30 Replies
Error code 7 typically indicates a possible account suspension or a network issue. Here are the steps you can take to resolve it:
1. Check your email: Look for any suspension notifications from Riot Games.
2. Visit the Support Site: Check for any related messages about your account.
3. Network Fixes: Try these commands in an admin Command Prompt:
netsh int ip reset
- ipconfig /release
- ipconfig /renew
- ipconfig /flushdns
- netsh winsock reset
4. Restart: Restart both VALORANT and the Riot Client after performing these steps.
If the issue persists, you might want to create a ticket on the Riot Support website for further assistance.
I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution
. Thank you!
in the beta
Many of us have the same problem
I have the same problem
In PS5 valorant
same here
yo same
its f-ing annoying
it is
my freinds are playing, i cant
yeah same
ja es ist mies ab fuck
es ist so schlecht man
ist so
und es wird nicht kommuniziert
die sagen: starte router und link den richtigen account
dein ernst?
ich schwör so dumm
wenn die wenigstens sagen würden, hey das problem ist uns bekannt usw usw, irgendwas
das ding ist ich komm ja manchmal rein nur dann kackt es es in der mitte der runde wieder ab und ich krieg afk verwarnung
bro ich muss mein acc JEDES MAL neu linken
es ist so nervig man
jo du armer
du nicht?
ne werd nur rausgeschmissen
ja ich auch, und beim retry muss ich wieder alles von vorne
und dann kann ich 30 min nd spielen und dann wieder 5 min spielen und dann wieder nicht
ja du kommst wenigstens rein
ich war noch nie im hauptmenü
ich bin stuck im starting screen mit acc links
danach kommt der fehlercode
oha ja du armer
Anyone know how to fix this error?
Here @eddieluvsmoms
Been trying to play the beta
Will see if it works
My problem with ps5
It's a problem with your playstation account being linked inproperly
Now here's the catch
You can't change it
I wanted to play on my already existing pc account
And the Riot site tells me my PSN account is already linked to another Riot account
Like eh?
This is the only account I have
And I've never linked the PSN account with riot before
So even though I got the code
I'll never get to play the game on my pc account
Which is the one with all my skins and characters so there's no way I'll make a new account and play on that
I'll stick on my less graphical pc nah thank you
So I can't play?
With my main account?
I have the same error and it doesn't solve