
account got permanent suspension for using third party software but i didnt use any software

i just got on valorant and started the riot client but now riot says that i have a permeant suspension for using a third party software. i don't use any third party software for valorant so im not sure what caused the ban. i am not sure what to do now. is there anyway i can get an appeal? :((
2 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
If you believe your account was wrongfully banned for using third-party software, you'll need to appeal the suspension directly to Riot Games. Follow these steps: 1. Visit the Riot Games Support site here: Riot Games Support. 2. Log in with your suspended Riot account. 3. Click on "Submit a Ticket." 4. Choose "Account Management, Data Requests, or Deletion" as the request type. 5. Fill out the form with as much information as possible about your account and the ban. Provide any evidence or information you have that could help them understand your situation better. Keep in mind that Riot's decisions are typically thorough, and not all appeals are successful, but it's worth submitting an appeal if you believe the ban is in error.
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neoxd4mo ago
any updates?

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