Hi, I'm on valorant. I have a 4060 with a 14400f and I get unplayable stutters on valorant. I reinstalled my drivers (not using autoddu) and it didn't work. Can someone help
24 Replies
Can someone hlep bro
Has the game open in the background and show me your performance stats
You can do this by going into valorant settings and turning on all the performance indicators as graphs
Let me open valorant rq
Should I go into a swiftplay
Cuz rn im kinda lost
I put all the performance stats
as graph only
Go to the practice range
And send a video or photo or you walking around with the graphs
its odd
im not getting the issues in p range
should i play for a bit more
or hop into a swift
@Saucywan currently i dont have the issue, it might be overheating. but can u please stay in this thread in case if it happens again?
ill document the results
i tried to get the stats open but each time my game just kept freezing
and i disconnected
Does only the game freeze or does your whole system?
but my system becomes rlly slow
Please open task manager
Click on performance
Then cpu
Then send me a photo of the stats
My window shift s isnt working
I had to close val is that ok
You also may need to download hwinfo
i have that
For some reason i cant ss
task manager

@Saucywan any issues?
Also @Saucywan I forgot to mention but the issues only happened after patch 8,11
Sorry some posts are automatically being closed
And I can't stop it so I don't receive notifications
I'm trying to get it fixed
Alr when ur ready @ me or smth
Thank U
Yeah that's supposed to literally just closed.
I can tell because the notification suddenly disappears from my notifications list
So yeah I can't really help anyone until this is fixed
Because I'll have to constantly have one post open and constantly monitor it