28 Replies
It means your firewall is blocking access to valorant
can u help me
how to fix it
Your Firewall VS. VALORANT
If you've encountered Error Code 29, chances are something has gone awry in the interplay between VALORANT and Windows Firewall. This can be further complicated if you're running antivirus software...
i already done that
and didnt work
i did allow val to acces firewall
Make sure it's not blocked with your antivirus
wdym its not blocked
how to unblock
Make sure that your antivirus is not blocking it
how do i can check that
im new to pc btw
not rlly new
You go to your antivirus and add valorant and vanguard into the list of exceptions
can u send me vid of how to do it
no i cant
i do not know how your antivirus works

what to add
val and vgc

im try rn
i add them
can anybody help me with my secure system it is not working

still not working
Make your own ticket
stilll not work
have you tried restarting your pc yet
try that
still not working