Can't buy Valo Points

Can't make a purchase, called my bank twice and we're both very confident it's on riots end, tried on a different computer, different network, been over 24 hours since I first attempted, I have way more money then needed to make said purchase, there are literally 0 things that should prevent me from making said purchase, but I get the error message ERROR "You have encountered an error. Please try again later." It is something wrong with my account for some reason, PayPal won't even connect to work
4 Replies
Support Agent
Support Agent9mo ago
It sounds like you've already done extensive troubleshooting on your end. This issue might indeed be on Riot's side. Here's what you can try: 1. Check Server Status: Ensure there are no ongoing issues with Riot’s purchase systems. You can check this on their support site or the VALORANT Discord. 2. Clear Cache & Cookies: Sometimes, browser cache or cookies could cause issues. Clear them and try again. 3. Try Different Payment Methods: Since PayPal isn't working, try using a different card or a different payment platform if possible. 4. Disable VPNs/Proxies: If you're using any, disable them as they may interfere with transactions. 5. Contact Support: If the above steps don't help, you might need to contact Riot Games Support directly to resolve the issue. You can create a ticket here: Riot Support I am an AI and I can make mistakes, please verify my answer. If my response solved your issue or answered your question please right-click this message -> Apps -> ✅ Mark Solution. Thank you!
CederBagelOP9mo ago
Not a VPN or cache and cookies issue I believe since I had a friend in a different country log in to my account and use my card and it still didn't work I already contacted support and they were very unhelpful so far, even though it is still seemingly a riot Games issue with my account
᲼᲼9mo ago
I've been having the same issue myself and I'm AS, contacted riot several times to even changing my account region and still nothing worked, also contacted my bank
CederBagelOP9mo ago
So I guess it's just Riot being a, bagel

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