getting Connection Error
In middle of rounds my game crashes saying "connection error" and because of this its effecting my ranked games and I'm getting AFK bans. this issue is going on for a while and I've checked my internet settings also everything working fine. when i launch valorant it sometimes get stuck loading and it keeps buffering. I have tried every way to resolve this issue. Please guide me and help me fix this issue. Thank you!

31 Replies
In middle of rounds my game crashes saying "connection error" and because of this its effecting my ranked games and I'm getting AFK bans. this issue is going on for a while and I've checked my internet settings also everything working fine. when i launch valorant it sometimes get stuck loading and it keeps buffering. I have tried every way to resolve this issue. Please guide me and help me fix this issue. Thank you!
its Network issue i faced it
you can do is reboot wifi
then if it doesnt fix
go to settings
then search network reset
do network reset then
open game
should fix it
☝️ yes, that
you can also try this :
open command prompt as administrator and type these commands in order one after another.
reboot the router wait for it to get connected to internet then reboot the pc
did this still getting VAN error
@911 Tech Support @Sapphire Phoenix
Same bro, tried everything to fix it. Nothing works.
did you reboot the router?

like do you mean restart?
any help?
been facing this issue since few days i just build up my new pc
and this happening
Hello I have an issue to discuss
While I was queueing in my comp game
2nd round started the game kicked me out to restart and launch it
When I relaunched Valorant it didn't even reconnect me back to the match but immediately removed my rr

and the game was still ongoing btw
@Sapphire Phoenix @911 Tech Support
Im terribly sorry for the late reply
i wasnt at home
i do mean restarting the router
i did
nothings helping rn
is this thing never gonna get resolved?
are all ur network drivers up to date?
u just built ur new pc?
is the Wifi antenna outside the case?
its there @Sapphire Phoenix why?

I’m getting this error too @Cisky
Don’t worry though there’s always a solution
Also try re starting / re downloading riot client
I’ve only just had the error trying to find a solution 👍
bro i reinstalled val 3 times
@Cross accept req
What about riot client?
your prob got resolved?
Haven’t run a game yet
Try that
Worth a try
which sever u play?
umm yes actually, the metal of the case can block the radio waves
but @Sapphire Phoenix i use ethernet
i don’t use WIFI