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All posts for VALORANT
help me i cant download valorant
secure boot cannot enable
my valorant just got crashed and i came after like 2-3 rounds and saw this like 7/6/24 but its 29/6
Resolution changing when starting Val
My visible ping in lobby is 30-40ms but when I join game it jumps upto 400ms (mumbai server)
Auto close issue
why does my game take so long to load
im trying to recover my account but its asking me some quesntions that i dont understand explain pls
Valorant Crash with Error enable secure boot and tpm 2.0
why i can't jump in a normal game but in a training game i can
Fatal error
Val 29 Error
valorant turns off all sounds
Cant hear teammates or party member
what this mean
game file keeps corrupting causing high ping issues
Vanguard giving some problems in-game
Game doesn’t run or load, need fix windows 11
vc bug on Xbox console!!!
Valorant PBE
valorant taking 3.94TB storage???
cant sign in
High ping for no reason
Texture Issues
permanent suspension from “third party software”
stuck on loading screen
Disable tpm2 from my account
game stutters on first rounds
I cannot open valorant after the new update
Riot Support Ticket time
Issue with Vanguard
New to Val need help
please help
my valorant is stuck on the loading screen and i tried youtube videos and none of them work
console beta code
why isn’t my pc hotbar going away
voice chat constantly muted
Error code 7
How to I load valorant faster?
how to get codes for ps5 ?
can i play without secure boot?
New bundle
valorant glitching anyone help?
takes ages to load into games
console gift cards
what happened to my riot client
Vanguard cannot install
Error Codes
can’t play w friend
can’t start valorant
Ping Drops
Nvidia Shadowplay BLACK BARS on stretched
i cant get on the website to download valorant???
Network problem
Valorant won't start, game crashes after loading screen
ps5 shop bug
Game freezing
unabel to buy vp
Bug ranked?
anyone know why I can’t login?
Bug ranked?
a critical error has occured (FIXED!!!)
I always need to restart my system whenever I want to open valorant
accidently hidden vanguard
help me pls
can I claim USD Riot gift cards despite anywhere I am?
game closes after riot games screen
van -79
Valorant console, Locked Keybinds.
Account hack
ERROR: Could not enter matchmaking
Gift card eu to Asia does it work?
please help
Buttons stop working mid game
Error Code 1067
I lost my E7 Plat Buddy
ping higher in regions further away from where i live?
high ping
Does valorant default settings use windowed fullscreen or fullscreen?
game freezes up every time after agent select without fail
I cant get my account back
DM me for console codes I did not use my referrals
Error code Van 1067
Game closes itself
Why did my rank drop so bad after the rank reset
game freezing on match found screen
i didnt get the code
Recording app for valorant
what is that
Higher ping on closest server after router change yet other servers are not affected
error code: van-79
cant log into my account
Stuck on this screen for a whole match
code valo console
ping issue
how to fix error code val 62
guys my valorant broke 2 days ago it shuts down after the loading screen ive sent my logs to support
Error Code : VAN 1067
valorant points
Game crashing during launch
ping is high in the area I live in
Game crashing In character selection screen while waiting for others to lock in their characters
can I possibly get unbanned if I did something I didn’t know?
Mouse coming back to center after clicked/moved
how do i accept the requests in lfg thing?
Black box on screen
Blackscreen when starting valorant
competitive restriction
my game keeps corrupting
how long will it take for me to get the an invitation to console?
Valorant ultrawide
I got banned for crashing due to secure boot error :(
Cant launch because i need a computer restart
is raw Accel bannable?
throw me out of the game
High ping
Valorant Console Link
My region randomly changed from Asia to Europe, how can i change it back?
Valorant tracker
Vfx, animation, finisher, preview lagging or not working
Playstation code
problem launching
i want xbox code
unabel to purches vp from valorant
VALORANT My account is hacked
Bolt Sniper
HDD not supported
this guy was using alt accounts to make sure he will win pls do smth abt this
not being able to sign in
Game Freezing After Character Select
valorant console
Valorant Not loading
what do to when mic doesnt work
how to remove that black screen when you windows valorant to go to home screen
error code VAN 185
troubleshoot problem that occurs frequently
help needed
accidentally deleted home page wat did i do
low elo help
I have a ranked penailty even tho ive never played rank before
when a click rank on constole it says am penalties 01:40:43
Valorant gift card Help
Valorant not working
My account might have been deleted for no reason
valorant keeps crashing after the loading screen
prepaid cards
pls skin or knife or giftcard
Help joining Valorant ES
Can someone pls give me a riot giftcard or a valorant skin pls im broke and cant afford any skins
FPS capped at 60
tpm 2.0 not working
Why can i play console ranked with friend
Is this normal ?
ranked rigged on console
high ping
I lost my account
Secure boot
I can’t play competitive mode on console for no reason
Valorant wont get past Start up screen
I can't play Ranked with friends (started Playing at the same time)
Integrated instead of dedicated
Random high ping...???
hey got an issue when I want to uninstall the game
game lagging when reloading kuronami vandal
if I accept an invite via messenger to val after signing up also via email for Xbox beta-
bro valorant took my araxys vandal away from me right after i bought it…
cant play ranked together.
New episode placement
Why is my rank low with games like this?
valorant console shop issue
am i unlucky? or is just skilled based matching on console not it
Val 43 Error Code
Val error 57
my fps drops to 1-2 every few milli second
it’s been 3 days stuck
Gun buddy issue
ranked does not work
van 1067
console code
i cant update or uninstall valorant can someone please help
Stuck in launch page after clicking "Play" also cant tab out, issue for weeks now
Van : Restriction
Cashing on loading Screen
help 2 free agents
guys i need help im trynna make an account but i cant accept the terms and conditions
guys how do i play against diamond - asc 1 players in placement matches and end up in gold 3?????
open friends list mid game?
i restarted my game lots of times now and evori dreamwings is not showing up
I'm trying to uninstall Valorant but it doesn't let me because it says that riot games is still open
a red mission screen?
Error code
Rank Question
Cant open the game
did evori dreamwings come out yet? i dont see it in my store yet
van 128 when i start pc i press quit then start again then i get -79
Entering the Game
Does anyone have a beta code for console that I can use please
Says I don’t own the game on xbox
After the update, when I tried to load up Valorant it sticks me onto the opening screen of the game
Im getting a VAN: 152 error?
need help with agents
vanguard and van -79 someties van 0
what is this on Val console?
Please help!
Party voice chat stops working mid game
I have a big problem
Cross play not working on console
Rank console/pc ?
ability not displaying
dumb store
Rank Question
will these vct classics stay on the game after the bundle in the shop is gone?
I got Permanent Suspension from Valorant.
I play console valorant and competitive came out today and I have a 2 day q ban but I haven’t played
how to download vanguard
VALORANT hella glitchy and no way to fix it
True Stretched
I can’t choose a control preset
my game always crashes the first match on agent select
Ps5 codes
Cant play
Game Stuck On load screen / Not Responding
Any guide on how to fix these? Just happen to me,
Anyone know how to fix this error if my pc isnt supported to get tpm 2.0 or secure boot, im on w 10
query execution error
My account has been permanently suspended for no reason
I hope to get help from Riot Games. I have been appealing for a long time.
my VALORANT won’t let me play
Pc optimize
getting abyss map on competitive queue 5 times in a row
I got banned from the mouse control application and my tickets are not being checked.
stuck on riot loading screen
i cant purches in game items
Game doesn't launch after update
IT Administrator
Game Minimizes
high ping on european servers (again)
Is Valorant tracker a bannable addon?
issue with vanguard
I can't do the update
Console beta in other regions?
yo is winexp bannable or nah
voice changer
can someone help me get better at valorant?
VAN9003 support
Voice Chat isn't working after the first round starts.
Valorant support
high ping and connection issues
Cant hear teams or party voice cant speak either
Primordium blade come into my store?
a weird glitch
weird ping issue
pls help
I cant enable TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot
I made a purchase but i have this loading
changing settings
fail to buy
Game crashing on loading screen
Do you have to have PS+ to play Val
What is happening is this normal?
Couldn't Launch valorant
i need to secure boo but i did like 10 times doesnt work
valorant crashes
no access to email which is where the verification code is sent
No audio from PC after opening valorant
Valorant doesnt start up.(please help)
Valorant doesn't start-up.
Voice chat not working
we are having trouble loggin you in
how to fix wierd ahh ping when logging into other accounts from other countries
someone explain avg combat score
error code val 59
when i try do make a team in premier it dosent let me but i can play comp easily
Cant Uninstall
Val keeps crashing
Can I get a PS5 Code
VGK causing other non Riot games to Crash
Which server in EU is english?
yo guys anyone knows how can i buy valorant points with crypto?
Double download size on valorant!!
Screen sometimes freezes while playing
Can't Update
Valorant Win-64 error
My friend has a glitch where he gets kicked out the moment he loads into valorant like he gets into
Can anyone pls help me
what does this mean
Val console ranked bug ?
Can anyone help me fix my lag and fps drop
Why does it take so long to see the match screen?
Cross play not working on console
Still stuck in start loading screen
Val takes forever to load and its laggy
Game Will Not Load
SS thingy
New Glitch???
new update keeps crashing valorant
VC Still not working!
Error code 40, won't let me load into the game.
Ranked season end
how long will the update take
Stuck on mute
console val
RIOT support tickets not working
uninstall help
how can i make a premier teami
account is linked but..
cross-play with computer
why is unrated disabled?
van 135 error code
Mouse Grip
These penalties are wayyy too much
Weird sequence of errors when trying to launch the game
still stuck on the blue screen
Val Playstation Beta Code
Riot ticket time
Long loading screen
curious question
voice chat bannz
Anyone know how to fix the oops something went wrong when signing in?
ranking system
linking ps5
console valorant
Valorant going black after alt tab and taking a few seconds to come back
My Valorant crashes when I unplug my helmet
banned idk why
Valorant doesnt have access?
I didn't get the new episode gold buddy
Riot not giving my account back
I cant update my game
Screen goes black upon opening
got a 4 day ban for afk but it was from a ddos attack
My account was banned and I didn't use any cheats, why?
EP 9
does kd matter
when batlle pass dropping
a critical error has occured and the process must be terminated- please help me
can't play ranked with friends console
stolen account
voice chat
Cant Open Valorant
Update your operating system??
rank reset question
console beta
Random fps drop
issues since updating game yesterday
ranked placement matches
Requires Me To Update My Operating System
i need help:(
UPI option removed
riot id is unavailable.
Recovering a old account
Got Banned for Nothing
Valorant stuck on the startup screen
my account was hacked and now im perma banned. 400$ down the drain because someone got my info
van -79
Ban for no reason
please take sunset out of rank pool
My Valorant displays 3.39 TB of space
error code 0
Again, each update is worse
HD Player Cards
Cant uninstall valorant
Game crashing on launch since new patch?
Pc restarting and rebooting after starting valorant and running it for a few minutes
Problem Riot
How does ranked buddy work
Stuck/Crashing on the loading screen when starting the game
can any pne help me after new update i kept getting error van 0 and error ban -79 ive tried evrythin
Game just not working
new player here
val console ranked?
Cant deinstall valorant
How do i fix this it is not installing VANG
Extra xbox code?
voice chat not working
stuck in this screen
random 5 day comp ban
Console Comp isn’t there for me
Vanguard Error Code; VAN9003
No dailys
issue loading in
glitch that doesnt let u enter the game
glitch that doesnt let u enter the game
VALORANT account got signed out for some reason and now I can’t sign back in
let me queue with my friend for comp
Game stuck on loading match screen.
Stuck in Valorant screen
UPI option removed from game
secure boot
AFK on purpose
My val constantly crashes
critical error and process termination issue
can play together
tpm 2.0 and secure boot issue
when is maintenance starting and its end time
System error
ranked up twice, no buddy
console beta help
got restrictions for AFK
Where my rank buddy at?
I bought 1k vp but Didnt receive it
Damage Not Killing Enemies
console ranked
Secure boot not enabled error
gun buddy
can i play with different regions
stuck on continue button on console
valorent not launching
keep getting a glitch where i have to spam my buttons to get out but screen and also messes w my aim
Not getting my ranked buddies from last act
vanguard out of compliance with current system settings, wrong fix? SOLUTION: disable VBS
Is the stats real?
val not updating and infinitly loading
Forgoten acc
Falase banned on valorant
connection error many times
Valorant stays in loading screen when i launch it
Microsoft Rewards Help
val crashes everytime i open it
VGk.sys BSOD
Why did I get the act gunbuddy 11 hours before the act ended???
Not valo related but OBS studio recording for my valo gameplay
do i get diamond gun buddy
Riot tickets
can’t play a game
fix yuros alt
Valorant update stuck at 9%
pls help me plsss
val always not responding when i start a match
loading screen crash
Vanguard secure boot issue
hi my game block in loading screen
Error Code: VAN 1067
Why does some accounts allow cursing while mine got censored ?
it says im na while im eu
I can't talk to no one and even not invite them
Stuck on the Loading Screen after Update
van 0
anyone know how to fix vanguard keeps saying error
it switches from van -79 and van 0
Can't contact support
Sometimes i get VAN -72 error without any reason it's not even mentioned on Riot's Website
Afk penalty
Email Riot Console Valorant
connection error van 0
when i start my game i get error code van -79 help
when is EP9 patch coming to EU servers?
Cant open valorant after recent update
Valorant account locked
Meaning of this when purchasing VP
“Not currently available” xbox
Valorant Freezes Entire PC While Audio & Mouse Work
valorant is not openning on me
Valorant loading slow into match or not even at all?
prime gaming
VP linking pc and Xbox
console codes
pc crashes on update
my valorant is downloaded but it asked me to update so i updated and it stopped at 45%
am stuck on this screen
Agent contracts
keeping getting stuck on this
Stuck on this screen on ps5
Blue Screen???
idk how to enable it
Server Level Is Glitched
new update crashes val
Stuck on the loading screen after updating 💀🙏
Cant Play with other regions in Valorant console
Valorant vanguard installer loop
new update crashes valorant
Sniper scope stuck
Any spare Xbox c0de?
how to have better fps and lower ping on a low end pc
my valorant won’t load
why did some people get early access to evori dreamwings
moderation of microcontrollers
HS Percentage translating to kills
What time est will aemondir set leave?
quest about omen smoke(console)
how do you even get better in iron lobbiee atp
Error when trying to open valorant.
val party
Secure boot problem only on one acc
Does i have the immortal gun buddy?
I got false Perm banned and HWID banned on my account after having issues with Vangaurd
Game take forever to load in
secure boot
Takes ages to load
i updated valorant and it crashes after 10 seconds into loading screen any ideas on how i could fix
i updated valorant and it crashes after 10 seconds into loading screen any ideas on how i could fix
where can I get a code
I just got banned for a year and i didnt even play much
HELP : Valorant won't lunch because Vanguard Won't install on my pc
Valorant won't start after update.
Game takes forever to load.
valorant console error
Frame stuttering
Error VAN 1067
Choose a vandal skin
help about screenshots
u can help me ba
I can't load into valorant
Do I have to be lvl 20 to play valorant ranked on console?
Valorant console purchases
can't invite 1 of my ps friends
black loading screen
Loading Screen Frozen
side by side error
'we couldn't install a required dependency'
D3D11 - compatible gpu error
why ?
Valorant Clients Really Lag
Console Issue
i cant start valo
game freezing
how do you activate? 2fa on siege marketplace please help DM me
stuck on loading screen
Please help! "your system doesn't support the following requirements " ??
cant connect my old account
VAN -79
Xbox gamepass
i dont understand lol
Inviting Ps5 Friends on console beta not working
just playing
I don't see ranked in the playlist?
Valorant not responding on startup
My account suspended!
help plz
Valorant not starting: Troubleshooting issue
why everytime I launch valorant it says corrupt data please verify your installation?
how can i change my Region on the riot launcher
will this work on valorant??
login issues
Help when I start my valorant it’s in windowed mode and I can’t full screen and it won’t load
weekly quest
connection lost (xbox)
guys anyone know when the new season come out?? i want to buy so bad the new battlepass!!
Can someone help me please
weekly quest
Spare Code
How to Quickly finish battlepass
Is valorant ps5 down?
I was in a ranked game Pc crashed but i did my last 2 weekly quests and got 0 exp can fix?
Error Code 54
multiple Val errors
can't re-download Val
Which program is this?
Problem running the game
Valorant Console Broken?
Delete Iso from the game
error code 54 on console
fps issue
van error 79
Smurf probelms??
Screen freezing when tabbing back to valorant
source boot verify faileure
crossplay (Xbox)
Headset echo
high ping
Valorant Lag spikes every few seconds
Anybody got an console beta key extra?
error 152?
Stuck on loading screen
I still can't play the game
network problem
account stolen
Valorant was not able to launch
freezed screen
i deleted some files and now i cant sign in anymore
25% reduced RR
i need help
Where to buy/get the tickets for champions 20204 matches happening in Korea this year!
After an account ban can I still play after 4 months?
FPS drops
a weird glitch ????
need help with my ban
Is the update out?
Secure boot verification failure
aim curve in Val
I’ve just got level 20 yet I’m ranked banned any help?
Who can bring me a code for Valorant for PS5???
when i switch to f11/fullscreen my game not responding
My account got hacked
on console Val
i cant get into UEFI after turning off CSM
Vp aldım ama sunucu baska diyor
is there a way to get my account unbanned?
stuck at waiting screen
My PC cant turn on Secure Boot?
I can't even play the game
Hardware ban
idk if this is allowed but please help me man I need those
Connection Van error 1067 and 79
multiple kmode_exception_not_handled bsods while playing/while launching valo
Valorant without TPM 2.0 and secure boot?
can a mini pc handle valorant?
Cant update
My account was hacked.
Game freezes after agent selection
how do I get rid of a penalty
how to fix valo
Blue screen after opening valorant
Valorant Stretch
left & Right click on my mouse not working for shootin
"Sorry, we're having trouble signing you in right now" problem
Riot wont let me access valorant website
Riot account got deleted by itself
i got ban one year ago without a reason
Hardware ban
my vangaurd wont open ive reinstalled it twice and it keeps closing my game because of it
How do I check when I was banned?
can someone tell me the best 2 agents in each category
Queue Dodge Offense: warning
When does the new premier season start?
we livin every night to finally woke up this day finally woke up this day finallywoke woke up this d
when does ranked come out on console
does anyone know when new act releases pst
Comp closing time
cant log in
Need 7 more mods
game keeps crashing, all graphics drivers are up to date
I just get code
VALORANT RESTRICTION: Secure Boot Verification Failure
VALORANT Not Updating
Error Code: VAN -79
Van 1067
Valorant Error Code 7
log in problem
account locked
can I appeal a afk penalty on console
if u get a ranked penalty on console will the penalty end whenever ranked comes out
my friend is banned
can’t sign into beta
client fps
need help with skin name
if I played ranked what rank would I be
Character lagging back and forward
Connection Error Van-83
console party chat
help me pls
Frame stuttering
help itsgamerdoc
when is season ending
critical update requires
?? how does combat score work?
cant play comp
I want to go pro.
how do iget battle pass exp
Premier rewards
5 Stack Comp
help this issue
secure boot?
how to fix"It gives me the following error "feature level 11.0 shader model 5.0"?
Random lag and low frame rate
I didn't use cheats but I got banned for cheating and my account was gone.
I didn't use cheats but I got banned for cheating and my account was gone.
game freezing and long loading times
Hey guys quick question
help me
windows secure boot
Valorant Won't Launch
New to Valorant getting 300 ping servers how do I change region?
can't install valorant
How many hours do i wait when i make a ticket?
Is raw accel an ilegal game modification
When does comp end
game doesnt open... AGAIN
what can i do ?
Hi how to fix error 51 in Xbox?????
ban ?
why ?
My vc is broken
what day and time is the new season come out?
Xbox gamepass free agents
Bought Credits and they r not here
Hi how to fix error 51 in Xbox?????
valorant not opening
van 1067
fps capped at 60
what the freak is this
weekly missions
unable to uninstall
Failed to launch
I can't find my account
Temporary Suspension Appeal
friend request
console rank
my cursor always dissapeared when i login to valorant and sometime my valo black screen
i can't send media in media chat
episode 9 launch date
what does omen look like without his cloak?
vanguard safe boot error
i got hacked
help me pls
chat banned for no reason?
Secret to pass Mod application of valorant?
Help Pls
Will this conflict with the game's anticheat?
Why valorant crash today?
I keep getting this error message although I’ve got the beta w a code and everything. help please
guys my friend got banned for third party software when he doesn't even do thoss
pc usage increasing drastically
VALORANT val error code
Mouse Disconnection
Cant buy
Hello how do i fix this
Tutorial is bugged
Valorant crash
Valorant doesn't respond when I click around but it does when i alt tab
cant play valorant since i moved to win 11
game to render latency over 200k
im looking for a coach
i need help
Battle Pass
i have problems wiht tpm2.0 someone said i could request valorant to be able to play whitout it
TPM issues?
monitor scaling
i log back inside my valorant account,havent played for a whiiile,when i log inside i have 0 skins
I dont have vangurad installed and Valorant doesnt want to install it
anyone know when next night market is coming out
Valorant's account is locked. Please help
How do I avoid playing against Smurfs
valorant is crash on the loading screen
someone pls help
Game messes with my wifi
pc specs
My mic not working
just had a doubt when will weekly mission reset today?
Error code: VAN-81
Why have i not loaded??????
strange colors
Val wont use all my resources
Valorant being weird
comp banned
Valorant giving me "secure boot verification failure" even though my secure boot is on.
Packet loss
account connected to a riot acc
Error -79
region swap
valorant not responding
help with console vc
how do i get this man banned
Valorant video graphic driver crash
Can you change language in console?
just help guys
refunding battle pass
Says I need TPM 2.0 Enabled but can't find anything related to it in BIOS
I have enough credits for new agent
Getting a VO countdown at the end of games.
Issue with vanguard asking me to enable secure boot
Hey i recived a warning but it banned me from play comp for 2 weeks pls someone help
Keeo getting error 51
weekly bonus
Van 59
secure bott
valorant refunds
Rank Gun Buddy Question
weekly challenges
im hard stuck 75 fps outta nowhere
Val freezes my whole pc after opening
i cant queue comp?
I need help
crashing as I choose a character
My ping display is bugged
training camp problem
Please help Latency really high
VAN error codes
high latency
valorant keeps freezing
I wanna pass the mod application any tips or tricks or any secrets you know?
GIGABITE A620M AMD | how can I enable secure boot and TPM 2.0
Got ban for nothing
VAN9005 error
Error Code: VAN -79
I am getting banned for a "game modification"
Account recovery
weekly challenges not appearing
weekly bonus missions
So I trash talked a trash talker and got almost banned
Requesting Mac version of Valorant
VAN9003 error
Hacked account person bought skin using my vp
error 185
Blurs when moving my mouse
Vangaurd is stopping Valorant from launching
How do I fix valorant crashing after alt tabbing or even clicking on a different open app?
when i sent my ticket and val answered why is that u guys will just deactivate and reset password
What does error code van -79 mean?
why is my valorant downloading so slow, my internet is good
find a missing guy
hacked account
How do I fix valorant crashing while tabbing out?
linking accounts
I Got Penalized For No Reason (AGAIN)
Got banned out of nowhere
how do i stop vgc from stopping when i shutdown my laptop
I’m muted in all games I go into and can’t figure out how to fix it
Critical Error Preventing Launch of VALORANT
Insanely high game to render latency
what does it mean to reset chracter
Error Code: VAN -79
Highest ping on servers closest and lowest ping on farthest servers
console open beta release
Game Stuttering
System Error
mic not working Xbox Valorant
recover my account
Error message
valorant crashing when i tab out
secure boot, tmp2.0
i cant buy VP
error 57 on console.
console bug (ps5)
valorant freezing
Premiere Playoff Subs
Premiere not letting me invite any friends
Valorant keeps crashing showing random error codes such as 185, 68, 84, 1068 etc.
Valorant not loading
whaat is the approximate time of getting my account recovered?
Riot isn't answering any of my tickets please help its been 2 days
Crash Issue
Cant see my ticket
Valorant issue
val changed my user
graphics error
Val wont use all my resources
TPM issues help me
anyone know val cod 79 fix please tellI beg
What agent do i get?
Valorant ping
Valorant not loading
wha tthe flip is this
Game Latency (CPU) reaching up to 4 million millisecond, what can I do about this?
Premier Team Invitations
Is this a bug?
My valorant is showing weird stuff
beta code
help for report 2 poeple
Valorant still freezing/Taking too long to load
Valorant Red Screen
same account on two different consoles
gun scopes
How do I walk without making noise on console besides from crouching?
im getting 200 mbps yet it still says connection problem
picking main
rank reset?
FPS drops
high ms in mumbai server
Valorant Console going black PS5
Keep getting suspension for no reason
Nightmarket Help
Bug on console valorant
stuck at loading screen
Night Market
Error code 57
Valorant failed to launch
why my valoran aint working
why am i not getting the vp i bought
Skin refund.
Not getting enough FPS
Can somebody tell me how to fix this?
why is my ban timer going up?
beta invite error
need help from someone in the EU
if im banned on pc do i get banned on console
I need help to see if my account is banned for some reason
i need friends add me
My account just got hacked like someone switched email and i have 2 factor
game is still running when i try to uninstall
"Direct X run time error"
HWID Ban with console?
someone knows how i do in focus mode its Auto put ads
account locked
Help with loading in
Xbox beta
new bundle ?
High ms in singapore server
TPM 1.2 TO TPM 2.0
Val Freezes
can someone help me get my valorant clips on my PS5 too my computer
can’t login
Why does my combnat report look like this?
game settings
Account hacked
I'm having experienced with VAN 185 error.
Secure boot verification failure
Valorant cant uninstall,
voice chat not working?
How this is possible
I got permanently banned for using third party app but i didn't use any app
server routing problem..?
windowed fullscreen does not make alt tabbing faster
Console Crosshair glitch
Fullscreen glitch
Riot claims my account isnt in their system?
I think my account is hacked
problem of connection
High ping problem
Getting Penalized For No Reason
VC not working
Valorant freeze at launch
Hi I found a solution for those who have this problem:
hi guys my account got banned for unknown reason it says third party software when I haven't even
i cant get in the console beta for some reason
My account was hacked and riot hasn't helped
İt stucks at agent choosing
someone hacked my account and is playing on it, need help
keybinds for neon
i keep getting random 130 ping
Triying to find Lithuanian cobsole players to play with!
Suspended account
game scaling
I’m on Xbox, and I have an issue
VP Codes regional.
I can't see my referall codes for console Valorant beta to give to my friend please help
Competitive Ban
When i am trying to join the game it says 5 4 3 2 1 0 and it stucks at 0
screen freeze at loading page
agent selection problem
Can you let him get ban he is a rudest person i ever met
bluetooth earbuds not working during ingame matches
why riot cilent always keep my account log out automatically
My valorant is not opening
my code
guys theres circles under my enemys why
what does p mean in crosshairs?
Game stuck on loading screen
server or hacker?
fullscreen not working
redeemed my xbox code but the game didnt show up
redeemed the code but the game didn’t pop up
is night market going to be on console
screen freezing
how to use find your referral codes
why game crash when alt tab
vp buy page not opening
I was temporarily suspended from valorant for being afk too much
how do i download riot to play val
What is the map pool?
i cant make posts in console codes
error console
Weird damage numbers
Vibrance not Applied
Data Request
VAN -83 error code
Some neon is trolling in low ranked competitive
Which clips to study
Beta console ranked
custom games
Flicking Coursor
Error VAL 62
Slow AHH first launch / first game of day
weekly bonus missions
Lots of weird stutters and such, just looking for general tips to make the game run better.
error code:51
something unusual happened
Does anyone knows how to fix this issue ?
windows update problem
my valorant takes too long to load and i cant join games who can help
I seems to got unfairly banned ???
rank differences
anyone know how to fix error code 51?
val is not working
A lot of problems with lag and crashing
Problem to launch
Weekly Bonuses
need help
ive seen on other ppls screens it has an actual number but mine is just a string of numbers..
error code VAN -79
Xbox help
I have a 5 day ban because of rule 7 what did I do ?
60 FPS only?
i cant hear my teammates
weekly bonus missions missing
My skins disappeared
My riot games and launcher are not speaking to each other
where do I see the milestones completion progress of basic training
how do I access basic training
Raw Accel
bug when using Clove's ult
game lagging when reloading kuronami vandal
My voice chat sometimes doesnt work can anyone help
Need helping fixing entering valo problem
If i created a Riot account that isn't leaked to a console, what codes will it send me?
I have no more weekly challenges
VAN9003 multiple times
what is the fastest way to get xp
Does my account get banned if I get hwid banned?
we couldn't install a required dependency
screen getting stuck if I press anything
Valorant don't want to open.
valorant stop responding when the agent menu select finish
van 187
js got the game on console what’s the best ops to use ?
i cant log in my account but my username and password it correct
why riot always log out my account auto
mouse problem
Join Our Team: US-Based Collaborator Wanted!
high ping
bug with Neon ??
hello cansomeone help me? ranked block
I Cant fix this
I try signing up for the console beta and this happens
no names accept
error van 9003
Glitch With Chamber ult
my account just got hack, they change my email to different email. i need help
can we use raw accel in valorant
Mac version of Valorant
is it possible to redeem a code from any region
Ping issue
my game completely freezed on agent selection IN COMP
This game is broken.
forgot region code is in
trying to delete a ticket
Valorant and LoL is unplayable :( Need help --> Ping issues
Servers down
Aim acceleration on console
When is Console coming to Australia
account login issue
How do I get agents?
Wtf is TPM and boot secure
I live in the USA but it says beta isn’t available in my region any way to fix it
I got Xbox ultimate but didn’t get all agents on Xbox
mouse wont work
black screen
Does anyone know why this happens in the middle of a match?
region question for console and pc
false ban
what banner is this?-
Fullscreen feels laggy
Valorant major audio bug
Anyone else got val not responding on startup
not recieving xbox game pass benefits
one time refund
VAN9003 Error message
perma ban for cheating (I wasn’t)
Game won't start
my account got ban for unsure reason!
Val 54
Game keeps crashing when tabbing out
Valorant on console.
should I get a rx 7600 Xt or a 4060?
I connected the wrong account to my playstation
cant play on ghost spectre
can someone send me web or link to valorants technical and player support team
Can't load into matches
takes time to load in game
I havent played Valorant on my PC in months and when i went on i was banned.
Will we ever be able to play with people in different regions?
Anyone fixed the valorant failed to launch
Fix Sage
i got perm hardware banned for using "third party software"
I got permanent ban for using third party software!!!!!
Valorant not recognizing my secure boot is already enabled and set to uefi
payment valorant
Weekly challenges
valorant freeze
mic perma muted on console
que son los contratos de agentes?
la única manera de conseguir skins es pagando?
How i lvl Up my operator rank?
Leaderboard position on act triangle
Im done with this game
super high avarage ping
is enable Secure Boot, TPM 2.0 and UEFI on bios mode AND MY DISK IS GPT, and the error stay here
i cant open valorant
any help with this? I’m on Xbox
is there a way to run 120 frames on console?
Error Code 51 on Xbox Series X
Network problem
How much does your rank get reset in the beginning of each episode?
Can't make a ticket request to get email changed
Referral code link
afk penalty
beta glitch
weird timer
my screen gets frozen while in agent select
code erreur 7 console ps5
Vanguard issue
micro adjustments
code not working
cpu usage over 50% when valo is running not in game.
Valorant Kept Crashing
stoled acc
best lineups website
Game keeps crashing
my Val won’t start
critical error and other bug
access to this game is suspended. find out more. for no reason
What is happening these day internet.
Problems with graphics
banned for 0 minutes
Account locked
Help my Account got hacked!
Suggest me a recording software or please help optimizing obs
Power cut ban
how to locate game if u already have it
help me
Console ping
error code van -79
how do I lose 25rr as match mvp in a match with equal ranks???
Need help with my hertz, my fps are ok but my hertz are set in 180 but they are stuck in 60.
connected laptop to monitor, everything else runs at 120hz but when I go on val theres only 60hz
i need help
Van 1067 Error Code
this build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system setting
how to turn on my secure boot on this gigabyte bios?
question about reports
nothings working
VAN:RESTRICTION Secure boot verification failure
help #what
what should i buy second round
van 1067 error code
laggy console servers
full screen on riot client
please help
Game Loading Issues During Agent Select
Agent submission
Will there be a improve method for banning ximming on console
Why am I getting randomly banned
Cannot Purcahse VP
why is everyone muted in my lobby?
How to change my keybinds that allows me to change my agents to play in practice range
Valorant secure boot, even though my pc is already in secure boot
valorant console beta
Valorant failed to launch
I got falsely perm banned for using third party software
i got a new pc but the gpu i used is HWID banend for valorant, do i get a ban?
does riot even check tickets
im really laggy
how to redeem valorant gift card on console?
looking for coaching
About improving
valorant error code 7 - console (xbox)
May someone give me a valorant beta code? Thanks!
Game stuttering, cant seem to fix the issue
2 free agents
It said i would get two free agents after I played a match but i dont know how to redeem them
Shooting Through Walls (new)
secure boot state
cant sign in to my main
Cant sign in
how to download valorant without riot client
will crossplay between pc and console ever come out?
i cant play
game thinks I'm dodging while I'm not
linking account
My game is rolling
Account issues
Where do i find the code(s)
fix game
Console valorant
What do i need to run valorant? idk anything abt pcs
game is too slow
can yall help boost my tt
saturation issues
Vanguard installer
My game is freezing way too much
why cant i uninstall
when do more maps get added to valorant console?
game crashes leading to perma ban
vanguard secure boot
van 152
Maybe somebody know how to fix VAN-79 error? I literally cant play Valorant cause of this : (
why haven’t I been sent invite links in my email for the console beta
french discord valorant
Console Push to Talk
bug boutique
uh how much time i need to play this game Fr ?
is there any way to fix this?
Loading toooo long
Not starting up
I get fps drops each time i pull out an ability/gun/anything that i havnt pulled out before.
valorant alt tab very laggy
Help! I cant enter my Account
low fps after windows 11 upgrade
val 57 error
Usage of ValorantCC
valorant hang in picking agent
graphique card
I cant open my valorant window's screen.
MFA Email Assistance
Help please
hi I have 500 fps on valo but the thing is I have a 60hz should I uncap the fps or just it it to 60
Wingman wiggle
so my account got hacked
Kingdom credits
val57 error ps5
I try boost my fps
Alt tab pc crashes and freezes.
error: van -79
low resolution help for Fps?
Really slow loadup during startup - Champion Select and Loading screen,
van -79
console beta code to link ps and Xbox
how do i check my tickets while contacting the valorant support team
download ps5
Forgot Email
is clove still viable in diamond+?
I can't change my region when i'm in another contry
High ping on a server
Voice chat bug
how do I get my account back after it getting hacked
Slow Loading
Player Doxxing a female in game
Game to render latency
error 84
how do i contact support
PC xbox cross progression
Ads glitch
comms suddenly not working
Valorant opening riot client
Van 152
will my valorant points reduce if i dont buy something with it?
server issue
Please help My game freezes every game after agent select for 1-3 rounds
how to close riot client to uninstall valorant
Error: Could not enter matchmaking
Requesting Mac version of the game
Ion knife in my shop
are you a sigma
Valorant help!
Audio Issues
how hard is it to grind bp levels
Cant install
is valorant getting shutdown?
My focus/crosshair will be on someone and my shots whiff
I'm curious, where does the money made from server shop go to?
What's the BEST way to get the currency needed for agent unlocks?
Error codes
PSN account Issues
GamePass benefits on Playstation?
Are Alr accounts allowed??
how to check gun levels
Slow loading and terrible FPS
Ping sipkes only in valorant and my screen freezes
Connection error VAN code 0
Stretched res?
Acc locked
I can't here anyone
friend using my account
how do I invite friends to valorant with my 5invites from beta codes
valorant takes forever to load and sometimes freezes after agent selection
how i make my mic good in valorant *noise suppression*
need help fixing a visual error
hi does anyone know how to fix query execution error on ps5 I’ve literally have tried to fix it help
Game doesn't want to stop crashing
Secure Boot
#restriction help please
Xbox Game Pass Benefits
console xbox gamepass
i got banned for swearing ingame?
how do I fix error 51 on console valorant I cant even go into the game
weekly quest not renewed @
I have those 2 problems and when I start a match my valorant quit automatically or start stuttering
I have all Agents on Xbox but how?
I Need help
FPS issue
what happened to polish server (warsaw)? why did it disappear out of nowhere??
Premier Playoffs
swap valorant accounts on the same psn/xbox account
why i can’t lunch the game
In your opinion, does Raw Accel actually work and is it worth it?
What just happened? I was mid game
FPS drops
what is van -79
Last set of weekly challenges
can you help me with shooting pls
Valorant freezes my computer
cant join or invite friend
Im trying to join other xbox players party and it says You cannot join this party help me
Team voice chat working?
where can i find my referral codes for console?
Im stuck
phoenix arm is uhm not there (xbox)
where did the warsaw eu server go?
how to play ranked?
issue with sing in
can i play valorant with my friend thats on console while i am on pc?
Help me
Can't reconnect at all keeps giving me this message
Van 84: The prequel
Val 68
Couldn't Start
Game Freezing making me force shutdown the device
vc bug
high ping sa
Pf why does my screen after loading tuturial get stuck with only back button
van 84 hata
Van 84
error: van 84
van 84
van 84
Help ME
dude stop creating posts if the servers are down, they will prob make an announcement for it.
Hey guys im Playing the beta console version atm and im keep getting kicked out of my march
valorant kicking people out multiple times during competitive match istanbul server
Hi guys I need help on this error code Van 68 do you guys know how to fix it??
VAN 84
VAN 68
VAN 84 RIOT GIVE ME MY 29RR BACK txpisaep#skibi
van 84 error
yo singapore servers
Connection issues
Wtf is queue dodging
Valorant has encountered a connection error VAN code 68
All five of my teammates including me got Error code: Van 68
VAN 84
van 84
van 84
constant error code 5? I can open the game but i cant to anything that would require internet?
Van 84
valorant connection problem
Van 84
van 84 help i cant play game
Valorant kicked me out of the game, and it keeps saying that it lost connection
VAN 84
van 84
my friend can't join valorant
comms glitch
Error code
VAN error 84
Games cashing
error 84
game keep crashing
Game keeps crashing
when is the next night market comming
Can you guys help to solve VAN68 error?
Night Market
a little help please my valorant keep crashing
I don't get any verification code from Riot when I enter my number to verify in Valorant Premier.
How do i install Valorant on my ps
VAN 9003
someone help me #community-help
cant download vanguard the anti-cheat
win 11 vanguard error
How do i change region
fps graph not showing
Vanguard specs inquiry
Surrender Bug
Banned from competitve
valorant crash 68 and valorant crash 57
Cant load into any game, including the range?
my motherboard doesnt have tpm 2.0 and secure boot how do i play valorant without it?
driver crashing
Secure boot
Guys I got banned on competitive. I dint do anything
I'm unable to use to party voice, tried restarting reinstalling etc, still not able to.
Bullet tracers
how do i do system restart
Valorant taking up a lot of memory
I Have Achromatopsia, Any Ideas How To Work Around It?
Change my region
valorant support tickets
error 68
doesnt let me log in my account
val 59
what is wrong with my game,
can i get a refund because i bought the 10$ vp even though i was on the 20$ one
I cant save the tpn
on Console, neons equip slide animation is not skippable. Even if main weapon is equipped be4 sprint
cant refund
Ap Gift Card
unexpected error when i try to accept an invite link for valorant console. EU
Requesting to be invited to the beta
Is the experiment over?
Secure Boot Must be enable error
bsod fest while i'm doing random stuff after playing valo. Every single instance involved vgk.sys
Help Pls
Frames dropping signifigently during isos ultimate
Ping issue
How to fix this vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings?
can someone help me
game running rather slow, theres a (3) next to my fgame in task manager and idk what it means.
Lost access to stuff ?
raw accel
Error 7 console Beta
Temporary Suspension
agent suggestions
I'm bad with Pistols
Suggestion Box
vgk sys byod error
2 Different types of crashes
cheaters, trigger bot insta 5 heads
Graphics after last update
EU playing NA servers
refund of skin
Animations in Shop not showing
I'm just recently coming back to valorant and i noticed my account got hacked
how do u fix valorant taking super long to load and freeze
didn't get my referral links as u can see in the video
someone help me with Vanguard error 9003
Gun Buddy when Episode resets
I accepted a console code from my friend and it says “that was unexpected”
pass bundles
I need a code for Xbox plss
Platinum kda
Keeps crashing
Verification email not verifying
email bug still not fixed?
Error console beta code
need help
someone help
error 7 still don’t work
nothing loads website won't verify can't make a name or tagline getting nothing but trouble :/
Loading screen
not respoding val
new console account
Mouse Courser Lag
Valorant FPS (Performance)
error 7 console
2 Consoles
i just got band in ranked without play any game
I got error VAL 7
console stuck in settings bug
I cant open valorant and Lol
is the issues with people not being able to play gonna be fixed
Team Voice Chat occasionally doesn't work while Party Chat always works
Cant load in game fast. its been 5m of me waiting (comp) and iv played prior games.
need help finding a main new player but ik what I'm doing
vocal chat don't work
ping on console
is valorant really almost 3 tb?
I have tpm on and everything and im still getting this error code
i am getting constantly kicked from matches even tho i have perfect ping what is happening
Why does this problem occur?
where do I get refrence link
Game keeps crashing and riot are useless with helping
i can't install directX
No checkpoints in tutorial
Mic Problem
High Ping in EU
Banned from competitve
riot games / valorant
How do I get better teammates?
which vandal is better? valiant hero or new vandal?
Verification email
error code van -81
freeze valorant
pls help
val closing, secure boot for vanguard?
whenever I matchmake I get error code:val 5
how do use use referual link
up n out
2 week ban for no apparent reason that I can see
login problem
Cant update valorant
anyone willing to send us a code for val
vanguard boot something
valorant ps5 code
Got kicked from match
Comms randomly stops working
Sign in error
i can't log in kicked me from a match
Console wont let me in.
Won't let me login, Valorant error 57
Wont let me log in on console (xbox)
vangaurd doesnt load but i can play Val?
how do i refer freinds to console beta?
cant play on windows 11
facing Fps issues
my original email was stolen
AMD Anti-Lag
Error 7 console FIX!!
our team reyna said "I like your mother clove" to me (I am clove)
high game to renderlatency (cpu+gpu)
Console beta region help
valorant beta
we couldnt install a required dependency
Constantly Muted - Xbox Valorant
Please help, major issue with movement
help ME
cant log into the beta
Ping Problems
Inquiry Regarding Access to Valorant in Iran
error 7 console
one of my friends got hacked, what can they do to recover it?
Will Valorant be on PS4
how to fix error 57 on console
Xbox code not work
valorant 500mb
Why xbox friend code not work
Valorant EU Code
Error 7 valorant console help me
Can't buy Valo Points
Valorant freezing for a while in character selec
Valorant crashes when tabbing from roblox to valorant.
error code 57
valorant error code 51 on console
in-game voice chat not working
can i play valorant in puerto rico
key board and mouse on console
cant sign in
Unable to add friend
Connection lost, Can't Get into game Xbox
beta ending
How to get riot gunbuddy
New Player Help
how do i give my friends a code
Need help accessing my referral link
Is there any way to unsuspend my account?
My account is hacked and needs recovery
How do I send my friend the invited codes I received??
I just upgraded my setup and this error keeps showing up
hello i have a question my windows version is not supported by valorant and it says its to old
val code 51 can’t even pass main menu
can someone help me i have trilions of cpu game latency
it’s logged into my old riot account?
any1 know how to fix error 51 on val console
For SaucyWan when he gets the issue fixed
vangaurd doesnt load but i can play Val?
So I tried to invite a NA player to my party (I am also NA) and it said cannot invite this player
Can’t shoot in valorant
how do i give my friend a referral link to play the game?
Need help with codes
pls help with error code
ping issues
valorant won’t download
beta code
Changing region
When I startup the game it always stays in the loading screen and doesnt go to the menu
my game is not appearing...
Valorant installer
region changing bug
unable to play Valorant! It will not run for me at all & yes i tried everything that riot games said
movement delay
secure boot
can I get some help
valorant console
hi pls help :3
Cant Type to people
how i report a bug on valorant?
Error 7 console
VAL Code 1067
cant claim code
help pls geting 60fps only
how do I send a code to my friend
Help me please
val can't install
beta code
cant use paypal for vp on turkish account anymore
got banned for a year because i reset my game?
Hey, recently got Van -79 error after reinstalling vanguard and valorant
Xbox game pass benefits
cant buy vp
Does val console have comp and when does the beta end?
Pc Spec Upgrades
error 7 console
can't get invitation links
Hey, ive got a problem with valorant console invite link.
Skill question
does anyone know how to fix the error 1067?
van 51?
how do i set a password
dies anyone have the referral code
when does valorant beta end and when can people play without codes
what is VAN-79
When will Valorant arrive for the console in the Brazil region?
When will the console beta be released for Brazil, does anyone know?
anyone know why I can’t link account on PS
beta hub website not working
valorant for region for brasil
Need Coaching
valorant brasil de console pfv.
guys I can’t invite my friend
Console code
How to go back to a full screen
Why my whole team muted and me?
beta hub email
getting VAN 185 code
Cant get Console codes
Got a permanent suspension on valorant for third party??
is it a bug
I got the email saying I was invited to beta
I got banned for a year for leaving one game in the beta someone help
Anyone know how to fix the kill challenge glitch it’s going down instead of up
Good aim labs playlists to practice micro-adjustments, counter strafes etc
beta key ps5
Low Fps in valorant after new update
PS5 voice chat issue
i need help
Weird screen
not utilising full power of cpu and gpu
Valorant Console
network rtt jitter
Redeemed beta code playstation
Bro I have a kill enemies challenge and I have don’t it multiple times for example I’m on 73 I get t
PC freezing after alt tabbing
Does counter-strafing ruin aim?
Xbox Gamepass
facing a technical error , need help with it
facing a technical error , need help with it
Got banned after game crash
Why does that appear to me?
How many people are accepted to valorant beta?
Console Main menu after each Match!
what does red light mean in computer case
I have a challenge on console where it is get 100 kills it was on 77 and now is going down to 57/100
when are the next batch of codes coming out
how do I get friend invites
my crosshair gets blurry everytime i alt tab, and it doesnt go back to normal, my gpu is ryzen 570
Pc crash
error code 7
Ping failed issue from UAE in Mumbai Server.
Australian servers
What am i doing wrong?
2 of my games got terminated because I was "using game modifications"
How do i invite my friends
Error code: VAN -79 fix?
ps5 beta code from email is invalid
Which skin is worth it?
beta invite
Valorant Console Bug?
What is this comm called?
help with refferal link
how do I use these cross hair codes bc I’m confused
can't log in to closed beta
Got an issue "Valorant isnt opening and showing a message"
launching error
How to fix
Refferal link for beta
why can't I join my EU friend as NA
if you login to a banned account will u be hardware ban?
Will there be xbox beta rewards like during the Original Pc val launch?
i can’t find my code
console beta
High ping on N Virginia servers
Can't shift walk when playing phoenix
hi I need help
Valorant needs secure boot?
Help please
help as fast as you can
Xbox download issues
Error Code 1067
ADS Issue
Im trying to get valorant console
question will console beta be on Australia/oce need help
My Xbox Game Pass Benefits won’t show up on PS5 VALORANT
Console Linking
i need help
Use this!
Can anyone give me a code for ps5 valorant
Valorant region help
Can someone from na east america make me a valorant account dm me
why do i get less rr compared to others?
how do I sent the inv code?
please help vanguard boot fix
Having trouble logging into the Valorant open beta for PS5
is val this cpu heavy
error van9003 pls help crashes halfway through tutorial
I got gifted a league of legendsgift card but I only play valorant
Where is my night market
Bought game pass no agents
valorant beta ps5 error : code 51
valorant crashing when i hit the windows button or alt+enter
are people actually giving away codes or is this just all for clout if so? why aren’t we kicking.
Referral Link not loading
valorant console
Does someone know basic stuff about motherboards?
Voice chat
SOmeone gave me a link to a code but it wont work
how do i find my referral links for valorant console?
Xbox Game Pass Benefits Not Showing Up
Console beta won't work
riot ban this kid
Error 7 Console Beta
voice chat not working
Can’t buy Valorant Points
can someone help me I got a code 57 on ps5 I downloaded the game and the code came how do I fix it
can anyone help me get a Xbox eu code
will all the people get the beta code?
Selection error/bug
Error console PS5
character picking bug
what game pass do I need
wth riot
Not being able to open valorant
is there a way to bind switching between left and right hand?
can you have the finisher on the neo frontier sheriff with the classic western look?
Hello I was wondering if someone could help me with something
VAN -79
The mail bot is not working
i want to have a 1 letter name in valorant can some1 help me do it?
how do I find my 5 invite codes my brother wants one
Cpu usage going to 100% and game latency going 500k+
can we still get the beta codes?
I need help switching my REGION
Van:Restriction:Your account does not meet the requirements
I need a psn code pls
friend requests not working
Console Code
#help for tutoriel
I signed up for the beta
Help, I keep getting unplayable stutters. I have a 4060 with a 14400f
how do I send a invite to my friends
how do i fix “not currently available” when i try to install
The tutorial keeps crashing
need a xbox na code
Xbox beta code
secure boot
is every map in the console beta
I've been having issues with inviting friends and joining themHow could i fix this?
can someone help i have registered for the console valorant beta and i got the email that said i had
Microsoft rewards?
how do I fix the walkthrough? the bots won’t appear on the second step
i cant hear anyone in console voice chat
Graphics are wierd
Account Locked
can the beta be played in Puerto Rico?
Error Code 7
what does it mean when i try to open valorant but the riot games client opens instead
my game keeps crashing
game kept crashing
Valorant referral links
can't invite or join friends
cant log in
Beta Codes
I got a code. but idk how tf to activate it.
Where to find friend codes??
My game keeps crashing
Where is Reyna's gunshot and yoru's image?
Is DailyVal on the Appstore banable
I dont see a referral link on my code for console val
Version mismatch Xbox beta
Van:Restriction:Your account does not meet the requirements
pls help me black screen
cant login
Can't join party on PS5 beta
valorant corrupted?
beta codes
Excuse me what??
Loading issues,
Van:Restriction:Your account does not meet the requirements
got accepted but can’t access code
Val Error 7
Trying to open valorant but i cant
Val 51
val 29
tutorial bug
invite codes
cant launch valorant
new player
when does night market come back
Minor Console Bug
Console server issues
Console Bug with Focus & Buy Menu
Ranked on console
Your account does not meet the requirements
Game so laggy i cant even sign in. EU PS5
I got into Beta
New glitch found in abyss
how do i update my vanguard for val?
i created a ticket but still it is not showing in my tickets
Valorant issue pls help
help bug ( Français si possible) or english
Vanguard not reactvating after reboot
Closed beta problem
Secure boot won't activate
true stretched with amd
Valorant problem
is it possible to desactive a code for closed bêta?
what is the reward program
valorant console
Help me don't know how to fix this Xbox Beta
Valorant AFK ban
game won’t load
MY valorant comp q dosent work
cape town and Bahrain server highping
cant get into My acount
game doesn’t work
stuck up after loading screen
Valorant OCE Closed Beta
When I open the game or change the settings, the game color turns to this color. What is the solutio
Whys my valorant voice chat glitchy and buggy
cooked content
Only 60fps
Cant unistall valorant
ban apeal
Console beta
help with beta console
what happned to weekly missiong?
question for mail on console beta
PS5 beta first pop up message?
hi i have black bars pls help me i \dk whar to do
I need help with the console beta
Game latency in millions
Is this normal?
Riot client still open
Secure boot not there
please help!!!
code issue
Getting disconnected mid game
can you play at the same time from the same account on playstation and pc or playstation and xbox?
i got a queue timer restriction
console server
VAN 1067
can u unban me please
Stuck in tutorial room on console
cant boot
how do i beat valorant training on console? im just stuck in a room
will the beta be taken away from me at a certain point?
is there anyway I can play if it’s not available in my region, pls help
After new update severely high ping and lag and freezing
Valorant stuck at riot games logo
need help
Valorant fps optimization guide advanceD PLZ
what guns should i be using?
What counts as baiting?
I have been region blocked in the EU and am blocked in the site because I made too many accounts
when do they stop sending out emails cause I still haven’t gotten mine
I need some help
mouse not working
how to get out of silver 2
penalties and how to reduce them
Where do I go to find the invites for the Console beta so I can invite my friend.
error help pls
console game chat not working
how do i get my pc skins on ps5 i have the acc both connected
how do I get my referral links for the beta
Sign In Unavalible when accepting invite for Console Valorant
is there an easy way to give feedback to riot?
says I’m in a different region and won’t let me switch it
Help me pls.
Perm banned
graphic driver crashed
Problem with Beta Code
cant find referral link
says I’m in a different region
what does this mean 😭
1 code ps5 please
error 51 Val console
I am Korean, but I made an account in another country, but an error occurred
shop question
Cant sign in.
Unable to purchase agents
I keep getting penalties and afk offenses because loading screen takes too long, what should I do?
i try accepting invite
do I just have to wait it out?
server change
please show me how to update bios on hp desktop
anyone know how to turn off voice chat
are they still giving out codes anymore bc I want one
where to go to send others a referral code
stuck in a box on console
Stuck On Basic Training
Unable to Join someones party on console
i need to contact support help
question regarding beta
Error 51 on valorant console
I have game pass connected on console but don’t have all the agents
if I have the beta on xbox, can I invite my brother who plays ps?
error 7 valorant console
Is this a thing or my computer is f up
Not in the right region
I got error 7 and 51 when playing console valorant
my referral link isn’t working
Windows VGK BSOD
lmao why when I click the claim link it doesn’t bring me to a code
vanguard user mode service taking surprisingly too much cpu usage for some reason
my link is not working please help
more codes
can u still get a code?
banned unfairly help
why can't I see my refer all links on the beta hub?
banned and they dont even play
my mates refferal link doesn’t show up
Falsely perma suspended update
How do I link my PlayStation account to play the Valorant Beta?
aim issue
game not loading in
console beta code issue
yo any1 know's how to fix valorant as soon as i launch it doenst open and just brings me back to rio
I used the sign up link and got no response just wondering what is going on looks really sketchy
Let's be real, riot is losing player count
Are there going to be waves of codes and if so how often?
need help
my friend got a code and sent me an invite link and I clicked it but it didn’t work for me
How do you access the other codes for friends??
How can i check my current account standing?
Xbox Val
did everyone who signed up get a code?
can anyone dm me a console code
Pls give key
console keys
do i get banned if i got in a lobby with bots?
error VAN -79
wrongfully Banned
vc button not working
Freesync question
I'm getting random VAN errors; and crashes; every now and then, the game isn't even playable.
Im curious as to why my abilities turned purple??
when are the beta invites going out?
True stretched res patched?
beta key
so since the beta is coming out can I get main suggestions
Can anyone help valorant wont load
it wouldn’t let me do console beta
beta key
just to make sure
do I get a key
can anyone help me fix it ?
Lagging ever since the update.
beta keys
Slide a beta code please 🙏
Van -79 pls help
Van error code 185
how many people will get to play the valorant console beta
val console beta
Valorant long loading times yada yada.
i cant see the enemy chats any tipps?
val is glitching and cant uninstall then reinstall
It dosent allow me to change the resolution
beta time
How do you appeal for an unban in this discord server?
pls help fix
Does anyone know the solution to this error?
loading screen in valo is it just me??
packet loss since update
Can't change resolution on Valorant
This Version Of Vanguard Requires Secure Boot To Be Enabled In Order To Play Valorant
high and inconsistent server pings
when will i know if i got
VALORANT disconnecting when in game
Valorant on Console
Console ranks
Payment Issue
Would I get a code even if I'm not in the region they stated for the beta for console
What mouse/mousepad for valorant
Appeal pentaly
Where is this card from?
cant run valorant due to lack of tpm 2.0 on my laptop
How does Performance bonus work
console beta keys usage.
is true stretched bannable in valorant?
takes a long time before i get into a map
how many codes for valorant console will there be ?
how many hours to valorant console?
Error Code 5, 1067
release date and time
VAN 9003
Valorant not installing
High ping on every server
How can i fix this VAN 62?
Xp rewards
no folder found
Pls help me
console beta
console keys released
Anybody got a Code for Valorant Console Beta?
need some help
Valorant Singapore IP anyone?
When do you get the codes for the console Beta valorant?
constant frame drops and freezing due to incompatibility with intel graphics drivers
Rate this shop
less fps after update
Cant play in a specific server after new update.
Abyss Queue
dumb but honest question
ping issues
Valorant doesnt open?
Game Crashes
stuck on update screen (fixed)
can 30-50 Fps get up to immortal?with low hz like 60
my frames are dropping after upgrading to window 11
Sound Bug
Secure boot problem
I have been banned for 165 days for a reason im not sure about, i have been having a glitch all day
so i was banned for 165 days for something i dont think i had control over
game latency (cpu) lag
pc irresponsive from valorant
cant uninstall
fps lower than it should be?
Console Beta Questions
I got scammed...
Long loading times
Play button doesn't work
When i try launching, the screen goes black and closes
anyone elses valorant stuck in loading screen after updating to 8.11?
why do games like slighty stutter as i look around, like VALORANT?
I cannot use my VISA prepaid card to buy VP.
performance decreased after 8.11 patch
When will I know if I can play the beta
delay in voice chat and chat
Valorant Console Premier on full release?
what's the odds off me getting the beta key on valorant console
New crash/disconnect bug??
Please make it free on ps4🥺
console beta keys
game crashing/ freezing my whole pc (needs a restart)
How i can fix VAN 0?
valorant consoles
full release
Valorant console key
Help me and other creators have been hacked. Our emails have been disconnected with our accounts.
Loading Screen stuck after agent selection
Main Account get banned
Hwid ban lift after 4 months or nah?
lots of packet loss
Locked out of account for no reason
im goin fking insane please help
I need help, I need tpm 2.0 in order to play but i cant update it
vc delay
Account Ban
Bahrain server ping
help me my account got hacked and he changed the email
I got banned AGAIN because my game crashed
No in-game audio after update, any ideas to fix it ?
i need a riot employee for help
my account got hacked what can I do ?
anyone know if this is bad
anyone who’s going to be playing console beta hmu!
secure bot
Valorant launching takes forever
fix bullet tracers
Does anyone know who gets invited to the beta for console? I signed up?
Riot Client Closes Immediately After Starting
Will there be kbm support on valorant xbox?
how do you make it so all the gui stuff aint all fumbled up in different resolutions
need help with my pc
Each update make my game worse
High ping
account was hacked and my pay details are still on it , NEED HELP
No weeklies available at all.
region issue
need pc help
Critical Problem
Not able to play/connect on mumbai server (automatically switching to Hong Kong)
I guess I got banned from the Valorant Türkiye discord server, I can't enter. Is there anyone author
valorant not opening
not play in valorant
wow just wow riot ban for no reason
support sucks
Friend request not going through
Darker valorant?
voice chat is not working
i need an urgent help from admin
Unstable ping
Not able to play anymore with Windows 11
how to fixed?
Banned account?!
Valorant wont uninstall
Cannot Select Mumbai Server
i cant see
help me to download valorant dm me
any frozen screen bug
Joining matches lately.
high ping on frankfurt since today morning
and yet again. Lag issues
I keep getting the default vandal when i choose random from my favourites? Anyone know why?
Beta Codes When (What Time) ??
Cant delete riot vanguard
System error
Guys someone hacked my account how can i get it back? when i only know the username and i have clips
how do i learn gamesense
how to cheat valguard that you have tpm 2.0
gift card question
Trying to contact a dev
I have a ban for 24 hours on competetive because my screen froze for 7 rounds
i got hacked and recieved a warning what do i do
in game voice issue
cant enable secure boot
valorant matchmaking.
My ping is high
Valorant ingame voice
Unable to purchase VP with PayPal
error VAN-79
Drawing Tablet not working with Valorant Open(Can't doodle during down time D: )
Hi i need help fixing this error "a critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated"
what's error VAN -79 i can't find it in the error list on the riot site?
high ping in singapore server only?
can anyone make a video how to solver windows build 19045 or newer valorant error?
valorant id hacked by someone
Help with New Buy Menu
Game gets stuck everytime
iso 'orb' after a kill in ult
Skin Help!
How come i got 5 kills in valorant but it didnt count as an ace?
fps drop on agent select
Oce servers
how do I get the kj and raze card
does anyone else think it would be cool if valorant had a show like league of legends does?
i can't buy a valorant gift card from amazon :Skull:
Does valorant console accept KBM
Vanguard issue
console beta
beta on console
my enter key doesnt work and i binded my textbox chat to enter, and it keeps buggin
my enter key is broken and i have my textbox keybind on it
Can't buy vp
I no longer have access to the email I set up for 2factor
different type of error codes
valorant skins fundraiser
Game crash -> Year ban
game doesn't update?
game crashing
skin fundraiser
cant add person
valorant issue
when i try and buy vp it says its declined, idk why i got enough and my card aint locked
Console beta
not supported windows
does anyone know how to fix this vanguard build is out of compliance error?
Fps issue
Loading Issue
Server down
Ok riot xd
fps dropping in agent select menu
chat service unavailable, and friends list unavailable
my ping got worse ystr it was 60-70 now its 90-100
vpn block?
Question about console beta
valorant stuck at loading screen
Ranked rewards buddy
Mumbai server ping suddenly become ???ms
My riot client isn't launching
Ping Issues in EU
why am I so bad?
neon meta
how to fix this
I am coming back to Val after 3 months, I like playing aggressively, what character should I play?
cant buy vp
Unable to play valorant without a vpn
game keeps freezing
Valorant bufery and stuttery in loading in screens
how to reinstall vanguard
High ping in Mumbai server
My account keep getting high pings.. But when i switched account, it's much more stable
Blur on screen when moving
Help with Van 79
temporal suspended
VAN 1076 Every Time Mid Game Or When Client Is Starting
Afk strike
Update stuck on 1%
how do i lvl up an agent?
Val 1067
game taking too long to load
I see my crosshair while spectating teammates.
i need help
java problems or idk..?
Why is my Val enormous
No clue what this error means
valorant crashing
I want to report a bug on new map abyss
i got banned for half a year and dont know why
Mumbai/Singapore Servers High Ping
I got hacked
Media Channel Help
there was an error connection to the platform
how do i fix van79
is VibranceGUI bannable?
Radio List new comms???
network problem while ping is good
ping issues
mumbai server ping is ???
Error code 185
high ping on all servers (EU)
Frame drops after new update
Just hit level 20 and banned
random ban??
ps or xbox beta
keyboard support on console valorant
Game isn't opening
Riot Client Language
high ping pls help
In-game Valorant loading screen
Riot log in
tutoriel bloqué
i cant change username
high ping
valorant is down?
im trying to update the game but its stuck on the update thing when i press it
van 83
Packet loss after the new patch
no comma
Valorant comms not working
In-game Easter Egg
anyone know why when i press window key to check discord or youtube, it sometimes closes valorant,
issues with opening valorant
Console Ranks
game keeps freezing on me
VAN 185
Help valorant is buggin fr
Valorant Bug
How tf do I uninstall this game??
Riot support on X no longer work?
Temporary suspension
ranked system?
TPM 2.0 not enabling in bios
console beta
Valorant takes a Long time to load and freezes
error codes van 185
Streaming the Beta
New Map
Got new PC and Game Latency (CPU) says an abnormal number.
can’t play valorant because mid match i accidentally hit my pcs power cable and it turned off
ola, estou tento problemas com meu valorant...
Is keyboard and mouse allowed on console Valorant?
valorant not working
Vanguard evade
ps5 beta
Glitchy pullout
valorant not working
valo gift card asia
every time i launch valorant (im new) it comes up with this everytime
I re-downloaded valorant and I have insanely long loading screens
login services are currently disabled.
Riot Client won't open
FPS drops and Stuttering on Fullscreen mode
Bahrain server issue
after new update it is saying my secure boot is enabled and i cant play
valorant not working
Mumbai Server High Ping
Not able to request to join
EU server high ping
valorant not uninstalling
8.11 patch
how to fix ??? ping in valorant
my game keeps crashing mid game and shows this error.
Cant find my acc
What is the recommended DPI and sens?
random error, maybe when tabbing in the game
Valorant Crashing
i can't send a friend request to someone, but they can join my party using the party code?
Urgent help needed
Valorant not opening
DLL issue during start-up
won’t let me start the game
High ping only ingame
when would the duelist patch thing release for apac?
very high ping issue please help
when does new Val update for North America release
My monitor is 2560x1080, and the black bars are annoying,
I've never had this error before???
Please, help a new player
VAN: Restriction your account does not follow requirements in order to play.. secure boot enable
Rank Gun Buddies
New patch 8.11
High ping glitch
how can i solve it?
crashing entering match
val 59
Sg friend valo giftcard
Van Error code 1067
can't jump while running
val 7 problem
how do i fix this
im getting this error when trying to launch the game pls help
when will be the release of the next battlepass teaser
white screen
yo how do i fix java script error in the main process?
Please, help a new player
how can i solve it?
Does anyone know why i got that high rank players?
yo uh anyone can help me with the d3d11 error?
what is this? (4th player card)
What agents are good for beginners?
Long load times
how to reinstall valorant in c drive
Keyboard not working
what is this?
Help pls
Can i get some help pls
how to fix van 87
how to fix this van 1067
wtf store in game!!!
when will be the abyss map get released? (eu time)
Need to increase my FPS
Can i get some help
game latency
does any one know what time does patch 8.11 go live ?
My keys are broken only in valorant
Mouse Wont Work
Will changing regions delete your skins?
Riot Client wont open
Constant Critical Error messages despite days of trying to debug
Free Vp
I know Valorant is coming to console, would it ever come to Nintendo Switch?
help with riot client
Gankster wont verify my roit account
Everytime i open rioot client it closes immediately and doesn't open at all.
riot launcher not working
Account penalized because of game crash.
VAN:Restriction Your account deos not following requirment in order to play secure boot enable
hwid ban
Valorant Wont Open
hwid ban
valorant full screen not working?
valorant stuttering even if pc so good is ping very good is and latency is also good
valorant game latency cpu too high
can't change valorant username
muffled sound
Beta Valorant Console
Ban lenght format
Where can you redeem valorant codes?
nvidia profile inspector
Can someone help me enable TPM and Secure boot
My game freezes and pops up a critical error when i go fullscreen
im ban
Console players
payment question
Guys HELP!
why my game is not working
Paying for vp doesn't work
Cannot see when deploying omen smokes
Second monitor problem
My friend got negative vp
Riot mobile agent stats question
VAN -1 ??
help riot
help riot
how much disc space does valorant consume
launch issue
why this game take so long to just load the screen
Can I get this taken off of my account?
Linked email got automatically changed to completely unknown email
valorant black screen
Secure Boot enabled ? i have it in bios ?!
cant play ranked
My sensitivity feels really high
Keeps on failing to launch
tuto lag
Anyone know what is happening?
van:restriction appears even though I'm using windows 10
getting Connection Error
Why I Am Getting suspension?
Why doesnt valorant make bigger punishments
My account got hacked
new problems
getting Connection Error
how to fix valorant crashing after 2-3 game
I got scammed and my account is now hacked
About valorant console
skin question
question on skins
pls help me riot client just white screen valo cant opening
Issue buying VP.
Can somebody help me solve the black screen
ı cant open my valo.
I got Van 0 during a comp match
VAN: RESTRICTION Your account does not meet the following requirements in order to play: TPM 2.0 e
can someone help me enable tpm
network problem but good ping nd wifi speed
How to go pro via premier and without Premiere.
i cant download the game i need help
Not loading into game after agent select
Graphic problem
Highly saturated colours
Valorant VC not working
How do voice comm abuse report actually work?
can load in after agent select
laggy servers or just me?
Temp Ban
freezing after alt tabbing, closing of the game and loading up of the game
My valorant won't open
account creation error
i messed up my gift card code what do i do
I just logged into valorant. My level is 1, used to be 130+, and all my skins are gone. What??
Graphics Driver Crashing
confused on this ban
Ban for no reason
Valorant on Console
cant open val
TPM 2.0 enabled but not working?
Error 62
account region
server packet loss
agould i start useing raw accel?
how to get invited to early release beta events at riot for new updates?
Riot ID
TPM 2.0 error?
Ping issues for 3 weeks already
Error van 1067
Whens Console Codes Being Sent?
how do i post clips and screenshots in the gameplay channel?
secure boot
payment error
Error Van -79
i need help
How to have echo points ?
Good bug for me
Random Restarts
micro stuttering
Error 9003
i need help
log in error
secondary keybinds not working
So, every couple seconds, my ping goes from around 10~30's , to then 300-800, then it repeats.
bugged valo
Check Banned Accountt
Why is it saying my account is EU when I don't have a VPN on nor have I ever played in EU
VAN9005 Error Tried everything to solve but didn't work
Riot Verification glitch
Will i finish the battlepass?
gmail reset
Paypal method
Mouse not working
i can't click on anything idk why
vanguard access to too many files
I get stuck after the agent select and it doesnt load
valorant game is crash and alt+tab problems
How does double-rankup work?
Blue screen after changing security boot
Van Error code 1067
Update Files Missing..Cant fix why?
i need to disabile secur boot and tpm
error message
error message
Valorant error vgc
valo gift cards
why does my mouse do this
why does this happen when i try to open the game
When is the update coming?
what to do
I keep getting suspended only like 5-20 minutes
How do you get un-timed out for a reason that's not your fault?
Permanent Network Error Icon
Does anyone know how I can get in touch with a real Riot Support Employee
msi motherboard vanguard version help
Clarification on PC freezing
server lag
My game keeps freezing in agent select and i cant load into a match i need help fixing
high latency cpu
My game freezes at countdown 0 and doesn't load me in for a long time causing me to get AFK Offenses
I appear muted for no reason and I cannot use voice chat
occasionally not loading into the first round
refund for bundle
question #2
van -79 error
Mouse Flicking and not correctly working
Account Locked For A Support Error
Technical Issue; Fullscreen Error
Valorant freezing on mouse movement and locked on 30 fps
valorant 62 error
van -79
mic is not working
Do not make a POST ABOUT VAL 62
Can't buy from shop! Urgent help!!
does voice chat work in the range
cant cliam gift card vp
Where can I report a cheater?
valoran random high ping
Game Loading Issue
How can i create my own voice and pepole can join in it
5 stacking
Locked account
Twitch ban
How to get the colord role (EX Orange)
Fps capped at 60 for Valorant and all of my games
Bad teams
My friend and i can't access to an account
game to render latency stat
Crashed mid game
Ban these two guys
Disconnected mid game and randomly got a connection error VAN -79???
packet loss and frame drop
Why can`t i speak on valorant ?
Valorant account
I play good nearly every round but still cant rank up
How to Recover Deleted account
How To Recover Deleted account
if i make the Legacy disable i can't exit bois
if i change from legacy to uefi i can't exit bois pls help me
Shows Error each time tryna buy vp
is it just me ? error VAN-79
Can I delete an account that is connected to my Gmail but leave another account under the same one?
Team deathmatch bug
rr problem..
I got banned for an error
game not opening
I can't uninstall val
Personal Referral Links?
if i have an EU account and i move to NA region can riot change my EU account to NA?
the game crash
valorant freezes when its open
Mouse Issues
What is a summoner name?
how to fix this because my teammates are walking at my left side but i hear them in right side
help pls
Is this normal?
the hell is Error Van -79
Val support ticket
valorant console KBM
Loading in issues
Is TRN’s in game valorant tracker bannable
using a marco in game allowed
Controller support on PC?
Can anyone help with this error.
i cant play valo
I think my account got stolen
need yall opionion
800 DPI OR 1600DPI ON 3.6 SENS
unfair perm ban
Playstation linking account problem.
connecting to servers
region change
hwid ban
Launching and loading problem
Ping issue
can you help me if i change from legacy to uefi i cant exit bois pls help me
username mistake
Game crash
can anybody help me fix secure boot fail if yes please ping me
Error Code 62 - Valorant
fps drops
Report fail
Anyone know why this is happening?
Vanguard problems
Van-79 Error.
Ping going crazy
pls help
Stutter while in discord call.
VAL error code :62
need to sell my valorant account can anyone help me with that ???
Someone help me solve windows build 19045 or newer
Can't hear val sounds.
email forgotten
How long does the hardware ban last?
login issue
FPS stats Keep showing up
Sound Issue
Account got hacked, E-Mail adress changed
system requires restart
VAN 1067
secure boot
can anyone help i just got a perm suspension but i’m on vacation and don’t have access to a pc
I can't sign in
secure boot
tpm 2.0 vanguard problem
i cannot queue
Locked Account
When attempting to enable secure boot I don't know how to
we couldnt install a required dependency
Guys help me with my valorant
Error code 1067
how do i delete valorant
Cannot create a temporary folder
My game is Crashing at the start of the match in agent select screen.
Valorant Client is literally unplayable rn
"Your login credentials don't match an account in our system"
Valorant took forever to load in then decided to crash on me
Please need help
why is it very often I get games like this?
How do I make Vanguard show up in my system tray so i can exit it when I’m not playing?
Valorant App Deletion
update not installing and i cant retry
Not sure about how ranked rewards (the gun buddy) works
How i fix this
secure boot
I got a 100 year ban due to multiple afk's because of my internet.
Server tick rate
val error 62
FLASE 3rd party software ban
Val Error Code 62
Stuck on map loading screen, troubleshooted a ton already
valoran high ping
Valorant Update Restarting Error
Payment Method
jumping prob
Angle Snapping Feature
critical error
where is paypal
@gamerdoc can u check pv pls i have ban for nothing
Valorant Suspension
your account does not meet the following requirements in order to play - secure boot enabled
Can someone explain?
nah bro
New bug?? or not
any fixes
Sound problem
Error Code 62 (Edit: A temporary solution has been found. Use Cloudflare WARP - it's free and works)
My game keeps crashing when I tab out and then tab back in
Valorant help stuck on match loading screen
HWID Ban was meant to be lifted today
Unblock someone
Unable to Play Valorant
regarding rank ups
van152 fix ?
vanguard tpm
Bug in the Range
Vanguard secure boot windowns 10
vanguard secure boot
Account Locked
Suggestion To Upgrade Laptop Or Not?
Why cant I squeeze mosh
account question
cant add new friends
I can't download valorant due to secure boot
any1 help me fix black lines on amd plssss
how did i die here?
Valorant on usb flash drive
The range used to get 800-900fps day after 300-400
is it recomened to play with fps cap or unlimted i can get up to 400-500 fps or should keep at 200F
ping issue
Valorant fix your game; add a rep sistem
VAN9003 Bug My ASUS BIOS doesnt have any of those features neither secure boot or tpm
Ion or origin bucky??
a question for mods or devs or whatever!!
error code 62
bro can someone help me my game please ill do anything
Killjoy grenade drop fps in the air
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACC got hacked and get banned!
how to fix valorant crashing and freezing constantly. i have 400 hrs ban in comp already.
i havent got my gun buddy for episode 8 act 2 yet?
valorant reinstall
audio problem
I Keep crashing because of this stupid connection error. This happens 15 TIMES in the span of 1 game
how can i set the settings for raw accel
Account suspended
val 62 error
Launcher Issue
VAN 185
Valorant error, VAN-79
Keep getting valorant connection error
is this what's causing the VAL 62 Error?
VAL 62 Issue
Error Code VAL 62
Vanguard error
my announcer thingys are delayed
Valorant "launches" but has a weird time
i got directx 12 and still cant run the game bcuz of the erreur tht says i need feature 11.0 to run
Where was Raze ?
my account was stolen
yall how do i fix this problem where it says feature11.0 shader model 5 is required pls help
help me
Hello, my account was stolen, what do I do to recover it?
voice chat not working
Network Problem & Packet loss
Can't connect to platform
Lower Volume
Valorant Support Question
weird fps bug
why is it happening
Voice chat
got locked out of my acc
van 79 i have shitt
Val keeps crashing and giving me this error. anybody know how to fix
VAN 185
report cheater
valo points question
Getting good
riot vanguard upload logs
account got hacked and recovery email on gmail too
i set secure boot enable and i have error secure boot in valorant and i uefi
Valiant FPS problem
my game stops at match found
Game Lag
wrong permanent ban
new season
it takes me 10 min to launch the game
ban valorant
need suggestions for laptop
secute boot
FPS drops
i cant launch valorant
False perma suspended
Valorant Support (Changing Region)
Valorant keeps Freezing my WHOLE PC
How should I set this?
looking for new mouse
error 62
I need radianite to upgrade my reaver sherrif
inquiring about server change request
my riot acc is blocked on all browsers
i was hacked and now i cant acces riot games on my browser
VAN9003 Bug
Do penalty/restriction times reset after certain times?
sudden freeze bug?
Mobile Payment
valorant giveaways?
i have try everything
Why do I have so many options for my Headset / Mic?
kingdom credits
sending friend requests.
val screen not working
twitch drop
ping spiking every few seconds
how to get unbanned in comp
valorant wont update and it say cant install required dependancys plese try again
Any ideas on what this is :skull:
why was i banned 3 times without playing the game in over a month
who do i have to pay to get kuronami melee in my shop
why dont i have rito gun buddy
paypal option disappeared
valguard not installing
Unable to buy VP
Ping Issue when Streaming
I have been permanently banned from Valorant without having had any hacks
I just got my hacked account back and it says im permanantly suspended.
Black screen in only one account ?
game freezes after it starts, agent selection screen animation won't appear either
Late loading
Issue Van -79
Massive sound delay
can someone help me with the vanguard problem ps:im french
Pc Crashing / Freezing
cursor bug help
I can't launch Valorant
How to completely uninstall valorant
3 Person was afk vov140k#1234Vangvard#27059def1x#5511
Transferring Regions from Latam to NA
night market help PLEASE
riot client 'not found'
i cant buy vp
Contact information
I accidentally clicked the tutorial away
i have to close secure boot but
I need your guys's help
TPM 2.0
comms not working
can't update
someone fr help me i randomly got banned
look at this vid, can someone tell me why my neon stuck and zig zag when i slide here
Stuck at loading screen
My main acounts ping is 100+ but when i go to an alt its 20-40 ping
My account doesn't want to leave this screen, I've tried changing my password, I've tried restarting
Locked accounts
Ping spikes Frankfurt
what error
i cant log in in riot games
help in competitive
got account banned for no reason
valorant does not open after downloading
I can't see Riot Client on my "Apps"
ping spikes and packet loss
game stops working
Voice chat problem
Van 185
Unban me in competitive pease
Buying val points
am having this secure boot/TPM 2.0 issue while launching valorant
PC randomly freezes while playing Valorant
i start match and get connection error everytime
problem with valo
VAN Restriction: TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot Windows 10
Has been working perfect for almost a year, suddenly now I get all these different errors.
Ping Issue
how to fix van -83
Van 68
Valorant third party apps
It tells me to activate TPM 2.0 BUT I ALREADY ACTIVE IT
Valorant points disappeared.
need help in refunding my phantom skin
Stuck on map loading screen
not working
network rtt + processing spikes
Riot Launcher Issue
After I did those steps, this appears and I restarted the PC twice.
redeeming errors
Someone please help me and I've tried everything
I want Reaver Karambit to hit my store :( i am so unlucky
when ur using stretched in val, is there anyway to keep the quality like in videos i see?
cant play because tpm 2.0 and vangaurd how do i access bios to enable it
How is it a 181 headshot with a ghost
100 years Suspended
Why am i not getting my valo twich drops
game saying to restart but i alr have like 5 time
I got elderflame in my shop and i have no money
why do i lose 20 rr when 2 of my teammates afk round 4?
van -83
does anyone know how to fix the secure boot problem????
Valorant Monitor Freeze
make remakes not a vote,
compte piraté
funniest agent to play
error code : vin -79
Can't Play Competitive For Another 103 Hours
Do you get RR back if you lose a game against a cheater?
Redeeming Giftcard Confusion
The game needs a patch urgently !! VAN1067
valornt launch help
Entire Game was Laggy (for everyone)
Is dodging bad????
How to unblock
Error code 62
Game keep freezing when I queue deathmatch and it hits 0 sec it freezes its fine with unrates comp
VAN 185
van 1067
my account got hacked
my account got locked
quick question
While downloading valorant can i move up files to another drive
pls help
Valorant taking too much storage
i still cant play valorant bro
its saying i do not have enough proof on recovering my account
Valorant keeps freezing after agent selection
My main accoutn got hacked is there anway to get it back
Voice chat issue
error code : van -79
i didnt recieve my weeklies
anyone been experiencing FPS issues after update?
Valo unplayable
Ping spikes constantly
mouse recommendation
AMD or VibranceGUI
help i haven't played in a while and now my account is non existant ???
Lost Account
It starts lagging when i start walking
I cant update my valo
TPM installation failure
What is this
van -81
Van 1067
Freeze when loading game
My game keep frezing like when I queue for a match and the timer hit 0 Valorant freezes
FPS drop while charging
valorant not launching, i tried everything
VALORANT failed to launch
about joining premier....
Don't run update account site
Reporting to riot.
TPM 2.0 is there any fix?
packet loss
Stuck & Freeze
valorant audio not working
freeze glitch
Change Regions
i need help i got ban permanent Suspension
valorant keeps wanting me to restart my pc before playing the game.
Valorant keeps crashing every time I have it open
Valorant Not Opening
VAN: Restriction
I have an error message
Jett Dash sometimes doesnt work
game error
accept butting not working
Valorant not loading/freezing
Fullscreen Valorant freeze
loading screen crash in ranked games
Can someone help me I can’t play valor keeps telling me tpm2.0 enabled and secure boot enabled
Valorant chat.
error code van9003
Paypal payment not working
i'm silver but why i got this lobby while compe
Looking For Valorant Players For Vid
The game kicks me out in the middle of a match and it says this ( my laptop config [GTX 1650 24GBRam
It has been over a day and riot hasn't responded to my ticket.
my valorant is freezing and loads so slow after the agent select
Frozen screen but everything is still running.
Question about Acts and Episodes
Teammate Info thingy
Ping issue? Unsure
Bad ping London Frankfurt Paris
cant launch valo
crashing val
best settings for Acer Swift 3 graphics
Auto walk or sm
error code val 57
Can't login
how to get strectch res
my account has been stole
secure bot
white screen
Inquiry About Valorant Account Transfer from EU to Asia Server
what is this
Since few days ago when i open valorant i am stuck in the loading screen pls help any suggestions
Valorant freezes
van 1067
I got a ban for 1 week because of VANGUARD shutting down my whole game and also a power outrage
A ban for 1 week because of a power outrage
VP-Shop not loading
trying to open valo as admin
i cant open valorant
i turned on secure boot and still not working
Banned cause my comp is slow
I cant refund
Ping spikes
Whats wrong with this picture?
valorant main lobby screen
Valorant cant launch
valorant issssue
cant launch valorant
My Ticket reply dissapeared.
cant launch valorant
network problem
Acc hacking
Lock up every single match
Server can't recognize my account
valorant error
Valorant loading and hit all sorts of error val , 7, 57 , etc..
Wifi Disappeared
idk why but these day my valorant would be like smooth with 240fps and then the next round i got 30f
cannot launch valorant
Compromised Account
I turned my bullet tracers off and i can still see them
Cant Launch Valorant
valorant is very laggy
audio issues
cant launch valorant
Matches not loading
Secure boot
Make a jump scare
VAL 164 hour penalty on comp
Can't Connect To The Server
Chat and friends list says unavailable service
"cant sign in"
Game with loss of fps
Refund ticket says my acc compremised
valorant PBE
mic aint working forr mee
Mic not working recently ingame
Best crosshair?
help me!
how to qualify for vct from Bangladesh?
Boot enable
uhh riot thought this got fixed
I need help
Error code: van -92
quick question
how to fix
Valorant is not working
vanguard glitch?????
Secure boot verification failed
I need help
hello, my game requires restart to play. tried all ways since 2 weeks none works, riot not replying
Freezing on loading screen
game takes forever to launch and freezes when loading into games
Placement Games
bios secure boot
Login problem
Can't launch valorant!!!
ping related issue
banned from valo for over a year
wuh happening
valorant can't start
Riot Client Logout Issue
VAN 185
Valorant agent language changing
Valorant agent language changing
Dont remember the password of the account and when i do the forgotten pword request, i get no email
Fps Drops
Cant boot Valorant
you have encountered an error valorant points
Valorant, not launching even if laptop is upto date
How to fix it freeze when valorant set to full screen ?
Display setting
fps drops
struck client
ping problem
cant buy vp with paypal anymore?
guys help with " windows build 19045 or newer"
problem with the loanding screen in the game
what is the ERROR VAR 185?
deadlock bug?
In my game i found 3 players being toxic and throwing
Cant queue properly
Graphics Settings in Pro Matches
kicked out of valorant
Account locked
Can't Load Into Any Type of Match
cant login to valorant
i just unlocked ranked and it says i cant play for another 215 hours
How do i enable secure boot
Mature Content
Tech issue with Valorant
why is my riot client a white screen?
require secure boot van9003
Im keep getting Val 7 error
Loading screen stuck
error code: VAL 43
Invisible enemies
Match error
cant login
in game issue
Valorant stuck on loading
resetting settings
Help plz
cant launch val, stuck on login
Cant Launch Valorant
screen tearing on curved monitor
valorant VP keeps loading
Random freezing
cant launch
How to Check Input Latency?
PLEASE HELP: Monitor flickering
does aim lab really help me and can someone send me a video on how to set up aim lab for Valorant
needs system restart to play
VAN 185 Error
Game Latency really high
Does anyone know how to fix "Secure boot verification failure"?
van -79
valorant taking long to load
account hacked
Process already running
my valorant email got changed i dont know how to change it back
cant log in
VAL 1067
how do i download nvidia gpu
i cant get nvidia! how do i get nvidia gpu??? wtf???
cant get nvidia drivers
how do i update my graphic drivers
my val sometimes keep freezing is it my pc or wifi?
Black screen
Bullet tracers turning on by itself
Why i dont See who is Speaking
Im using the same gmail to sign in and it was linked before now I cant sign in.
Valorant Bind Issue
"Auto Log In"
false perm suspended and riot won't do shit
I BEGGGGG SOME1 HELP i searched everything and nothing helped ;(
is yoru or chamber good?
Tracer issue
VAN 1067
VAN 79
I can not change my region!!
Chat why?
the game closes when loading into map
Valorant crashing | Connection Error
Not Launching
VALORANT IS STUCK AT 60fps. I don't know what the problem is I have tried everything
ping issue
i keep getting disconnected
got banned for 24 hours in ranked mode because of client crashes
crashes constantly in game
account compromised and has been hacked multiple times
Process already running
High ping issue
Hello to those who created my band at the premiere, I deleted it because they perform with professor
Game screen is frozen, but I can still click things and still have sound??
I'm banned from the premiere and I wasn't given a reason, can anyone help?
Bullet Tracer
Valorant not launching
long loading issue
help w timing
When i start my game it gets stuck it takes lot of time but still does not open
vsync option is gone
what is this error???
cant buy val credits
will i get ascendant buddy after this ep?
i cant play valo or any riot games T_TTT__T_T_T
install required dependencies
Valorant Crashing
Hi i got false banned from ranked and Premier for 14 Days
Audio Issues
Not Found
Why does my valorant startup so SLOW
Can't Run Valorant
premier thing
my game is loading late and freezing in regular intervals during matches
issue buying valorant points
Valorant drops
how do I fix the vanguard secure boot error thingy
I cant uninstall Vanguard
I submitted a ticket and this showed up when I clicked the link
silver on bronze
Is true stretch res ban able
my drivers crashed and I got banned and lost points even though I won the match
please help
is it possible to lose a val acc if u have the original email
account locked
stuck on which role to play and how to progress
i kinda can't uninstall valorant and riot client
Reaction to Keeping Our Community Healthy // Dev Updates
Valorant servers lag
helo... val 1067
ive put out a ticket for support and its been 24 hours and still no response
valorant i am so lucky
login issue
Basic Training
Which crosshair color for Enemy Highlight Color "Red", and which is the best Highlight color.
My game starts stuttering when I move my mouse around
Basic Training
system error… help?
i cant play Val
bahrain servers AND dubai servers on extremly high ping suddenly
Not updating and cant uninstall.
I just got the first hardware ban??!?!?
freezing in agent select
Couldn't install:
I bought a new laptop a few weeks ago and valorant freeze and crash
premier help
Valorant stuck on loading screen
how do i get out of diamond i mvp every single game i play
Changing Email
Process still running
I just installed the update and now Valorant won't open
Suddenly bad at the game
Im higly confused on the basic training
pixelated when theres high movement
Help me
What's with this?
not sure what to call this issue personally
bullet tracers
My game isnt starting, pls help
how do you equip like a guardian instead of the default bulldog in tdm when the stage is changing?
When I start playing any match (like comp or spike rush) my game crash or be stuck
y i get error code van 68
why do tracers show up if I have them turned off?
How much GB is valorant supposed to claim on my ssd?
Error code Van 185
393gb size valorant???
FPS and Latency Downgraded
help I can’t update valorant
can someone teach some techs for icebox (I HATE ICEBOX)
why i cant Create account it says "Account cannot Be created" This annoying me
what is this???
help why is this happening
where is the beginner training event or what it is
bullet tracing bug
Van -83
Need help for the game
technical issue pls help
Error 1067
Error Code VAL 7
Can someone objectively tell me what my old ass PC can average FPS at best?
ping problem
load after agent select
Secure boot
hi I deleted my vanguard and re installed it but it won't update any help?
patch 8.11
Account hacked :(
I got banned
When i tab into valorant my other monitor's fps drops down when i tab out it continues normally.
Stuck in The Range, can't go through
latency issue urgent
Help please
Help me VAL -79
TPM 2.0 issue
why is there bullet tracers on my skins
Process already running
Can't buy vp
Stuck on loading screen
eu 100+ ping issue
Weeklies not showing up?
Power outage
Can my ISP Help improve ping to Valorant serves
why is valorant offline and when will it be on again
bullet tracers
visual error in the menu
stuck on loading screen for almost 10 mins
Can't download valorant
account locked
queue is disabled comp??
submitted request is taking awhile
Valorant bullet tracers
milestone for free agent
van 1067
Screen Issue
valorant error van-79
Valorant Connection Error, Error 0
Visual Glitches
Points and skins completely removed from my account without warning
Tpm2.0 + Secure Boot
Freezing .
I need help how do i acces an account of mine thats been hacked
Server change
bullet tracers
Valorant load-up
Game keeps telling me to restart to play
Heavy lag spikes on VALORANT
Crash unable to open valorant game after update
Ranked buddies
Van9001 haunts me
what is with the riot support am I the only one?
System error
help me i cant change my valorant resoulution and hertz please help asap
entering a match makes me blackscreen
Does anyone know why I can’t play due to windows update but in my settings I’m full updated?
chat is that normal?
Ranked temp ban
joining server problem
What is this?
ping/packet loss
I can't update the game at all
does the riot client app and folder both take space?
bios secure boot
Screen resolution and my desktop icons get messed up when ever I load up my valorant.
My riot client is showing this and the game ain't opening
error code van 185
tutorial stuck
why do i get van 1067???? pls help me
account locked
why is icebox so glitchyq
how to improve fps
Voice chat is working but can't see who is talking
Getting van 9005 error
Is glorious mouse software bannable?
getting val 5
hone is bannable?
"You have encountered an error, Please try again later."
pc keeps freezing when launching valorant
System Error : Critical Error has Occurred and the process must be terminated
long stuck on loading and map screen
launch problem
Packet loss in Mumbai server.
tips to get back in valo
Packet loss issue on a stable internet.
Vanguard wrong version?
disconnection issue
what are neons buffs?
How to play Valorant in very very low internet speed. Please Help.
Help pls
valo crashing
Why can't I buy vp?
when i try and launch valorant it says that riotlcientservices.exe is corrupt
Valorant HUGE size
Why am i getting penalties for afking when in most of my games i am actively moving?
My acc got hacked
is 7m game latency bad
Secure Boot Troubles
mouse input delayed a lot
looking for a valorant shop checker
VGC not found?
is the Razer Kraken x Lite worth it?
I need help with this crosshair.
how do i update my gangster group rank on lfg?
my screen freezes
My riot mobile program doesn't work
i cant open vp place
can sm1 help with raw accel even when i close it, it is open in the background and it happens in oth
valorant crashing
Aim Training for a week straight. Does this help?
Merge account
Game doesnt launch
Error Code VAN 7
Error code 68
Whenever i try to select a match in valorant it tells me that i lost connection! help please
crash on startup
How did this happen
Vangaurd out of complicance
my valorant account hacked and changed gmail please help me to get back my account
critical error on startup
Valorant pointer
Help! valorant quitting on loading screen.
Secure Boot instructions?
Region Change
Error Code: VAN -92 & A critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated valorant
Van 185 wth is that
Mute chat-notifications?
riot games
Issue with login in riot client
Why can't I purchase VP?
Am i the only one who got hacked by an email ending with .ru ???
unable to login
Account Recovery tool not working
size issue
packet loss
Best Crosshair
it takes 20 minutes to load in
can someone help me with my val it says tpm 2.0 enabled and also secure boot enabled plz help
Packet Loss
Match Found Frozed
Valorant randomly freezing while playing
Few questions regarding settings
Infinite loading screen whilst trying to purchase valorant points
uhh since my friend quit bcs of this bug
Account got hacked
Game issue
Ping is normally 10-20ms now is 100???
Van -1
Graphics Quality
No internet found
Valorant Freeze
ads and screen bug
change region account
valorant stuck on screen
what do i do if im on on a team and they keep killing me with their abilities and accusong me of
Vc issue
problem oxoooooo17
my fps stays on 120 only
I keep getting a pop up while doing the tutorial can sb help me pls?
error code val 5
TPM. 2.0 enabled
acc locked
texture wont load aand voice chat sometimes work and sometimes not
iwent up 101 rr in win streaks and ididint rank up howw/.
weird cpu game latency numbers
Val 62
The tutorial isn't working... i'm stuck
Does playing unrated/swiftplay/spike rush reduce/improve your MMR (or something I forgot)
Cannot enable secure boot
I can’t open the valorant ……
I'm playing Valorant and these 3 peoples typs in chat that the would afk if I didn't forfeit
High Ping On Asia Server and Kr server
error message
PERM Ban for chat abuse
Van 9003 and Van 9001
Unable to freeze on opening Valorant
blue screen of death
Connection issues
how to solve this?
Restart pc to play game problem 😞
help me pls Connection issues
failed to retrive settings from server
Monitors randomly freezing
HOW can i fix this problem please
Val Constantly Crashing.
Graphic Drive Crashed
Lag :')
issue with fps
CPU game latency
Twitch drop
Does support refund RP
Game crashes evrytime I alt-tab
Best agent in game.
Error: Not Found Riot Client
do weekly missions stack forever? if you dont play for a month you have 4 weeks of missions?
Game Not Found
Latency, FPS Issue
this player is outside your teams skill range and cannot be invited
Crouch and Aim (Right Click) bugged. (In Valorant only)
can USA giftcard be redeemed in canada
Cheating Report
fps problem
is this a good night market for my first one?
why cant i delete valorant and the files on my laptop (lenovo windows 11)
Uninstalling Riot client
Banned from comp
Is this normal
How does ValTracker display my store
Have ethernet 350mbps but network rtt makes game unplayable spikes to 1000 and flucuates 300-400
I’m useless on pistol round
help tpm 2.0 windos 10
vanguard doesnt install
keep getting disconnected after every 5 minutes and shows the van code 1067
How does mmr work
Valorant Error 9003
van 152 fix help pls
My valorant crashes when im trying to buy something
van9005 error
Loading screen taking FOREVER
van 19045
game freezes
ping spiking to 150 in mum server, usually is 30 ms
riot games support doesnt work when you log in
Riot Client Not Found
Crashin in Valorant
How can I enable Secure boot mode on ASUS motherboard
Valorant support "not really helpful"
gun buddy
Critical error on start-up
Not loading in
packet loss
how do i buy vp as a middleeastern
My game is not opening, getting BootstrappedPackkage error
not receiving the claimed title from twitch drop
got hacked :(
vc doesnt work?
how do i fix van 152
nice ban but its to late 💀
Server changes automatically
Weapon icon
how can i change my riot usernameNEW
which vct classic is better
perma ban tpm
rank buddy
val 5 I'm still not able to play valorant because of this issue pls help
uninstall help
Connection Error during group party
My valorant has some issues can someone check it out
Is this normal?
Hot take (crybabys butthurt dont read i dont want you yapping ot me) valorant devs are greedy,cringe
mouse randomly disconnets
Need some help
Valorant crashing at startup
servers issue
Ping Spikes
Game closes instantly without error message
General channel Slowmode timing increase!!!
Need Help
I need to fix my rtt
Need Help
when is this getting fixed
Enemy Color Highlight/Teammate Highlight
is there any way i can get pbe on eu
Help inviting someone
Valorant not working
valorant almost instantly crashes when i open it.
I can't install Valorant
Red square at the top left of screen
wrong giftcard
are the servers up now?
Valorant maxing out network.
I am quite new to valorant and I cant decide if i should make Omen or Jett my main
Help me please
VAN 84
Van 84#riot
Can i get my rr back possible?(VAN 84)
Van 84
VAN 84
How can I fix UPDATE SEVER DOWN? I got this bug 2 days ago and dont know how to solve this
I keep on getting VAN 84 error message
To the devs
Too hig ping
the game has lost connection please relaunch the client to restore connectivity
Was gonna rank up but had 4afks...
if I buy VP, buy a skin, refund the skin. Then can I refund my VP?
Van 185
My valorant is NOT working
valo keeps crashing giving various van codes-165,65,84
How can I fix this issue
disconnecting every 1 min bro
keeps disconnecting
why 1 lvl dude play ranked game
Weird fps counter
Riot Client help
Valorant color issues
valorant doesnt download
valorant Boosting
Valorant Taking up nearly 500 gigs of space, again
valorant crashing
Banned for to long
Can't add my friend
TPM issue??? error 185
help me update
Quickly switch weapons
ban for no reason
Valorant crash during agent select
guys does afk due to wifi issues lead to acc ban?
Valorant closes when switch tabs
My game freezes on the match found screen
Unknown Error
my valorant isn,t launching
Cannot update my valorant
Van -92 error when attempting to buy valorant points
Game Latency issue
new butterfly knive?
My Valorant does not launch
connection error
I got banned for valorant
Valo not opening
my Valorant loading screen has remained stuck for several mins (going over 20 mins).
the game crash when i ult tap
i put valorant n download and then after 61 i paused and when i started it it was from 0 again
Valorant hangs on the boot screen
my game takes forever to load and crashes whenever i load into games does anyone know a fix
System latency is INSANELY HIGH
i want to give a suggestion on the game
Crosshairs reset
Is raw accel safe and is it bannable?
my packet loss wont stop going up
same server so much higher ping
Valorant keep crashing when I Alt + Tab
valorant has sucked since new update (i keep crashing and can never load in)
game freezing
Is there any way to raise my fps?
Vp shop wont open
Secure Boot Verification Fail
a critical error has occured
I keep getting kicked out of valorant everytime i try to get into a game?
Penalized for not loading in fast enough
I was wronged by Ben
Valorant does not lunch
lag spikes
I Got Ban
Latency out of no where
It's not letting me update Valorant
need some serious help
my game dont work when i launch
Can I use a different device if I am HWID banned?
game keeps crashing when i alt tab
game CPU latency
3 immos and a hacker on the enemy team
"unexpected kernel mode trap" blue screen sometimes when booting up valorant?
bro what
Valorant fix ur game
Connection Error, Error Code: VAN -1
How to enable TMP 2.0
This shit is unfair af
High ping frankfurt
Y’all , I accidentally changed my screen to full screen mode
Secure Boot Enabled error
Valo freezes every time I start
I cant run valorant
Valorant in-game ping is higher (80-110 ms) than valo mumbai server ip (40-50 ms) in cmd traceroute
High Game Latency
game freezes every loading screen. and i get accused of dodging when its the game?
Error whenever i open game/queue into a match
Valorant does not open
cant run valorant unless i exit vanguard but then cant play valorant because no vanguard
server issues
i freeze at agent pick round and get afk any fixes ?
Game Latency spiking
pls how do i fix this
error van 152
ping on training map
valorant wont launch
Valorant critical error
packet loss
my game crashes whenever it says match found
I cant get into the game when im tryna practice they keep asking me to turn on secure boot
help get my friend acc(n4na#3600)
valorant wont launch
help pls
Game issue
graphic problem
game keeps crashing mid game, I get different error codes every time and my account has been banned.
since when valorant takes 3.82 tb of space and i get val 1067 error every 1 round in match
Van: restriction
cape town servers are having latency(plz help)
my account got locked
crashing in main menu
need help fixing valorant critical error
help glitch
New map bug?
VAN 68
Every 3rd update this braindead "couldn't install required dependency" shit happens
valorant 100% disc usage
my game latency cpu is impossibly high to the peak
got hacked long time ago, didnt notice
AHK Bhop bannable?
fps dropping below 40 when I run average 144+ fps, occurs often when hitting headshots.
Valorant games never load
Valorant vp store
A couple minutes in the game and pc gives blue screen
server switching help
"A critical error has occurred and the process must be terminated"
Val for mac
game freezing
good value skin?
I got penalty for queue dodging, but my game froze right before getting in the game
It takes at least 5 minutes to load in to valorant and 50 seconds to load into a game
I got banned for a year for no reason?
i cant change re region
secure boot not enabled
Ping troubles from May 2024
Game Latency for CPU is 7 million ms
Secure Boot needed on Windows 10???
how i can fix te val 7 error?? i recently changed the region to south europe
Screen resolution problem in game
What does this mean?
Latency problem
Help Im getting Cashes??
PROBLEM - windows build 19045
I want to play premier but I can't idk why
Oops something went wrong sign in error
I got a comp ban
points about winning or losing games.
My friend never loads Into games in the first few rounds when he is playing with me and another frie
Bug or something?
Sorry We're having trouble signing you in right now
Anyone got a website for safe valorant gift cards for AP?
unable to update even after repairing
Looking For Valorant Players
Valorant close is self for no reason
Some files on your system are corrupted or missing valorant
error 7
TPM 2.0 issue
Account got hacked
chat banned for not speaking
Secure boot not wanting to be enabled on windows 11
FPS lower than usual
Secure boot
TPM Error
TPM Initialization Failure
I lost in Competetive 3 rounds in a row bc of smurfs.
mouse side buttons not working in game
White lobby screen
unable to uninstall then reinstall riot vanguard
Can't pick server when heading into range
Latency High
account hack please help can't raise ticket
Your pc requires a system reset
can't buy vp
valorant store
Best True Stretched Res
Game freezes at the end of every agent select - any suggestions?
can someone help im tryna play val but when i open the game says ur acc does not meet the req
Kuronami or Chaos
how can i get a better night market :sob:
secure boot
Suggestion: friendlist folders like in league
cant upadtae tpm
need good aim
Need a good software for recording Valorant
Long Loading screen
I cant verify my phone number got 11 numbers but it should have 10 for the verification like??
night market
game latency?
weird grey box
ping high only on main menu
i need to change email but i cannot access it anymore
Troll that was giving the enemy our info
plz help me math i just want to sleep
Which rifle Is good?
how i fix this
When exactly is the night market coming live?
how do i fix this
Compatible TPM not supported
van error
My valorant not openning after download
Why does Valorant just randomly close itself after a game sometimes?
ping issue
my mouse buttons work in the range but not in normal games?!
valorant loading so SLOW when starting or when loading into a game after agent select#
HWID Ban question.
how i can remove this
Voice comms issue
help me
game not starting
what is thiss
Why do i get such a high ping
Suddenly FPS drops to 5-10 and encounters "Connection Error"
Game slower on alt account compared to main
am i good? i started playing yesterday.
how to get rid of teammates that throw every game
higher ping than usual
black screen on loading
help me 😭🙏
my main account got randomly banned, i dont know what to do now as i have spent over 2000 dollars.
how to place yoru TPs
is it delusion or ping?
what time is night market
why Is my valorant need another installation?
Valorant points
Game keeps freezing.
fps issue
is there anywhere i can view offical dates for nightmarket
Yo i need help :(((( My acc just got hacked can anyone at all help
How much VP?
valorant doesn't fill screen properly?
permanent suspension
How to really report 2 players that are throwing on purpose ? (on ranked ofc)
what even is this bs
How do i fix this system error
Valorant Textures turns into glitched colors? Please help
Full screen not working
Help me please
What's is this knife?
Error Cod Val 5
riot Games banned me account?
problem with buying valorant credits
My valo acc got hacked
The crash doesn't appear. Please help me fix it
dm, if you are ascendant or above, pls i wanna chat about smth.
Input lag and fps drops with raw input buffer
lets team up to reach rad
Got banned for 24hrs after my game crash
my account got stolen
i just got banned for clutching a 3v1. i got reported and riot confirmed it but i wasn't cheating.
It says that game is on windows 8 or 7 but I have 11.
My acc got hacked
help pls
ping issues
i cant launch valorant
How to delete corrupted file
valorant bad game
My account got hacked, they changed my associated mail and password
Direct 11 problem
Van 1067
website not working
Getting "sorry, We're having trouble signing you in right now. Please try again later."
Packet loss and micro stutters
Van 1067 after reinstalling valorant on an ssd
Tpm 2.0 and Secure boot not enabled?
Secure boot not active MSI
Valorant LFG discord server question
VAN 1067 bug fix pls
who have a v al fr discord
Good day
Questions regarding the upcoming ACT
hi i can dwonload it or no see my pc prosersr
we couldn't install blah blah blah
tf is this bug
167h ban for no reason (again)
VERY low sound in valorant
The game keeps freezing when i open the map or any ui
vanguard not up to date
I cant get vp
45GB riot client
how to get better and level faster i am new
my ping is high as heck
do we get more value of vp in gc or buying ingame
General Curious Desperate Questions
redeem code
TPM 2.0, Secure boot, Windows build 19045
Can somebody tell me what this is 😭
Gamemode restrictions & History
Freezing on load, taking too long to get into a queued game
high ping on all eu servers
Can you use RTSS in valo?
ping issue….
Riot support site bug
Valorant glitching? Pixels evertwgere
Van: Restriction
Cant entering riot support web
Error VAN9005
i need help with error 9003
Crispy aim on guardian but garbage on vandal and phantom
Game switches to window
directx runtime
I keep getting Van 1067 error mid game pls help
Why does my PC freeze whenever I tab back in Val?
Choosing what skin will be in Night Market
Can't login to facebook or google
How do i choose my region in LFG discord server?
League Of Legends Fanarts
High ping on Bahrain server
Can't Log In
any fix?
I cant Sign in on valorant site and I wanna download it
Got permanently suspended for having Alecaframe open whilst playing tf
Can't login to valorant support
having problems with installing valorant
Is raw accel bannable?
freezing valorant / crashing slow loading also issue just started recently
Couldnt download required dependancy issue
need help with a ticket, please dm me or reply
High ping on Bahrain Server
recon or protocol (phantom)?
D3D11 Issue
Cant delete riot or valorant from my pc
Stuck at tutorial cuz settings isnt working
Is there anyway I can appeal a ban because I was afk in a ranked game then the game froze?
freezing/cpu problem
Vanguard error
I [ray to God, if I get banned for a Riot Issue
game active in the background but no window for it?
Voice chat isnt working
Do tickets work?
A problem that doesn't matter but still bothers me.
my in-game comm is not working
everytime i try to boot up valorant, i get kicked off.
Van-1 error
Why does my ping randomly get really high?
Help regarding refunding
lower ranks mixed with higher ranks...
ping and lag
got hwid ban idk for what xd
valorant crash error
I have secure boot and TPM 2.0 on but I still can't play
So i can't report a cheater that's cheating on a tiktok live cuz i never played with him?
mouse choice
Has this always been here?
what the fuck
Higher ping than normal
legal or not?
Riot Client Issues
I Can't open a ticket
Trying to become a ESports Pro
My Account got hacked
why does it says could not enter the game?
Game crashing keeps getting me a game timeout
My Valorant wasn't loading and I got suspended
cant login to support page
Blue Screen Error
valo loading is slow
Higher ping then normal
Can't add anyone to premier team
Game Not Responding
Hello, i cant seem to open valorant and it freezes at the valorant homescreen when fullscreen
been banned for almost 2 years now and idk any data of my account to try and retrieve it
riot suport not working?
valorant freezing immediately after i click on it
Cannot login to Valorant support
Newly built PC pls help
Redeem Code Error
VAN 9004
Valorant boosting via a chater.
lf a some to help me get better(pls help im new dm me)
i need help with my valorant
i want to ask.
why do i keep lagging out of games
HWID banned for no reason
will i get the plat gunbuddy even if i ranked down back to gold?
i got banned off preimier for leaving a ranked match to early how do i make a ticket pls help
Could I Have Developer In My Game Please.
riot vanguard won’t let me play
game takes ages to load
network problem
game stuck on black screen or the riot games cover
got hacked
I need a moderator or administrator for something Thankyou
help valo
Game doesn't open
Is there anyway to get free knife and gun skins?
connection error 29 valorent
can someone help me with strafe shooting? like how to do it better
i rebooted it 4 time
my game crashing help
Restore Valorant graphics settings
My valo keeps crashinWhy is that?
Forsaken vandal
how to see names of skins
cant install required dependency
Not able to Contact Riot Support
How do I get my valorant to work?
secure boot
need help
What should i do for this?
Career issue
Every time someoen writes a slur in chat it censors it automatically. I ca
Valorant drop frames after apply true stretched res
Barhain servers suddenly exremly high ping even tho it used to be fine
i got suspended after not playing valorant for olmost a year.
unplayable ping
This error ocurred in all partys
I need help
Riot vanguard won't install
i got temporarily banned for 100 years
How to delete valorant from my pc
Hacked and my email changed
besoin d'un coching fr
I have a question
warning msg
help my channel to grow guys
loading issue
extremely low fps (20-40)
Something unusual has happened.
1600 dpi 0.697 sens. cooked?
Riot Vanguard won't install
Smaller rr gain
chamber ult glitch?
Crashing and constantly getting "new" updates
Cant add friends
Frozen Screen
not loading in
close to double rank up?
valorant failed
im stuck on launch screen it wont let enter the game
i was just playing a few swiftplays and was met with this message when i loaded in
update server down
Very long loading time, 4k ping and i cant move
I get this every time i boot it up
penalizied because of my power went out and now i gotta wait one hour
hi I was restricted from rank when I reached level 20 I've not been toxic any help on how to fix?
Your account does not meet the following requirements in order to play:
I can't unlock my account
Anyone has a fix for no voice chat audio?
Experiencing Packet Loss Problems Recently
Valorant FPS
valorant isnt working
VALORANT taking a long time to launch and very slow first-time launch match load times.
voice chat
valorant freezing after agent select
High ping on Frankfurt Servers
ping issues
Game froze and got system error
Valo freezing during agent select
Valorant full of smurfs. Each game there are atleast 3 smurfs in enemy team.
Random valorant suport ticket?
I Need 100 Vp Please
Sudden jitters
error code Val 57
Why is my valorant like this?
Party is Restricted
Windows 10 Update Assistant
Anyone know what this issue is?
higher ping than normal and ping spikes
VAL ERROR 5, 57 , 84
paypal unlink
game is freezing/crashing all the time
Ability Weapon Reset
Valorant Connection Error when I launch
Valorant Points Gift Card
Game thinks Im boosting everyone and putting me in gold lobbies but with bronze team.
Why am I always queued with bronze team but silver/gold enemy?
party not eligible
My game freeze and crash too much
high ping after update
High ping on European servers :(
IS there away to get my acount back i was hacked i know the old pasword old user and email for proof
Is there any way to play Valorant without TPM 2.0 on windows 11 without using windows 10
ping spikes
Account recovery
val 5
high ping when i had low ping
whenever i get to character selection my game freezes and i dont load into the game how do i fix it
Cant update
Secure boot error
How do i rank up
i got banned for 112 hours and i was supposed to be banned 30 minutes ago please help!
cant buy vp
game loaded in but stuck on player loading screen
Keybind bug
Am I allowed to 5 stack with irons
Cant launch valo
Is Neon viable in higher ranks
cant launch valo
I have been getting this error for a few hours when I was playing alright earlier.
fps instability
Why Riot Auto matching 10 Ping Enemy Team and My team 50,60 Pings. Is it random? Its like always.
Val Error 5 keeps happening for no reason
Van 9006 and 9004
Valorant Frames capped at 144fps although i have a 165hz monitor and with gear that could 200FPS
Who wanna duo that's filipina?
support not working
I don't have TPM 2.0
sudden raise in average ping
True Stretched Bannable
Valorant on HDD
Valorant Issues
glitching with scoping in
valorant freezing
how to check mute length
Game won't launch any game modes.
WIll i get introble
Riot account got hacked
Suttering HELP !!
Only using 10% of cpu, low FPS
need a account
What Agent Should I Get To Get Kills?
Can't buy VP
what does valorant files keep corrupting?
stretch res
keyboard stops working?
valorant freezeing after agent select
is there a way to paly valorant with virtualization enabled in bios?
Valorant doesn't launch and no error message
Timeout for Error Code 7
Issue with comp
why won’t I revive rank gun buddy
I cannot open valorant
"Sorry we're having you trouble signing you in try again later"
Problem when playing Competetive (Gold 1 + Unranked)
Would you rather a enderflame 2.0 or origin 2.0
Whats the maximum ban time you can get in valorant?
not able to use gift card codes
cant buy valorant points
riot client error
can't connect with google on riot client
getting high ping for the past 3 days
Which agent should I buy
I need help with getting back in Valorant ;-;
My account got hacked
how do i fix this problem
starting bugg
how do I fix black bars on the side of my screen? im playing on a 2560 x 1080 monitor.
my response got deleted instantly when i submit ticket
secure boot enabled
i want to change when i scope my crosshair gets smaller but idk how to do that sombody help
I need help urgently
I keep on getting timeouts
how do i fix this message, it kicks me out after 2 minutes and then it says this:
fix support
I can't update.
all my crosshairs are gone
headshot 'X' not in the right place
valorant wont update
Modle bug
Valorant crashes
i need help
valorant problem
even after the update my crosshairs are being deleted
just a question
Unable to play the game
Im not getting a email from riot games (ie login code for 2fa)
problem with account login
High Ping in my own region
i cant add more friends on valorant
downclock help
I am hardstuck iron what do I do
Sorry, we're having trouble singing in you right now. Please try again later
Can someone help me choose a main?
deleted vanguard and can’t get it back
cant log in to support
need help finding good sense
Idk why I got banned from comp.
What would be a good duelist?
need some help
Absurdly high ping in the Netherlands
the process is already running
Log in
Can't load into comp games
crosshair trouble
what is a dd RND on trackers
i can’t log into support
can someone help me with this
VAL 57
hello plsss
Help me😭
VALORANT i cant sign my account I have all the data
disconnect code van 1064
Issues opening valorant
name riot
voice chat issue
I don't have TPM 2.0 - Can't play Valorant
Grapich issuee
just reached lvl 20 why does it show this
my acc got permently suspended, never played with a cheater and was never toxic
i need to VC with a admin or mod to help me with this problem i can screenshot for help please
Error code val 5
i dont have perm to download the game and i cant even install it please help me find out whats wrong
my rez is rlly blurry and streched
Please help me to fix this
Hello! im a player from APAC. My account got Third Party Banned for some reason.
which knife is better in these
Constant High Ping since September 2023
permament suspension
Crosshair disappearing
getting high ping in sg server
help me fix this
VAN 1067
van 1067
account login help
account stuff help pls 😭
High Ping in Asia Servers ( Sri Lanka )
my pc has TPM 1.2 can it run valorant?
Cant connect to vc in game
getting this error
Valorant Disables Keyboard.
Frame Trouble
VAN 1067 closing game every 3 minutes exactly
G2 Fell off
voice chat not working
Pls my help my crosshair gone I spend very long get all corsshair
game keeps freezing when im loading in or someone queue dodges
Scammer Alert
vc not working
guys i have a 4070 and i9 cpu but i only get around 250 fps, any ideas why?
error code 1067
secure boot error message
my accNo reson banned helpp
Mouse and Keyboard just glitches
Valorant freezing on start up menu
Secure bot / Vanguard error
Temp Bans
cant install
aim problem
Reticle bug
Accont locked
losing all my crosshair
Can't find my ticket anymore?
account theft
Secure Boot Verification Failure Pls help
How can I return a skin?
just my lobbys like that?
i dont know why my fps drops randomly
tips on how to get out of plat??
How to prevent ping spikes📈
banned plz help
ranked question
can you get banned with deceive?
Valorant takes 15 min to load
valorant banned for 1 minute?
starting bugg
guys my riot client keeps closing itself when installing valorant any help plz
high ping
Sorry, an error has occurred
hi anyone knows where I can watch competitive VODS from every region?
Voice chat
why knife hit and run
riot games having connection issues
Every second round or there abouts it is terminated for chester in game and it’s annoying now
Where is my crosshair
How do I get true stretched resolution without the "custom resolution" option showing up?
Crash 9003
Valorant Tracker
can someone tell me good setting so that i can boost my fps? i get really low frames
crosshair bug
is my processor good enough?
When is next night market and how often does it happen?
vanguard error
Valorant Is Opening but getting hanged after 2 min
doesnt launch
section 7
Weird suspension?
I am failing to create a macro for raze, could I please have some help?
I need help setting up a macro for raze
Something Unsual happened while trying to launch valorant
Im trying to join a friends premier team but it says this player is outside your skill range and can
TPM 2.0 & Secure Boot (Win 10)
guys i have a problem in valorant can somone help me : ErrorThe game has lost connection. Please re
False banned
val audio not working but playback does?
FPS Capped at 60
Ban appeal
help me my valorant isnt starting
my team chat isnt working
Fps Drops whenever i open a menu?
Server change Issue
why does it give me a error when I try to log into Val support
secure boot
valorant crashing
update error
service unavailable
My cursor is not showing in game and i restarted it like a few times
HELP ;van9003
bom dia, alguém que consiga me ajudar??
Game crash
I cant buy valorant points
window 11
Secure boot
About Premier
ping issues
ingame sound not coming when talking in discord
secure boot verification failure
premier question
Valorant not opening
how can I fix this issue pls help me
why cant i contact riot support
Vangurd seems to block off me being able to launch Valorant.
valorant tracker safe?
crosshair bug
cant buy vp
the site doesnt work properly and I need to give answers
Long connect problem
bp levels
cant log in
Cant log in to my account
having several issues
ui buggin
i got ban but idk for what
valorant installing issue
van9003 problem
time to load in the match
Valorant gets stuck after the sign-up
i have a 2k monitor using M27Q REV 2
Whenever I clip in Valorant with stretch res, It has black bars on the side.
van: RESTRICTED error
I cant's hear game audio if i turn on Party VC
We couldnt install a required dependancy.
crosshairs keep deleting for no reason
val wont open
Nvidia control panel "display settings" not showing up
does the whole map go dark in the finisher of the imperium bundle skins after the dragon comes in
Crashing when opponent ffs (or starts one)
what i have to do for fix
premier banned??
my crosshairs keep getting deleted
valorant keep crashing in the middle the game
boot error
Val 1067 trouble
VAN and VAL errors dump not even able to complete a escalation
Shop issue
forgetten email
2.0 Tpm and secure boot On a legacy only Disk?
My account got hacked, but I cant make a support ticket due to the problem, that i cant log in
How can i get 53 VP?
VAN 68 on windows 11
valorant wont lauch
tmp 2.0
TFm 2.0 BOOST AND SECURE BOOT? anyone know how to fix?
i cant change my region
secure boot verification failure.
game crashing
cant play valorant need help
hardwere ban
change region
Riot Vanguard blocking inpoutx64.sys
Tracker aint working
i need help
Refund used skin
someone help me
cant play valorant
my vp shop wont open it gets stuck on a black screen help
my in game mic not working
Question on ranked values
I’m banned for 2 weeks
can’t play due to compatibility
is there any chance of not getting a response for a ticket
How to update from TPM 1.2 to 2.0
Does valorant open better on epic games or riot client
so how to fix/prevent my crosshair disappear
error code 29 help!!
Can't play val due to VAN error: enable TPM 2.0
Van9003 While TPM2.0 and Secure Boot not compatible.
Anyone encounter this bug and know how to fix? This is so annoying
cheater with proof
what the solution of Val 43
is this considered team grief?
accident block
I can't enter website of riot support
I got banned from chat for 3 days and the only thing i said was "give spike"
Why do i average such high ping and its very stable too? i normally get 39-40 ping but now i get 112
If i get suspended can i play with another account or the machine is banned
I dont receive the 6 numbers code verification mail
my crosshairs got wiped 2 times already
On all my accounts is ok, I tried vpn, I tried to clean my cash, another device, I was living in Tur
kann keinen calls mehr joinen bitte hilfe?
can't enter support website
Accidental Ban
Lots of ping spikes and lag
Having huge lag spikes (high ms) for no reason and it wasn't happening before
i keep getting high memory for no reason
someone please help my val is just very slow when loading
Xbox Gamepass?
Ping spikes and lag
Queing high level lobbies
Password Recovery
I cant play valorant
Game is not opening
How to improve Aim
do we get one exception in refunds?
My riot acc email got changed i submited the ticket , but no response yet
Out of video memory
Crosshair Bug
Vangaurd issues
is it worth it to go from 800ish edpi to 300ish edpi
Why does FPS drop when I lower resolution?
game wont open
Aim Training
Language help :|
TPM 2.0
valorant not launching?
I cant see who is talking in VoiceChat.
ghunaim poo
Missing XAPOFX1_5 File
how to fix frames skipping and buffering
all crosshairs gone
High ping
Banned for 5mins and no idea why?
how do i get this kill banner?
OP1 8k in aim trainers
Missing RR
eGPU Technical Questions
My account got hacked, but I cant make a support ticket due to the problem, that i cant log in
Friend list problem
Game Optimisation
Competitive Penalty For No Reasons
why i cant join valorrant fr discord
trouble launching val
unable to buy VP
False Ban
Potential Ban?!
What is that bro ?
i need help av done what i can
how to fix VAN9005
cant login to riot support site
tpm 2.0 enabled
Valorant starts to lag after reopen, anybody having the same problem?
critical error
Stuck at startup loading screen
i got time for have bad internet
how do i change the voicelines from the agent but not the text
is this good?
Low RR gain
sens slow
uhh all my crosshair got wiped?
is valorantcc bannable?
When the heck is Clove nerfed?
MSI Afterburner
Opening my val and it closing right after?
How long does Valorant support take to reply?
Are my stats good?
cheater (if someone at riot sees this please ban him)
when is valorant gonna add valiant on phone!?!
It won't let me play the game?
? Question
why does my valorant keep getting stuck in the loading screen
about crosshairs
I have been falsely banned
cant buy vp through paypal
Crosshairs getting deleted
2fa issue
Unplayable loading times?
Voice comms not working
txt file
crosshairs reset
bahain servers suddenly high ping
i cant enable secure boot
stuck in start screen
got my acc hacked
Riot client opening when I dont want it to
i need help my croshair is disapiring after i shoot
amd graphics card stutters
How to buy indian giftcard with USD
aint workin
secure boot
Low fps issue with keybind
yo does anny1 know why when i press my sidebutton i inspect my wepoan even tho its not binded to it?
stuck in tutorial
secure boot is on but no working
d3d11 Error
Fucking Valorant
RM Valorant kept quitting on Van 5, 68,1067
stuck on loading screen forever after launching the game...
Unable to log in
I need help when I launch Valorant and my gear is full screen the game is vertical
game crashing
help with secure boot
VAN 1067 gonna get me banned
cant open the cilent after the game
hello I have a problem.
question about hwid
van 1067
crosshair won't save
Crazy stupid ban for leaving a game because i had to go
i keep getting an error code after val is open
tryed to report this name and this should be caught on
switched monitor now only giving 60 fps
Can i still refund my weapon skin?
collecting data for a project
Secure Mode will only boot up main monitor in 60hz and 2nd monitor is completely blank
help with region change
what is this?
internet issue
ping spikes only on valorant
Auto queing after a game being dodged or Alt-F4'd
same settings same sens same mouse same pc but diffrent acc and diff sens
Raze Rocket Launcher
code error 62
valorant crashing
Bios issue
Constant Valorant Crashes with Vanguard Error VAN 1067
Is there an issue with Valorant servers since 05/07/2024?
what is that mean ?
Been having an issue for a few months
Found Bug
can some one help me ?
Streamer Blocked from valorant
My game won't turn on
i've got ban forever for no reason
fps drop
Voicechat Push to talk
cant purchase vp
cant turn secure boot on
Cant hear voice chat
my val resolution is messed up
Corrupt data
I cant launch Valorant
why did they remove upi
Can I enter premier after my ban runs out?
loading issues
When I sign in my account on riot client it doesn't sign in and keeps on loading
why does my crosshair profiles keep getting reset
game randomly kicks me
I lost my rr fr
How do I use a Vanilla Visa Giftcard on Valorant?
why is valorant showing in low quality but my settings havent changed...
keyboard and mouse glitch
I changed my vibrance with nvidia control panel, is there any way to make it only affect valorant?
UNKNOWN_ERROR ao tentar trocar reigao no site da riot
i cant hear any sound on val
why does my valorant keep getting stuck in the loading screen
Square on valorant screen
LF For duo
2FA not working
crosshairs dissapearing?
i need help getting a crosshair for a jett main and for skye main
val forces itself into 1440 x 1080 everytime i tab into the game
my games droppin frames
Valorant 2FA code not showing
val breaking mouse
difference between throwing and lobbing certain projectiles?
how do I get roles?
why does it keep saying this?
switching from high to low sens
Is this a decent Skin collection for having 150 hours in game?
ticket error
When will you guys add the ability to change servers coz i wanna play with my NA friends but im EU
Replying to a ticket on gmail.
valorant rank
cheating error?
after I have disconnected from all devices I can no longer enter the valor because of the error VAL
valorant encountered a connection error van 92
valorant wont allow me to access the online website
problems with lft voice and the bot
im having issues with lag please try and help
Problematic servers
What is this ?
pls help me with van 9003
support site error
cant submit a ticket for art for VP :(
Is WINEXP banable?
pls answer?
help i just installed the game and receiving this message
Help me get my crosshair back ( im downbad )
Valorant Freeze | PLS ANSWER
Removed vanguard and now it's not downloaded auto
can't go back in game
My account was hacked and stolen. And I can't get in touch with real ppl from riot support team.
bug i guess
VAN 9003
cant play valorant
VAN help
how do i stop looking at the map frequently?
Game freezes then crashs or very unplayable
Game dont started
i found a bug while playing some training and don't know how to report it
How to get valorant points from a freind in other country to me (Indian server) PLS REPLY
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