vanguard not intizailzed problem
can someone help me out ive restarted my pc updated my geforce drivers and all but this still pops up

12 Replies
Update ur windows to 11 I guess system 32 is the main reason why system unit is working
It's incompatible too so it means u didn't get the minimum requirements to play the game
U need this to atleast play

i have windows 10 i dont really want to update to windows 11
this problem is know pretty sure there is many ways to solve it
what do i do
vanguard not initialized on google you will find
my discord also wont open on the app

@carvet you just search a bit longer you will fast many ways but yeah here you go
VANGUARD NOT Initialized FIX 2022 | Valorant
Hiyo! This is a tutorial on How to fix Vanguard not Initialized error in Valorant 2022!
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like there is many forum you dont stop at the first one, also if you dont like forum youtube is your friend