VALORANT14mo ago

Do I play Brim or Omen

Do I play Brim or Omen. Ive got a higher winrate on Brim so far this act and I dont use lineups yet its like 88% but on Omen around 60%. I am more confident with Brim util - especially ult cause I dont really use omen ult often but on Bind I usually get like 2 kills. I play Omen if im lacking duelists and Brim if I have too many duelists. Sometimes my duelists will lurk mid or not entry or if im playing omen trying to entry my team dont like to follow me even when ive smoked
1 Reply
Goku14mo ago
The thing with Omen is that he's one of the most versatile agents, he can match mostly all types of playstyles. He has his teleport that can be used in a lot of ways like getting on top of places/repositioning/aggressive plays etc. Paranoia which can be used in multiple ways like supporting your team, early game aggression, post plant, and commonly used alongside his tp His smokes are imo one of the best smokes(?) in the game, you can place it from the other side of the map unlike brim, easier to place in a hurry to play around it, and also extremely easy to find one ways using it in a lot of places. And also that his smokes replenish every 30 seconds. His ult allows you to reposition, flank, get to the other site instantly, and also get the spike from anywhere around the map _ I've never really played brim a lot so idrk about him but Brim lets you place all 3 smokes together, his smokes are good too Stim gives your team a very big advantage when taking fights or while entering the site His molly can deny pushes (mostly), lets you get a free kill if you know that there's an enemy in a small closed space, and is great for postplant especially if you know lineups His ult is great too, a guaranteed kill if you place it right, for example inside the tp, inside u hall or hookah in bind, and super useful in postplant which can also be used alongside his molly

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