VALORANT14mo ago

Which agent to main?

So for context I started playing valorant in december and i dont have any other fps shooter experience. I play this game like i'd say 10 hours a week and my peak rank was silver. at first I mained reyna but I wanted to help my team so I picked deadlock and to this day I still main deadlock. most of the time im the one whos top fragging in my team because i have kind of an agressive playstyle. for that reason i wanna change my main agent. I want something that can help me duel opponents and help my team too. like 65% duels and 35% helping team. what agent should i go with?
6 Replies
JSN14mo ago
Skye is a great aggressive support agent, but can also use her flashes to peak for herself if needed. Yea aggressive dueling doesn't really sound like a deadlock thing because she has no util to peak off of well.
frail victorian child
Basically all flash initators (besides breach) are great for a mix of aggro and supportive
name1618_00114mo ago
so i think to find ur main just ask a freind to have a custom with cheats on and change agent every round and notice which one u liked
Psyc14mo ago
Phoenix's Molly and wall can be good for helping your team and has aggressive flashes and ult
JSN14mo ago
cant change to agents you dont own in customs
saint14mo ago

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