wdg :)
wdg :)
Created by wdg :) on 1/20/2024 in #community-help
Setup help
I'm silver2, I wanna get better setup. Current setup: Good laptop (300FPS) 60HZ Monitor Glourius Model 0 (wireless), Razer Blackwidow I wanna get better mouse and keyboard also headphones i dont have so what should i get? please ping if reccommend smth tysm
38 replies
Created by wdg :) on 1/19/2024 in #community-help
help mental
hey, i have to ppl i usually play w. Me S1 ( Peak s3) Friend #1 S3 (Peak g2) Friend #2 S1 (peak s1 and was hardstuck bronze) When we play togehter (us 3) friend 2 who has the worst mental blames friend 1 saying that the lobbies r too hard when they q together and when they win he dosent get kills and really gets mad how to fix his mental what should i tell him please ping if advice
20 replies
Created by wdg :) on 1/16/2024 in #community-help
what to do to rankup
Last act I was s3 now I got placed s1, I hvent played that many matches since the new act tho. I wanna get to gold asap what should I do. I HV aimlabs if necessary. Pls ping if response and also only useful info. bruhmanwdg#2011 for my tracker.gg tysm
5 replies
Created by wdg :) on 3/30/2023 in #community-help
Any tips for Iron player
Hey can somebody gime some tips on how to improve pls? I'm a iron uh 1 (def not with 0 rr lol), any tips? My setup: Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Mouse: Glorious Model O Wireless https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/WDG2011%233307/overview Rn I'm following Woohjin's aim training routine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KIoTtohkOQ&t=216s) and I'm doing it every 2 days or so. Is it effective and would you guys recc any other routine? tysm in advance :))
121 replies