i lose more rr
i got team mvp and lost -23 rr, meanwhile my brother who did arguably worse than me only lost -17 rr why does that happen?
13 Replies
what was the rank of your brother, and what was the rank of the lobby?
His mmr is higher which means he’ll ger more rr and higher ranked lobbies its for basically helping people getting back to their rank that they deserve
we both silver
we duo every game tho and he does worse than me almost every game, how could his rr be higher ;-;
How many games has he plaued since the new act
Still higher mmr
same as me
in comp we played the same amount of games
but in total i played more
Past act who was higher
maybe your mmr is higher
and his is lower
Other way
oh right i didnt consider this
he was higher
i was bronze 3 and he was silver 1
Yall past your last act
Shouldnt be the case
Still his mmr would be higher still since you guuys won so many games
mk, anyways how do i increase my mmr
do i just need good performance
Just do well compared to others in the match