who is the best agent

Who is the best agent, skill or no skill, easiest or hardest doesn’t matter, just what is the best one
8 Replies
icy14mo ago
there is no best agent every agent is good just depends on your playstylw style
Bambo14mo ago
Neon / Reyna / your / raze / chamber and personal opinion deadlock
Xortez14mo ago
If you want to get frags: agents with blind or flashes, if you want to camp and get free frags while staying out if sight, people like deadlock and cypher My personal favourite is gekko bc i can help out my team so much by planting using wingman and get myself frags with dizzy
nicholasOP14mo ago
I was thinking of getting gekko Thanks
Xortez14mo ago
I use wingman as bait and wait for them to shoot it Ez frags
OsWaynZz14mo ago
Duelist raze, jett Initiator skye better, gekko easier Smoker omen Sentinel cypher better, killjoy easier @nicholas.t
nicholasOP14mo ago
thanks sm
oqau14mo ago
Per class I'd say from VCT stats: Duelist: Raze although Jett has some maps Innitator: Skye on almost every map Controller: Viper. Viper is probably the best agent in general right now. Omen is a good competitor though and Harbor with Viper is strong. Sentinel: Cypher or Killjoy. Doesn't really matter either way they're both really good right now.

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