Not able to play/connect on mumbai server (automatically switching to Hong Kong)
Basically for the past two days, I have tried to play Valorant with my friends and when I am in the lobby and and the page where we chose our gamemode I tried to check my ping on the Mumbai server but it was showing three question marks lik this ??? at the place where the ping should show. Every other server was showing ping normally but only Mumbai had the question marks instead of the ping. I live in the EU I used to live in India and hence I play on the Mumbai server and I don't want to switch the server location of this account to the EU as I want to continue playing with my friends in India. Since I got the question marks instead of the pings whenever I tried to connect to a match the server auto changes to Hong Kong even though I chose Mumbai and I get unplayable high ping. Even my party mates server changes because of my issue.

40 Replies
Mee too having same problem
I am also in EU
One second!
@Kenji-San 👍
same problem here. it was like that since 4 days ago
Me too i have same problem like him
Before I used to get 150ms in Mumbai server now when i go inside game it shows 250 ms
This happened with me 1 day before update
I don't think he will help us as we are from outside asia he thinks we don't deserve to get help because of it
yeah same 150 ping on mumbai was fine but now we dont have any option to play on that server
but then they shouldnt let us play on hong kong or anyother asian server as well right
please help us look into the issue as it hasnt fixed yet
yeah its because u get switched to hong kong server
update guys i raised a ticket and got a reply apparently this is happening to a lot of people who are trying to connect to the mumbai servers and they are trying to fix it but theres not given time when itll be fixed for sure so we just have to wait
He never said that
They are Riot employees and are probably busy
give them time, they'll look into it
Guys you might need to try VPN services if you want to play cross region, Valorant is optimized for regional play, which means EU/MENA players play together, APAC/India play together etc.
I used to play in Mumbai servers at 120ms without any issue from the UK. :/
What about Bahrain?
Vpn doesn't work either
okay but we're talking about how we could play prior to the latest patch, even though it was 120-150 ping, however now we only see '???'
Bro I hope if I got your 150 ping I play with over 200
mumbai servers are having issues right now as far as i know.
hopefully will be resolved soon.

nah man I used to, now it's '???'
when i go ingame it shows 250
yeah idk hopefully they give us an ETA
ok so heres whats happening, for example Pakistan & Nepal ISPs do not have a way for them to reach the servers in Mumbai. That is why you guys see the "???" in Mumbai. Now this is only affecting India and APAC. We are contacting individual ISPs for this countries that seems to have this problem and will get it amended if they are willing to cooperate with us, which I am confident they will
@! Bxino Unfortunately we cannot fix your ping if you play across regions my friend.
then can u change my account region?
^ You can try contacting our support as I only deal with Network related issues, I am sure they can help you out moving regions
Before the latest update I had no problem with ping
@! Bxino There are a lot of changes, optimizations happening in the network around the world and also inside Riot, I am sorry to hear that your ping jumped from Sweden to Mumbai, but there is nothing physically we can do about it.
another thing that i have found now that i was not connecting to mumbai server insted hongkong server
and in hongkong i was getting 250 ms
so basically there wont be any solution to this . people living in the eu and the uk etc cant play on mumbai servers anymore?
thats what i said earlier in the post
i have found how u can
this is awful update
@! Bxino
use gearup booster
Also you can use my affiliation link this may help me
shure send it to me ill use it
its only a 1 day trial
Still works
lets hope they fix this asap cus its a major prob
I purchased windscribe vpn and now its showing 180 ms ping. Quiet playable also
Otherwise we have to change region
@Kenji-San plz try to do something that we can connect to mumbai server
Like they said they can't really do anything
I'd recommend you stop pinging
It's an easy way just to get blocked
so you re basically suggesting that there is no solution
what kind of game is this
where u cant ask for help
then why did we paid?
Valorant is free.
The solution I'm guessing has to do with your specific Internet provider and not riot
Even though Riot is a big company it can't just magically fix problems especially when it has nothing to do with riots end.
I am not a network engineer at riot so this information may not be one hundred percent accurate
i have skins what m i going to do?
then its riots duty to contact specific isps around the world and fix it right
the issue got sort of a temp fix now like the server is working and i am able to see the ping instead of ??? but now its 430ms it used to be 150ms any comments @Kenji-San ?