im locked out of my acc
Yesterday i went afk on a match. It was 12-11
And we even won in that match. But it have me a lifelong penalty. I went afk on 1 round and im locked till i die. And i have send a ticket to riot. Hopefully my duration gets lower

17 Replies
There´s nothing we can do further, as you´ve already opened a ticket.
Let´s hope for the best and an unban :OKAY:
And how to enable on sniper when we hold the fire butoon it scopes and when releasing it shoots how to do that

shooting on release is not possible as far as i know
I used it a long time ago and i preffer that now but cant find it
how what?
Wrong server bro
Yoo i got will get unbanned in 30th this montu

Huge propes to dooder
:OKAY: happy to hear that
Hi guys my valorant account got hacked, I have raised 5 tickets now and they keep replying with the same thing that they aren't able to recognize me as the account owner
is there any way a riot employee can help me
😦 I have even sent them screenshots of my in game purchases and filled out all the information correctly. Is there no hope now? 😭
if they tell you 5x that its not enough and you dont have more information, its over
aw man