How to uninstall
in my controll panel it says valo is 4TB and im tryna uninstall it i know its probally not that size but i want it uninstalled anyway. when i click on it and press uninstall nothing happens should i try uninstalling from somewhere else?

16 Replies
just uninstall from like riot client?
you cant
you cant delete any game from riot client
you always have to do some weird shit to do it
doing it from the programs settings should work but ok
disable vanguard then delete it
Don’t worry that is just a visual bug. It doesn’t actually take up 4 terabytes.
It’s most likely not deleting because Vanguard is still open and riot client is also probably still open.
delete the frickin folder
he has a corrupt folder, he should uninstall and reinstall
no just a visual bug
It’s a visual bug
you have to colse riot games in the litte arrow on your taskbar then unintstall it 😄 i hope i helped
guys the visual bug is caused by corrupt files
@interrogyat maybe idk but the guy say like its important when its not 🤷♂️
its not
but some corrupt files might mess with the game
and youd have to repair
but in this case i think its useless corrupt files
yep so we dont care about that being corrupted file, its just a visual bug