VAN 152 [ ITS BEEN MORE THAN 6 months]
i have got van 152 in like september or earlier , it should have gone in 4 months as everyone tells , but its not yet gone . Please help me
29 Replies
did you already get ban hwid before ?
because its either 4 month or a perm
nope this was my first one
you should make a ticket on the website
i got unbanned for a single day , day before yesterday
i was so happy
You can discuss and appeal your hardware ban here:
but then on next day
its showing van 152 again
@glxdiaator like he said we cant help you, you should make a ticket
by the way , is this official valorant , Riot games server?
yeah vanguard detected something again
😠must be sm virus or uh
but there is no support member here
crosshair app ?
i got nothing installed
Hope this helps you! 

for valorant aiming or anything
i even was a noob bruh
what do you have that can interfer with valorant ?
never top fragged
i dont think anything could interfere valorant but i have a btc clipper
from a long time
on every startup
it gets turned on
its not getting off permanently
i close it from task manager everytime i open my pc
@glxdiaator I’ve seen vanguard ban users for R6, Trakov, and CS:GO cheats on their computers
i got nothing of them
must be some missunderstanding or uh
Engine owning?
ima open ticket
Engine owning?
i dont even know what it is
Best of luck!
1 more

management right?
personal suspension more i think