Cant Run Valorant pls help
yesterday i downloaded valorant and decided to launch it.
Then it says Van 9001 error enable secure boot and change bios mode to UEFI while my motherboard dosen't supports TPM how am i supposed to enable secure boot and stuff?
And can i run valorant without TPM?
41 Replies
Please help me 😢
what windows u on?
Windows 11
is there any way?
@teleportato. you got this 

yo bro just search up a tutorial on google on how to enable secure boot
there aren't
wdym ? they dont work ?
there aren't any tutorials
im sure i can found more than 2 tell me the brand of your motherboard
intel is the cpu bro
brand of the motherboard msi, asus etc you know ?
the brand of motherboard is intel my friend
intel does makes motherboards
its a blue colour motherboard and i can see intel written on it
its called intel dh67bl motherboard
okay then its dead
there is on secure boot etc but you dont have tpm 2.0
i think there is a way without tpm wait i will try to find it
i dont find it anymore i think they took it off make a ticket on their website
i did open a ticket rn
what is the expected time for a response?
3hour to 2 day it should not be more than that
thanks tho
u cant play val on win 11 if you dont have tpm 2.0 try going back to win 10
by meadiacration toll
download windows 10 media cration too;
or go to
run ( press windows + r)
use tpm . msc
there is no space in tpm msc
then send a screeshot

yes but before they had a way to play without the tpm 2.0 but they took it off, and he dont have tpm 2.0
only way is to go back to win 10
maybe they have a way that still work i dont think but still they can look on a ticket if not than its sad he will need to go back on window 10 but on window 10 you can still have the error
@saif_ali7 If "intel dh67bl" is your motherboard... you cant play valorant :)
The tpm module can be added on (with a cost) IF your motherboard has a tpm header. and you will also need secure boot enabled

My advise would to be stop trying. That motherboard is from 2011. and I cant find what cpu gen it supports
With windows 10, you still need secure boot
how exactly does the port looks like
for the tpm module?

front side

@doridoz u can check this out
@axzenz u may also need this tho, if val still doesn't want to allow u after changing to uefi mode
yeah you are right
i should consider upgrading my hardware
Not just for valorant tho
I lot of games need the cpu / gpu power
like my gpu can handle a bit but im thinking to upgrade to Ryzen 5 3600 and rx6600xt
An amd cpu is not supported on your motherboard
i will have to change my motherboard
since ryzen 5 supports AM4 sockets