Cant sign in

I decided to stop playing the game for a couple of months and recently decided to get back into it, but my account log in doesnt seem to work. I have all off my passwords to every game and ult account that i play on saved to my phone and I havent changed it since i've left. I've tried everything like forgot password, username. I even went to valorant support. I just want to play on my man.
51 Replies
VANGUARD Main2w ago
<:util_Warning_Box:1250536427096113193> Please post console code requests and offers in <#1251598357751660565>. This is to avoid cluttering the other chats with spam requests.
Support Agent
Support Agent2w ago
If you're having trouble signing in to VALORANT, here are a few steps you can try: 1. Check your credentials: Make sure you're entering the correct Riot ID and password. 2. Password reset: If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it here. 3. Server status: Ensure that the VALORANT servers are up and running. You can check the status here. 4. Error codes: If you're seeing a specific error code, refer to the list in our knowledge base. Common ones include: - Error 4: "Invalid Riot ID. Change it here" - Errors 5, 44, 45: "Vanguard issue. Restart VALORANT and the Riot Client." 5. Network issues: Ensure your internet connection is stable. Try resetting your router and running network commands like netsh int ip reset, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew, ipconfig /flushdns, and netsh winsock reset in Command Prompt with admin rights. If the issue persists, submitting a support ticket via Riot Games Support for personalized help might be necessary.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
ORAY2w ago
that doesnt help tho, ive tried that it doesnt send me an email
aa32w ago
ur account was hacked contact riot if u have og email
ORAY2w ago
I contacted them last time and they didnt do anything about it they told me to send them another but never got back with me
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
thats not even the problem. i got the same issue and i tried logging into new accounts as a test or other accounts i have and it still doesnt work
D-Bal2w ago
I cant log into my account either. riot support doesn't at all
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
@D-Bal @ORAY @aa3 I FIGURED IT OUT! it was IVP6 turn it off from your dns servers
D-Bal2w ago
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
in settings in internet
D-Bal2w ago
i stg if this works
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
some reason riot doesnt work with it on anymore whatever they did, they disable function to it
D-Bal2w ago
what section in internet'
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
advance nvm, in internet section and then wifi and edit the dns assignment
D-Bal2w ago
mines already off or do turn ivp4 on
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
iv4 on
D-Bal2w ago
ok i dont think its working for me I still dont recovery emails either
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
rip, it worked for me tho so what is the error text you get? can u send pic?
D-Bal2w ago
I dont get an error
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
not error, just text from signing in
D-Bal2w ago
just says username or password may be incorrect
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
thats just your login, you typed it wrong
D-Bal2w ago
or my login credentials dont match
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
you either forgot the username or password/forgot it or got hacked
D-Bal2w ago
i think i got hacked
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
that aint a client issue
D-Bal2w ago
ik my username
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
D-Bal2w ago
I have only 4 possible passwords and tried them all
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
just resset the password
D-Bal2w ago
I cant. Not getting recovery emails
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
ur screwed
D-Bal2w ago
yeah been trying this for a couple months lo;
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
rip, time for a new acc
D-Bal2w ago
nah. im not supporting a game that cant help me get my account back
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
yea at that point, i would just give up
D-Bal2w ago
spent too much money lol i am slowly
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
the email part isnt even their fault, mostly you not having proof that you own it
D-Bal2w ago
I have all the emails lol proof that ive bought vp proof of login codes
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
are you sure you didnt just swap the account's email?
D-Bal2w ago
im sure
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
did you check it on the website? like from ur settings
D-Bal2w ago
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
like going to riot's website, and loginning in and then checking security stuff
D-Bal2w ago
oh yeah but i cant log into the account
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
do u got any number on that acc maybe u can send it off from there
D-Bal2w ago
no unfortunately my friend also said he doesnt see me on his friends list anymore so im not sure what that could me mean i also have a picture of my locker from 2022 so idk how thats not proof
ORAY2w ago
^^^^^ They told me that my email is getting dropped and to give them a new email. That’s the thing I can sing in to my ult accounts just not my main
! マイク
! マイク2w ago
That means you just forgot your main's pass Why is everyone in this post just blaming riot from their bad memory?
ORAY2w ago
it was saved to my pc tho? i just dont get the emails ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6
hunter2w ago
did you see if u got banned any try to get to see if u did because this happend to me and i got shaddow banned my a hacker