

Currently i am banned on valorant but can someone check my HDWI and tell me when i get unbanned because i think i get unbanned the 30th idk really if an admin or hr can tell me please
7 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent4w ago
Unfortunately, I'm unable to check specific account details or ban information. However, hardware bans typically last around 4 months. To get precise information about your ban duration or for any clarifications, please submit a ticket to Riot Games Support here: Riot Games Support. They can provide you with exact dates and further details regarding your ban.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
yen4w ago
i cant i got no email
Saucywan4w ago
First you have to have an email considering that you made a riot account Next you do not need an email to submit a question https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us\ ^ Please use this to contact riot. This is also not a latency issue
yen4w ago
so if i put my email my main acc doesnt get banned? i spent money on it @Saucywan
Saucywan4w ago
I’m confused with the question is A hardware ID ban last four months To get a specific date, you should contact riot using the URL I provided above
yen4w ago
if iuse an account for do the ticket ( not banned account) and they see that i were banned do the acc get banned brother i mare a ticket and they told me to just wait 120 days
Saucywan4w ago