
I was downloading valorant and then my wifi was bad so I clicked paused button. Then I lost all my data and I have to re-downloading from 6%
13 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent4w ago
It sounds like your download progress reset when you paused due to a bad Wi-Fi connection. This can sometimes happen if the download client fails to properly save the progress when interrupted. Unfortunately, the lost progress can't typically be recovered directly through the download client. To avoid this issue in the future: 1. Stable Connection: Ensure you're on a stable internet connection while downloading large files. 2. Download Manager: Consider using a download manager if possible. Some third-party tools can help manage downloads more effectively and resume them without losing progress. For now, you’ll need to re-download from where it left off. If the issue persists frequently, you might want to check your network settings or contact your ISP for a more stable connection.
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PhongNguyen<34w ago
Is there any way to download valorant faster if possible?
Arc4w ago
faster internet
PhongNguyen<34w ago
I took 3 hours to download 40% 😭🙏
Yusuf4w ago
Arc4w ago
whats ur internet speed 10kb/s
Yusuf4w ago
probably 11
PhongNguyen<34w ago
3 mpbs 😭🤑
Yusuf4w ago
a little bit nice
PhongNguyen<34w ago
re download 💀
Yusuf4w ago
bro may god give you patience
Arc4w ago
i get the same idk how mine was so fast how big is it?
PhongNguyen<34w ago
45 gb ig fr