
refund of skin

is there anyway i could get a refund of a skin ive purchased in under 14 days but not upgraded it, however used in game? :( im really regretting my decision
1 Reply
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
You can request a refund for a skin purchase within 14 days as long as it has not been upgraded, even if you've used it in-game. VALORANT does allow refunds on un-upgraded in-game purchases under this timeframe. You will need to submit a ticket to Riot Games Support to initiate the refund process. Here's how to do it: 1. Go to the Riot Games Support page: Riot Games Support 2. Log in with your Riot account. 3. Submit a ticket under the "Purchases & in-game content" category. 4. Provide details about the skin you're requesting a refund for and mention that it has not been upgraded. They should handle the rest from there. Good luck with your request!
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