yes but its still running on max

What is the max resolution you can use?
1080p but in nvidia i can set it to 4k
it will use more gpu
fps stays around the same
How much CPU usage is valorant using?
do u have other apps running while playing val
yes but i have alot of cores and 128gb ram
one thing it could might be is that i have only 1 ssd in my pc its a 4tb ssd
what are they
applications running at ur background

thats pretty much it
and sometimes chrome tabs
but it doesnt use that much cpu
even if i close all it doesnt change a bit
Why is Vanguard having a temper tantrum?
u can use process lasso to assign them to ur 9-16 cpus
Vanguard is currently complaining about something

i mean cores, or 17-32 threads
is that a virus
whats that
idk vanguard shows it
btw it always shows yellow for me the vanguard but i can play anyways
do u have a volute installed?
pretty weird
its an asus thing
Seems like asus
From the ValorantTechSupport community on Reddit: Riot Vanguard Blo...
Explore this post and more from the ValorantTechSupport community
prob related to audio
Audio driver
from my search results
Yeah, same
well idk if thats causing the drops
dont think so
i mean i have asus sound options like sonic suite
yeah thats the sonic suite driver
well has nothing to do with lagg i think
i dont even use sonic
its kinda trash
imma hop in my bios rq
try to fix some things
also when ur lags, i mean framedrops occured, are u getting anything maxed out its usage?
stays around 20%

i even once made ticket to support of valorant and everytime they tried to help but didnt work lol i still have a video where i showcase
Low fps ingame caused by low gpu usage
specs: rtx 3080, ryzen 9 5950x, 128gb ram, asus rog crosshair viii extreme, 4tb ssd.
Sorry for the microphone noise (its broken and using nvidia broadcast it takes about 30-40% gpu so thats why i dont use it)
Valorant 2023.05.11
thats my vid btw
recorded that 7months ago
but today i felt like valorant even got worse in fps drops
do u have xmp enabled?
i mean, thats a very decent cpu, u shouldnt get like only around 240 fps
can u check ur nvidia settings?
Valorant Benchmark: RTX 3070 + Ryzen 9 5950x (MAX SETTINGS)
Valorant Gameplay With RTX 3070
Recorded With OBS - Monitoring with MSI Afterburner
Valorant Settings:
🔸️Resolution: 1920x1080 (everything on low, except antialiasing x4 and antistrophic x4
🔸️Sensitivity: 0.195
🔸️DPI: 1600
🔸️Mouse that I use for Valorant: Razer Viper v2 PRO
đź–± Peripherals
🔸️Mouse : Razer Viper V2 PRO, Logitech G Pro X Wirele...
for reference^
xmp is for dram?
yes i have ddr4 at 3600
i used ddu to complete reinstall new drivers but sadly doesnt change shit
try with reflex off
if i disable on or on+boost its even worse lol

cpu looks fine
can u show me ur nvidia control panel settings
240 avg sounds kinda low for a 5950x
pretty much default

changed a few things
and antialiasing-fxaa is set to on
since i always enable that in valorant
what about settings-system-display-graphics settings

at 4.3 ghz stays the same

im in a deathmatch
but u see 400fps but ayo it drops back to 250 sometimes and in a comp its way lower than in dm
do u have antivirus?
and also uninstall that asus sonic suite since u dont use
yes i have bitdefender but i didnt have that months ago like the video example
wb ur ingame settings rn?
everything off/low except the filter and antialiasing its on the max
but doesnt change anything in performance too
i feel like i get more fps turning it on since it uses more gpu
i have a 3080 and my usage is wayyy lower than this video so how come? maybe thats the issue i assume
hes on all high
what do u get on all high?
almost same fps?
in a match about the same but in range alot higher
low vs high/max

for me the graphics dont change alot in gpu power
only the maps do in valorant or gamemode
well, this guy has the same issue with u


well honestly
i think its my gpu
or valorant
gpu works fine any game but in val it doesnt
have u tried playing with all background apps closed
i have a msi 3080 LHR edition (anti crypto mining) and this v has 12gb vram instead of 10gb
yes enough times
all these things
ye except msi afterburner since its always on
but it doesnt decrease performance
did u optimize ur window too?
only if ill run val at 4k it uses like 70-80% gpu but its still gon stutter in fps going up and down
that guy prob optimized his windows
wdym with optimizing windows?
thats how it shows

when im in the game
getting around 500fps in range
whats kinda weird is my gpu shows gpu 0-3d but shouldnt it be a 1-3d?
this is even on a 5600g

the second one is stock windows without any modification
hmmm you think it would help?
show me the performance tab

and this is on my secound screen while im ingame
so its being used for val onlu
this is what on a 5800x3d, but all low and only walking i think

ye im never getting that fps lol
u only have 1 gpu and its gpu 0 thats why its 0-3d
ah ok
thats weird
what if u change the game to high priority?
does it still drop?
in task manager?
ye tried that
no effect
what did u do told by riot support
weird because 2 years ago on my old gpu 1080ti and i7 8700k cpu i had smooth 400-500 fps in game without drops and this pc ofc is faster but not in valorant :/
send the files data and vids to explain and they tried to help but said it had to do with my pc maybe bios settings or whatever but i think for some reason valorant isnt optimized well for my system
and idk why
everything works great in my pc it never crashes and handles everything
maybe try smt disabled?
where in the bios?
about cpu
well cpus dont have drivers
so i have no idea
cuz that guy has smt disabled

smt means multithreadrendering
which is baiscly on in valorant
when its off in range i have 400fps stable but when i turn it on it jumps to 600
so i should def keep it on
ugh smt is hyperthreading in intel, 1 core will have 2 threads, when the core is still processing, things go to the second thread basically queue up upcoming tasks
its not mulitithreaded rendering
i dont think it will change alot though
i think keeping it on amd to default on is the best
in some games it does improve but not in val
well i would give a try if im out of clue
alr thx for trying to help
ill make a valorant support ticket and seek more info
also ill try to run val on just my cpu and take my gpu out
u cant boot, since u dont have integrated graphics
ur bios wont pass the POST if no graphics card found
i can plug my monitor into my motherboard and use onboard graphics from my cpu which is very possible
but iv never done it on amd
only intel
oh the 5950x does have integrated graphics but u disabled it?
well its not disabled but since my cables are plugged in the gpu it automaticly does not use the gpu render of the cpu
i can enable it but than ill need to plug it into my motherboard
it should show up in task manager atleast
it will show microsoft basic adapter if drivers not installed

as far i know u gotta enable that in the bios
it doesnt have integrated graphics
its on by default
ah ok
well since it doesnt have intergrated my gpu should perform more in valorant
but ye it doesnt
my integrated graphics is completely not in use tho

yes i had this before aswell on my old pc with intel cpu
but amd doesnt have it on this one though
also u dont rlly need it
if u want ur gpu 0 to work u gotta plug ur monitor in ur motherboard and it will use intel and amd gpu but the amd gpu would be slower since its not directly connected but from the pcei slot
maybe my val just droppin cuz of my ssd and i only have 1 ssd for all my pc storage
or maybe too much ram?
well ill try to find a solution somehow
only the g series apu has it, and also mobile processors
however i can still play but u just feel lagg as soon my fps drops below 240fps
could be, since greater ram size requires more time to access in theory
it will run hybrid graphics mode if possible too, on linux, it will use my integrated graphics for non gpu intensive tasks and discrete gpu for gpu intensive tasks
im not sure how hybrid graphics is handled on windows
whats ur ssd
should be fine tho
4tb ssd its pretty fast

its fine
btw should i upgrade from my 5950x cpu to a better amd one?
just for games
thats the best possible for am4 mobos
5800x3d prob will perform better in games
mine is more for workstation
since i use my pc to render stuff too
since greater l3 cache
thats why i have 128 ram
more for productivity i would say
the best rn is the ryzen 9 7950x3d right?
but u need to upgrade ur mobo
to an am5 one
this one costed me 1400 euros
well can sell this mobo for 500 bucks and get a new cpu gotta sell 128gb ram which is still ddr4 so imma get close to nun for that and also a new gpu
@spookydoops why would you need a new gpu ?
he prob do some productivity, like game models, shaders, as he said he renders some stuff
but the 3080 is still very decent :/
yep its and why he want to change everything his config is clean and even for rendering and stuff like that its okay, i didnt follow the conv
oh also, the meltdown and spectre vulnerability mitigations decrease ur performance, except on zen 4 processors, on zen 4 u get decreased performance if u turn it off
pc big enough to change alot but this build is from 2021 and it cost me alot of money and ill probably have to sell alot to buy alot back
ur specs are still considered decent
unless u got money nowhere to spend
ill see if im in the mood to change my motherboard ram and cpu because if i do so ill probably watercool everything so thats why ill get a new gpu aswell
but for now indeed too much money/work to do all of that
electronics things get cheaper by time tho
Hey , I'm having the same issue , almost same
I have an rtx 3050 with i5 12th gen , I use Lenovo IdeaPad gaming 3 , it's a budget gaming laptop but even then valorant is not utilising my GPU at all , every other game works fine , I'm barely able to cross 90-100 fps with valorant running only on uhd graphics , when I disable integrated graphics , I'm getting only 1-5 fps in valorant , I really don't know why valorant ALONE is not utilising the gpu
In my old Dell Inspiron laptop , I had 12 gb ram and had only intel uhd integrated graphics and got 90-100 fps constantly in valorant
I thought upgrading to an rtx 3050 was the solution ,
NOTE: I currently have only 8 gigs of ram
Any updates on your situation?
Fixed it already it had to do with drivers and software from asus i had that made shit slow and lagg download revo uininstaller and check ur pc on updates or any programs in task manager that might be using lots of ram or cpu, gpu go through download latest drivers