My FPS dropped from 110 to 40-60 on new setup, can someone help with my settings etc

I moved country and got a new 'setup', previously had around 110 fps on my laptop. But when i moved country and started playing my fps was around 40-60 fps. I tried watching these 'optimisation videos' for valorant and it hasn't helped me at all.
12 Replies
Lucid13mo ago
Is it the same setup ?
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
Lucid13mo ago
Same specs ?
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
got a new headphones with a software. and i am using my work setup to play. Has 2 monitors and a docking station that i just plug my laptop in and the monitors show my screen. yes nothing has changed laptop specs
Lucid13mo ago
How much time went since you last played Valorant Maybe the game has been more demending since you played last then
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
ive been playing for the last month had 110 fps when iso released, so dont think so
wen13mo ago
something similar happened to me as well after the last update. I used to play on 80 fps but now if i move too much it drops to 1-20
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
i hope i didnt screw up my nvidea settings, cuz one of the videos showed how to 'optimise' the nvidea control panel etc. But i watched the video in the first place because my fps was much lower than before
Lucid13mo ago
Nah i dont think so. Check for latest driver updates
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
yh updated my drivers and reinstalled them twice
Lucid13mo ago
Can i ask your specs ? so we can check what fps you should get on the same specs and have an rough number
.Mr.WaffleOP13mo ago
where would i find them? damn nothing seems to work

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