wdg :)

help mental

hey, i have to ppl i usually play w. Me S1 ( Peak s3) Friend #1 S3 (Peak g2) Friend #2 S1 (peak s1 and was hardstuck bronze) When we play togehter (us 3) friend 2 who has the worst mental blames friend 1 saying that the lobbies r too hard when they q together and when they win he dosent get kills and really gets mad how to fix his mental what should i tell him please ping if advice
8 Replies
mmmm6mo ago
Then he needs to find new friends if he can’t accept it 😊 I’ve had friends like these too I just duo queue with one at a time They can’t complain
wdg :)
wdg :)6mo ago
u think that i should leave him then ? @mmmm what r u suggesting hes my irl friend and v close too so im not sure ill talk to him abt it?
mmmm6mo ago
Is it that serious lol No ofc He needs to improve Or you and friend 1 will never improve playing with the same skilled level players
wdg :)
wdg :)6mo ago
Hmm wait so i dont really understand what ur saying nah its not
mmmm6mo ago
You and your friend will hardstuck Friend 2 will barely make an impact in the game Cuz he not improving and his mental
wdg :)
wdg :)6mo ago
so ill speak to him and help him imporve
mmmm6mo ago
wdg :)
wdg :)6mo ago
ok thanks