•Created by cheeky on 2/6/2025 in #crosshairs
Does anyone have the code for jawgemo's crosshair

1 replies
•Created by cheeky on 10/19/2024 in #community-help
how do you guys make ranked feel less like a chore
honestly playing ranked is such a pain, there is always a smurf, or a troll, or russians that dont communicate, or whatever to the point where its just like not even fun anymore
how do you guys get over it and try to make it actually enjoyable and not just something you do for RR
9 replies
•Created by cheeky on 10/14/2024 in #community-help
how do you guys improve in game mechanics
so im curious about how you guys go about improving in game mechanics, my mechanics are good in the range and i practice them a lot, but as soon as i hit a comp game my mind just forgets everything i trained
i was curious how you guys practice making your mechanics translate to in game performance
thanks :3
3 replies
•Created by cheeky on 9/6/2024 in #community-help
opinions on outplayed
since i know overwolf sucks im just curious on everyone's opinions on outplayed
does it impact performance in any way? is it a good program? etc etc
39 replies
•Created by cheeky on 9/5/2024 in #community-help
why do people use 1280x960 over 1440x1080
pretty simple question just something im curious about wouldnt you want to be the highest res possible
5 replies
•Created by cheeky on 8/20/2024 in #community-help
how do pros get true stretched
ive noticed that when watching vct sometimes when theyre showing the replay from the pros' screens that shit will be in true stretched and i dont understand it because i thought theres no way to get true stretched in this game without using third party programs and i also thought that winexp is banned so whats the deal
41 replies
•Created by cheeky on 8/8/2024 in #community-help
best agents for a cs awper
As an awper in cs who is having a lot of fun in valorant and wants to start taking the game more seriously im curious about which agents i should pick for the operator
Im familiar with the classics of jett and chamber but is there any more agents that i can play and actually have someone drop me an awp or not judge me for using it
Thanks a lot :3
91 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/25/2024 in #community-help
does stretched res ACTUALLY do anything
lets settle it once and for all does stretched res actually help with anything im debating using it or not im just not sure if its worth it yknow
3 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/13/2024 in #community-help
not sure how to start with map knowledge
as a new player i dont have almost any map knowledge which isn't great when you're a controller player but my problem is
i dont know how to gain that map knowledge or where to get started
obviously i don't know what map im gonna get next but i cant just sit down and learn every map cause i cant absorb that much information at once
any help on the matter is appreciated because im really really lost right now
1 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/8/2024 in #community-help
how do i know if my sensitivity is too low
this might be a really stupid question but its just that
sometimes ill whiff my shots and im not sure if its my sensitivity thats fucking me up or just my general lack of mechanics
rn my sens is 1600 dpi 0.1 in game sens and yes im using rawaccel
17 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/7/2024 in #community-help
how do pros not run out of mousepad space playing on low sens
alright genuine quesiton here as someone that's new to the game and doesnt understand how stuff works
i watch a lot more of the game than i play it and i was watching vct last night and i have a question
i dont understand how pros can play at such a low sens and play on small mousepads like how do they not run out of space
i know they use raw accel but still
7 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/5/2024 in #community-help
best and worst omen maps
what are the best and worst maps for omen? are there any hes completely unusable on? any he's best on?
1 replies
•Created by cheeky on 7/3/2024 in #community-help
what is the current comp map pool
asking cause i cant find any one consistent answer on google lmao
2 replies
•Created by cheeky on 6/30/2024 in #community-help
beginner question about agent guns
so as someone whos completely new to the game ive heard that awp is a "jett gun" now this makes me quesiton what makes it a jett gun and do other agents have their guns like are there omen guns or like
3 replies