I have black bars on the side of my screen I just got a bigger monitor and don’t know how to fix it

22 Replies
21:9 screen?
they don't support 21:9 well yet
I assume u are on native res right
valorant doesn’t support ultrawides
this is what my friend’s looks like

he has a 49’ neo g9
you can try to scale it to your monitor but it would look weird im guessing, go to nvidia control panel and in adjust desktop size and position turn on full screen and override scaling model
i doubt that val will ever support 21:9 regularly.
imagine some people faving a wider FOV than others
play streched works no?
maybe but would be pretty bad
actually idk if it would work
it would be bad on this monitor

but on the 1st one it shouldn't be too bad
using a stretched res
looking at the minimap top left and just turning your head 45° to the left 💀
idk if that's a question or no but yeah i'm talking about playing streched
nvidia or
is there a setting to change monitor res in valorant itself?

bro got no use havin such a large goofy monitor
flicking irl, true gaming experience
use windowed fullscreen
does not work
are u on native res?