Error vanguard VAN9005
hey guys i have this issues and i can't find how to fix it do you know why ?
This build of vanguard is out of compliance with current system settings.
See the vanguard notification center in the tray for more details
(i can't find the notification center btw)
20 Replies
Hii! Do you know how to access your bios system?
If you haven't already, tried re-installing your game, if that doesn't work you'll need to go through bios depending on what windows your running
Yes I can access the bios if needed
Windows 10
So what's happeneing is Valorant's security thing is clasing w sm in ur motherboard im p sure
So you can either unable TPM and UEFI on ur motherboard so vanguard can bypass them
oh ok
i have this mother board asrock h310cm (idk if there is a issue about this one)
Can I see what the error message says specfically?

Okay cool
Open your cmd prompt
Make sure you run it AS administrator
make sure it says this or whatever, if it says user then your not running it as admin

Im in
Ok coolzies
youre gonna type in "bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off"
lmk what it says after that
ok so that should be it if it says operation complete
that they it work
try restarting and launch ur computer up again if it doesnt wor i think i have another option?
ok i give it a try
i think it work thks
yeah ofc happy to help
Should've seen if the cpu supported tpm 2.0 first but whatever