How to gain rr in valorant?

Hello, I came back to this game after a break. I was gold 3 before i quited. Now im silver 1 and cant leave it, my teammates instalock duelists go 3/9/0 and leave, almost everygame im team mvp and for match/team mvp lost game i lose more than i gain from a team mvp game what am i doing wrong? How to get teammates that arent brainless dogs??
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56 Replies
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
Also worth adding that im almost everygame the lowest rank while im s1
Geniux7mo ago
"How to get teammates that arent brainless dogs" -> rank up OKAY
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
my enemys are gold and sometimes even plat
Geniux7mo ago
not sure what to do with that info
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
how do i rank up playing 2v5? im facing players that have much higher ranks
Geniux7mo ago
you dont, thats the point. try to get a duo/trio i guess. chances of being queued into people that dont contribute to the team are way lower that way and its easiert to rank up thats just a compliment the game gives you. high MMR -> play against stronger opponents with a higher rank while also gaining more rr on winning and losing less on losing
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
but why im losing more rr than i gain when facing higher rank players
Geniux7mo ago
screenshot so i see how much you lose / win pls?
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
im in a game rn
Geniux7mo ago
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i have duo and trio
Geniux7mo ago
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
but we still have around 50% winrate when we win 1 round were facing high plat players when we are gold1 s1 s2
cooldude7mo ago
be nice to ur team and make them not dc
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
and high plats are better than we are i dont even say anything bad
cooldude7mo ago
thats not what i said you be nice you encourage
Geniux7mo ago
in theory if that happens and you lose, theres not as much RR loss Pepethink
cooldude7mo ago
then that will make them play better
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i just communicate but they anyway leave after around 4rd round im nice
cooldude7mo ago
it helps a lot in my asc games considering you just called them brainless dogs i struggle to believe that
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i writed that after the game the only bad thing i sayd was gg team diff at the end of the game
cooldude7mo ago
blame urself not them
Geniux7mo ago
(also just a random quesition that popped up in my mind: you instalock jett? if yes- at least for me - the mental for the teammates might drop straight up in agent select especially when being named "females scare me" lmao)
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
blame me for what
cooldude7mo ago
if u keep blaming them then u wont imrove yourself xd
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
no i wanted to pick reyna couse i like playing with her at this map but he instalocked it then dc i picked last or 4rd
cooldude7mo ago
where are you from cause your english is pretty shit icl
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
cooldude7mo ago
oh thought so
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
sorry for bad english but im just trying to play
cooldude7mo ago
lol its fine i just saw your name and it looked polish i also speak some so like
TarynJadeex7mo ago
honestly i'm having the same problems but i just try not to focus on them, just be nice to everyone, don't let them drop your mood, just enjoy the games and play for yourself if your team is all trolling
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i play competetive to get a rank?
TarynJadeex7mo ago
yeah same, you still have to enjoy the games tho, what's the point of playing otherwise
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i want to be gold again i dont enjoy when my team trolls
Geniux7mo ago
then get a team you can properly play with or just dont play + focus on your performance not just others the chance of having throwers or even just people that just got that rank by boosting or luck is always there
TarynJadeex7mo ago
you'll get there eventually, almost every rank has trolls and smurfs that's just how it is
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i tried
TarynJadeex7mo ago
it's not gonna be any different in gold keep that in mind
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
but theres no point
TarynJadeex7mo ago
yeah if your team is throwing still just play the best you can and your -RR shouldn't be as bad
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
they dont play when i play and i dont know if they are bad or good as i mentioned when i have team mvp i lose as much as i gain from team mvp win
Geniux7mo ago
this if you have 1 or 2 disconnecters on your team and you just say fuck it, no point of playing, wont win anyways -> you get the max -RR if you have 1 or 2 disconnecters on your team but say fuck it, will at least try even if the chance of winning is almost 0% -> -RR, but not as much, since you hopefully got some kills and maybe even won a few round
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
im always playing to the end
TarynJadeex7mo ago
my point exactly, that's just how it is, it's unfortunate for you i know but if you still try it won't be as bad
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
in that ss it wasnt even half they left i stayed till the end
Geniux7mo ago
but when playing against people with higher ranks repeatedly that means your mmr is higher than your current rank -> gain more RR when win and lose less when losing that doesnt make sense when youre losing but still lose as much RR as you gained on a match mvp thats not how mmr works Pepethink
TarynJadeex7mo ago
can you take a ss of your career? because it makes no sense aha
Geniux7mo ago
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
ye i jus t need to finish my game
TarynJadeex7mo ago
okok, you winning? i wanna play but i'm hungover asf rn aha
Geniux7mo ago
you could also give us your val name, so we could look at your recent matches and see how your mates and you did
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
TarynJadeex7mo ago
good good you mvping?
lil suicid
lil suicid7mo ago
i think so
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TarynJadeex7mo ago
good good