New to Valorant and looking for some advice

I've played shooter games and can aim decently but I have no idea who to main nor how to use abilities etc well. I enjoy taking duels and want to do a playstyle where I kinda get a 2nd chance lol. I know low elo with a team player isn't gonna work so yeah
11 Replies
Guava8mo ago
Try out Phoenix
Wabbit8mo ago
Aimlabs is free Start with the basic agents in some spike rush games
Puma_PandaOP8mo ago
I've been playing him and Reyna My aim isn't the issue. My game knowledge is
cheeky8mo ago
if youre just tryna take duels the DUEList agents are always a pretty safe bet
Guava8mo ago
Jett ult is just aim and the dash kinda gives a second chance to escape
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi8mo ago
since youre still new you have time to experiment with everyone just hop in the range and try out all the agents you can also go into the spike plant and defuse scenarios for different situations your gamesense and ability usage will get better the more you play so dont worry about that right now just find someone youre comfortable with and get to know the game try someone like jett, phoenix, reyna, or even clove out
Puma_PandaOP8mo ago
I like Reyna And I've used range to experience people. And I Warmup with hard vs bots
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi8mo ago
if you like reyna then just stick with her you can try and branch out to different people but in low rank, sticking with one agent is fine
Puma_PandaOP8mo ago
Can someone vod review me?
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi8mo ago
you dont need someone to review you yet youre still new and there will be too much for someone to explain to you through one vod just keep playing and get comfortable with the game and youre agent, then you can try vod reviewing
Puma_PandaOP8mo ago
Ok. Thank you

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