ranked placement matches

So me and my teammate play console valorant and we are on our 3rd placement game and now it says that we are ineligible to play together due to a rank difference. The issue is we don’t even have our ranks yet can someone please explain?
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
In VALORANT, the system has measures to prevent individuals with drastically different skill levels from being grouped together in ranked placement matches. This could be the cause of the issue you’re encountering. Given that it’s your third placement match, it’s possible that the system has pre-determined initial skill ratings based on your performance in those matches, leading to an assumed rank difference between you and your teammate. To resolve this, both of you should complete your placement matches individually, after which your ranks will be determined. Then, you'll be able to see if the rank difference meets the eligibility criteria for playing together in ranked mode. For further assistance, you can check the official Riot Games support page or submit a ticket here: Riot Games Support.
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twotimez9mo ago
@q.weezK you find a fix?

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