false ban
Bro my acc got locked saying that I was cheating
I think it's a misunderstanding or a wrong account they've suspended
How do I appeal for it? I never used hacks on my acc and some website says if I get alot of cheating reports I'll get ban even if it's false
Pls someone help 🙏🏻
110 Replies
make a ticket with riot support
❓ If you require assistance, want to discuss a ban or an in-game restriction, if you were hacked or lost access to your account, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. We are not Riot employees and are unable to assist you with in-game account restriction issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new.
If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them here ➡️ https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045619633-Error-Codes-in-VALORANT
If you were banned or received an in-game penalty, please read ➡️ https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402501234451-Penalties-and-Bans-FAQ
If your account was hacked or you dont have access anymore, try this ➡️ https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Basically it's been a while since I played on my acc
I don't know why and how I got banned
My friends said that if you get 20+ reports of hacking even if you are not you would eventually end up getting false ban
And there's no way to appeal it from riot as they will say it's a correct placed penalty
I did but I don't think they gonna help me
Since I was toxic ik but how and when did I use cheats? I agree I was toxic af but istg I never used cheats
What error code do you get?
There's no error code
I just got banned from my acc
When you open riot client right?
Other accs are working fine
Then you were not banned for cheating
ur friends are dumb
bans are not based on reports

just do what it says
Yep I did
Hopefully they will unban it
Spent 400$ on this ACC can't lose it :((
You can login to different accounts and play valorant
Look at the ss
Also I never shared my acc to anyone
Except when I login on my laptop
Expliots then
I have 2 device
Cheating is using aimbot, esp (walling)
That's it?
Expliots are just bugs in the game
if it got locked and not banned it was probably not cheating
otherwise it would be hardware ban
You were banned for cheating but not hwid banned
I thought my tracker.gg got detected as hacks
So its exploit cheating
huh I never usually tried bugs in this game
Like IP ban?
tracker gg isnt bannable
If you got banned for cheating, you cant play valorant on any account
and also says locked so might just be a security issue
just send the ticket and ull prob get it back
I hope
uh like device ban?
I've seen yt vids abt this
150 error code
reports are useless?
so if you got banned for CHEATING. You get a hwid ban. aka meaning you cant play on THAT pc anymore
or account
no? but ur not gonna get banned for just getting reports
thats not how it works
its not bannable to have a certain number of reports
just makes them check the player who gets reported
reports for vanguard are used like a priority
vanguard ALWAYS scans your pc
But I never got cheater detected
I just like playing good (sometimes it happens) and dropped 42 kills in immo lobby
Then next day I woke up and it was showing account locked
on a time based system
Even when valo is off?
I never got cheater detected screen
I've never experienced hackers in my game
dont think so
I watched few vids regarding the ban
It says
only when ur pc is on
Put vgc on auto
even if ur not plsying val
It's on auto RN
Yup, people have been banned for using cheats for other games?
But what it does
im not saying that
wait im dumb i tjought they said when ur pc is turned off 💀💀
oh lol
What's vgc?
What's auto and manual in it
vanguard client
In some yt vids I saw last night
They said open services and set vgc to auto from manual
idk what vgc is but that wont change ur ban anyways just appeal and wait
So is permanent suspension and account locked different?
Also before I got 1 week of temporary suspension
it should only be running when valorant is running
Then suddenly next day I got acc locked
The important one is vgk
They all are in auto
vanguard kernel
What it does?
Its vanguard, and deals with scaning your pc and shit
Thx for helping me tho @saucywan and @russian glog
kernel means run with highest perms
for bans, this does nothing
Can acc locked get recovered?
Like high chances of recovery
Than permanent suspension
I had a temp suspension
Of 1 week
Then my acc got locked now
For permanent suspension its about 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance
for account lock
60% or higher
Btw have u ever experienced this
being banned
Cuz u know too much
Not even disruptive Communications?
Damn now I know why
I send msgs to riot that are sweeter than I send to my gf ☠️
But they don't give a f
If its trn its not this
@thomas_shelby7 also did you use crosshair app ? Could be from this
he was not banned for cheating
@saucywan oh ok i didnt follow the conv i just saw the ban message
I use tracker.gg, blitz, and an app which records best clips
And obv overwolf
How will I know if I'm banned for cheating
You would’ve been hardware banned
Okay for the record i assume outplay or medal and all of this are legit
Yeah yeah medal
And outplay
I use
Imma try on pc
Cuz I was out of station so I was using laptop to login
Tomorrow I'll try
lol mulitple restrictions?
also its not riot employees work to check here
and they dont do the support job
contact riot support as said
it doesnt
vgk is only responsible for startup apps logging *to prevents cheat get loaded before the game, and such more
the actual anticheat is vgc
which doesnt run when valo isnt running
I'm just asking why I got this ban
Cuz false ban on accs where I spent hundreds of dollars
Not fair
its only not fair when they didnt unban for a false ban....
It was my grandparents money
They gave me on my bday
Can't lose my acc like that 😦
what did the support said?
i dont think they replied yet
they usually take 1-2 days
I created the ticket 13 hours ago
Yeah half a day only passed now
i have a question..is vanguard supposed to open automatically when i start my pc? i belive it used to but it doesnt anymore. shud i be concerned?
Why concerned
thats why im asking
No dude
No need to be worried
It scans for hax
what it does
im not worried
i was worried i had uinstalled it or sumthin
Nothing will happen
Just install it again
It will say vanguard not installed
Nothing bad will happen
i checked its there for me
Riot isn't that cruel
When uninstalled