52 Replies
i didn't meant to buy battlepass in my account but my friend brought and equipped it by mistake please can i have refund because i cant even complete it since i already too late and my laptop is in service centre
by accident with 3 message to say your buying the battlepass ? cant be an accident
sad but you know sharing account is forbidden ? also you cant do anything they dont refund battlepass
how idd you lt friend by it
i isn't sharing
did they come to your house
okay so your friend on your account wwithout your pc
and buy it
this one
he came my home
we play together
i meant him to just redeem points by card
but he used it on bp
which is like on 4/10
10$ is really important for you ?
it is
i don't even want my money back
just the points
so i can use it on next bp
then you can make a ticket an ask if a refund is possible but since you have only one refund like that its a waste also pretty sure you cant refund battlepas
i really need mods help
because they dont work for riot
:v wym no
what this server is for then
isn't it official
for community ?
official but they dont work in the support
i will get anxiety attacks now
website and ticket
and if you get anxiety for 10$ there is a problem
well where i live really have a gud value for 10$
where do you live if i can ask ?
money is money my guy
also we don't usually get someone to top up for us using cards and so we pay extra commission just to get our account topped up
you paid 918 roupie ?
1400 but let's say 1000
its 15 dollars then
what do i do now
only got like 15 days on battlepass to end ig
they wont refund for bp tho right
you play
i fking cant
i just said didn't i
my laptop is in like service centre
idk i think not and even if you do it would be a waste to use you refund on 10 $
sad for you, hope they will refund you, goodluck
not like i am gonna waste my chance to want a refund on anything anyway
let me see what can riot do for me then
There is no way to refund VP that’s been already spent
You can try to contact support, but any refunds made that make your account balance go into a negative amount will disable said account until you’ve topped it back up again

they can refund skins and there is a special refund for skin already upgrade so maybe they can but pretty sure they cant
They cannot refund VP
i feel depressed af now
If they do your account will be disabled
why is that so
i don't quite get it
i already have some points on my account
they will just add 1000 vp back and shud not affect my account
that's what i think
he want a refund of the battlepass not the vp
You cannot refund spent VP is what I said
but you can when you refund a skin they give you back the vp
You can try but they don’t do these kinds of in-game item refunds usually as everything is affected by them (for example, the battle pass boosts your XP earned which they would have to adjust which would lead to your mission progress being compromised). It’s too much of a hassle for Riot
A skin is not the same as a battle pass
yes that what i said to him but you say it like nothing can be refund
They changed their policies a while ago, at first you couldn’t refund anything at all, now they’re a little more loose with item refunds
its been already more than 1 years no ?
really ? because when i come again on the game 8 month ago its was already a thing
It really depends on your support agent tbh